View Full Version : Advice needed please read

09-04-2012, 09:51 PM
Okay so this is going to be a bit long buuuut....

So about two years ago I went on a really bad trip from magical mushrooms, stupid I know, anyways during this trip I got EXTREME anxiety it was like a super panic attack times a million, so trying to make it stop I went to sleep, which was a big mistake, according to some of my friends who had more experience with shrooms your never suppose to go to sleep during a bad trip, well when I woke up it was the same for like 3 months it was like a constant panic attack I lost about 30 pounds I went from being a healthy 125 130 to 100 pounds I couldnt eat could hardly sleep it was traumatizing it took time but I got better I didn't think I was going to, I thought I was going to kill myself from all the stress, but I slowly got a little better, but still to this day I get anxiety to the point where I dont think I can take it, sometimes I feel I'm going crazy, n also I know I'm suffering from depression, even from this experience I can't do things I use to like social drinking, I know most of you will disagree but I was an avid smoker of marijuana, now if uneven take a small sip of wine I feel like I'm going to go into a panic attack, I want to be able to enjoy the things I use to going out with my friends having a few beers, without being thrown into a panic, does anyone have any advice for me? Any medications that could help? I've been researching cymbalta, does anyone have any experience with that? Please help I really want to get out of this rut. I had been taking magnesium vitamins which I heard could help but it only works so little, also does anyone think maybe a mixture of anti/depression/anxiety meds plus therapy could help? I just feel like I'm never going to get better or be able to enjoy my life again, I always am in a worried state of mind that I could have a panic attack I just want to be better already!

Jo Smith
09-05-2012, 03:16 AM
Wow its almost like the bad mushroom switched your thought processess somehow. Have you spoken to any docs about this? I really hope you can power threw this bad time. Btw i am the same with alcohol. I was fine through university, now as soon as i have a little I feel my heart racing then panic. Strange isnt it!?! Now i stick to soft drink and will always offer to drive in order to avoid telling my friends why im drinking lemonade all night!! I have had no drugs or therapy as of yet, but alot of people seem to recommend it, im still trying to force myself to the docs. Maybe read loads of posts on here and pics up some tips on how to relax and hopfully you might find something that works for you.

09-05-2012, 03:58 AM
Guera3, it is very likely that the mushrooms triggered a number of responses in your brain that led to a set of symptoms which in turn led you to develop a disorder. I strongly advise you to go see a shrink or a neurologist and be honest about it all. Most people here know exactly how it feels to believe that you're going to stay in that dark place forever. But really, a good shrink will get you out of it in less than a month. Don't self medicate, in a case like yours it's particularly dangerous. Really, get some help and you'll feel better soon. ;-)

Btw, it's not at all uncommon for psychotropic drugs to trigger psychiatric disorders. You're not alone and you'll be 100% cured.

09-07-2012, 12:31 AM
Thank you both so much, you both have no idea how much this helps, I'm going to try n see a therapist n conquer this.

09-07-2012, 01:00 AM
A typical, text-book case of A/D development.

Trauma > brain re-wired > A/D

Where your trauma was the bad trip.
Hardly surprising, since you exposed your brain to some pretty nasty shit there. Brain took it as danger... and this is the result.

The process of developing A/D is so simple and easy to understand but curing it takes a little longer.

I liken A/D developing as taking a bunch of wires & twisting them together to form a messy tangle.
This process takes seconds to perform.

Untangling takes some time, but with dedication it can be done.