View Full Version : New Here my story

09-05-2012, 09:38 AM
Hi I'm new here and I have been battling anxiety for months now. My anxiety first began when I was 17 years old, I'm 22 now. I stopped using drugs and lets just say that my withdrawal symptoms weren't pretty. I used cocaine, ecstasy, drank heavily and smoked a lot of weed. I haven't used heavy drugs in over 4 years, but I feel the effects I did to my body and brain at a young age is why I have anxiety and now battling depression. What I did to beat my anxiety at 17 was acupuncture. It helped me so much and I didn't have anxiety for 3 years. My anxiety started again 6 months ago, it's bad. Because its back, I've been feeling down. I haven't drank in over a month because I feel it triggers it more. And for the record: I don't drink alcohol like most people my age, because of my past. It's just that before, like when I was 20,21, I could have 1 or 2 drinks and enjoy it like anyone responsible. Also, coffee triggers it. I have been drinking coffee for years and it didn't affect me at all. Since my anxiety started this time around, coffee is not in the picture. I'll have half of a coffee and get anxious. It sux, because I love the taste! Anyway, I'm basically sensitive to a lot. The other day I watched Hunger games with my bf at his place and I got a little anxious..drank a tea and calmed down. Oh and a scary movie is worse. My anxiety has been steady for about 3 weeks. I'm a full time student, senior, so it may be I have a lot of stress. However, it still sux. I feel like I'm such a positive person that I try so hard. Sometimes though, I feel sad..my anxiety is making me depressed but I'm battling this. I don't want to be down or feel sorry for myself. I don't take meds. I have had 3 hospital visits in a 6 month span, so I only take them when needed. Anyway, I just wanted to share my story.