View Full Version : My story, please help.

09-04-2012, 10:00 PM
Know that everyone has a story, so here's mine.

Five years ago, I went to the ER because if abdominal pain. They gave me an IV and returned a few moments later with two needles of medicine. One for nausea and the other was Benadryl. The nurse started to out the nausea medicine in and then was done. Shortly after that, she started to out the Benadryl in my IV and thats when it hit me. My heart was raving, I got freezing cold but I was sweaty and the doctor rushed back in because the monitors started to go off. It was horrible. They said I had a slight reaction to the medication, and after that - I've rarely been to a doctor since.

Now I'm not sure if this is what started it all for me. But I do know that it stands out in my mind. It was the honest to god truth first time I thought I was staring at death.

Five years later, things have progressively gotten worse. I am married to my best friend and wonderful husband, no kids and a good life, my husband is in the military and he has been a huge support system. My panic attacks have progressed so much to the point where I hardly want to leave the house to go anywhere that is a long driving distance because I am scared that I won't get home in time to calm down if a panic attack comes on.
Traffic is a big deal for me. Not local traffic, but on the highway.


Two weeks ago, my husband and I left our house to go visit my family four hours away. Of course, to get there, we have to get on a major highway. Before that, we have to go on a bridge, through a tunnel, and over another bridge and onto the highway itself. I freaked out going over the bridge and through the tunnel.....then, about six miles later there was traffic. Bumper to bumper. Being that my husband is in the navy' we live at the beach near water so there are people coming and going being tourists all the time. It's just something that we have to live by as long as the navy is in our lives. It got so bad I had to pull onto the shoulder and drive to the next exit, only to have a state trooper pull me over because the next exit was a mile or so away. She let us go, but I was in full panic mode thinking I was going to die and not be able to escape and get back home in time.

Recommendations on what to do in this sort of event. We turned around to go back home and sat at the last exit before the bridge and tunnel and watched the tunnel and bridge for nine hours waiting for the traffic to die down because had I got stuck in traffic in the tunnel it would have been over for me. That's how bad it is for me, please help.

09-04-2012, 10:01 PM
Sorry for all the typos. My iPad isn't fast finger friendly...lol

09-05-2012, 07:11 AM
I feel the same way about highway driving.....local driving I'm ok, but I can't handle the highway very well at all.
I would tell you to try to keep going. If you are driving, then just get into the slow lane and go as slow as you need to. I try to find some soothing music on the radio, or even talk radio, anything to safely distract you from your panic. I even bought a few books on DVD, and found those really interesting. Monitor your breathing....take deep breaths....
Trust me, I understand fully!!!!!

09-05-2012, 03:21 PM
Hey there trendi! I'm fine if cars are moving. But get me where the traffic is stopped..... That's it! LOL