View Full Version : Husband has anxiety & won't get help

09-05-2012, 06:20 AM
I'm sorry - I'm going to delete this for personal reasons. Thank you.

09-05-2012, 07:39 AM
Yup, sure can..
1. Sit him down in a chair in front of this very screen and allow him to read, see, view the words that you just typed.
2. Hello there friend, your wife loves you dearly and hates to see you struggle in the many ways that you do and it is also a reflection of stresses and fears upon her as well.
3. You're not alone, not the only person or male on this planet with anxiety, mental difficulty, and seeking some sort of help or explanations for these issues does NOT make you a weaker man..it makes you a stronger man, father, husband.
4. If you want to see some reassurances that you're not a trainwreck, then just have your wife pull up my profile page and read what disorders, conditions, and diseases that I myself must deal with, cope, and handle...
5. Even with ALL those issues of my own, I am a very strong and stable man because I understand them and I do not allow them to control me..I use and control them to my advantages and abilities.

That's how we get things going, that is the 1st step in this process..


09-05-2012, 07:45 AM
I think a lot of people, me included, felt a sense of shame, admitting that I needed help with a mental issue...but honestly, anxiety is something that can be helped.... He should really speak to his doc, or even check out a forum like this....we all understand what he is going through here and won't judge. It took me a very, very long time to admit that I needed help, that the problem was bigger than me. The bad thing is, i had waited so long, that my anxiety had progressed to a point where I almost could not leave my house. Now, thanks to therapy teaching me coping techniques, along with a small amt of medication I am doing somewhat better. I am no where close to being back to my pre-anxiety days, but at least, I can enjoy life a lot more then I could at this time last year.
Hang in there with him. He really needs your support, and sometimes to let him know when he's getting a little too anxious about things. He needs to know that he can talk to you and you not judge him or say he's acting crazy, etc. I still have my bad days (like today) but I feel so thankful I have a strong support system....along with all the people here on this forum.
Keep us posted and good luck.