View Full Version : I know we're all abit odd, but this new story is simply just f**ked up. E-Man.:/

09-04-2012, 08:26 PM
Hey all,

I do believe that it is therapuetic to be able to sit down here and just punchout some words sometimes to help relieve abit of internal stresses and tension. I appreciate all of you that take the time to offer me up some opinions and support too as I do my very best to assist any of you, in any way possible. I've gotta get this jumbled f**kin mess of thoughts outta my head, and now because I am not going to try to figure this one out as it already has been. It just took 6 wasted f**kin years to learn it for myself. I always thought there was something that wasnt quite right, but I chose not to allow it to affect me or the relationship that we once had either. I tried to just accept her, the way she was for the most part but many times I would get so infuriated I would voice my opinions about her after "reading" her behaviors, actions, words, moods..I would put it all together, and say "this is yer f**kin problem that will not stop happening because you allow it to keep happening, over, and over, and over again". The same as how she speaks and had conversations with me as she would repeat the same sentence or words over, and over, and over again. Hell I would count the times, and tell her 19, 20,21,22,23..and so wtf is yer point and what are you looking for or seeking to find?..Literally just like a dog that chases his own f**kin tail but not just once or twice because he realizes he can't ever catch it,..but every f**kin single day, around and around. Dizzy beyond belief.

Ok, here's my point. It took me 6 years of being with a woman that went to school till she was nearly 30 yrs old, has degrees of all sorts, certificates, credentials, plaques, awards, a politician, holds the highest seat in this county, for over 20 years, highly educated, extremely knowledgeable, highly intellectual, high performer, to finally realize today..that she is semi-retarded. Yes, I'm being serious. This semi-retardation of hers has literally ripped my insides apart by her inability to perceive things "in the real world". I would always say, "This isn't unicorn, fairy, butterfly land with pots of gold at the end of rainbows"..On this day, I pay for her flawed genetics, and the fact she was deprived of oxygen at birth and the Dr. that delivered her told her parents that she was going to be retarded. Well, he was right..she is and she's 50 years old too.

Basically, she had no idea that the actions, goals she was trying to obtain, dreams she had, aspirations of things she wanted..would literally stomp on me and my heart as hard as it did. I told her everything that she was doing, and what she had said and done in this past month..made no sense whatsoever and here's why. Her reply, "I had no idea that this would happen and cause you to feel the way you now do, but now I can see why you feel this way..I never looked at it like that and it seems pretty harsh too."...Ya think..

We live, we learn, she is now gone for good. There is no turning back, because it is how she is, and it is how she will always be..You can not alter genetics, it is how she is wired, how she is programmed, how she functions as herself.

I wish her the very best, at whatever that may even be from one minute to the next minute...

Best wishes,

09-04-2012, 08:43 PM
PS: Once I get myself put back together, which wont take long at all..I will return in the correct frame of mind to once again be able to help you all through some of these ever changing mazes of ours. I will be "clear minded" in a day or so, and I will be back in a solid form, stable, strong..


09-04-2012, 09:17 PM
Love your optimism. I read a post of your a while back where you said you wished you could show people where the "switch" to anxiety is. How we all would just feel so much better if we could turn it off. That visual actually helped me. I will hang on to it. Even though I don't know where my switch is yet. :) In the meantime, hang in there. Breakups are never easy or fun.

09-04-2012, 09:37 PM
I am ., I think 25 hrs now subscribed to this forum.. YOU just completely spoke the honest truth.. Do you have any idea how amazing that it.. I have come across hundreds of thousands if people in my life who could NEVER say or DO what you just did.. You called her out.. You spoke the truth.. And in the end through ALL of your 6 years i think you said.. It was not wasted.. You know why.. Because it really really sounds like you learned from that relationship!! You will hopefully never settle again, and see what will make YOU happy in a relationship.. It's NOT wasted time.. It's LEARNED time!! Stay positive and optimistic. Most important you are one of the few people I personally have come across that realised " image and how you look on paper with all the degrees and awards" it all about WHO YOU truly are as a person... So YES breakups, losing a significant other really really is NOT fun!! BUT as long as you learned from it.. Every bit was worth it and not a waste of time;) hang in there.. It gets better;)

09-04-2012, 09:51 PM
Oh and my PS.. Genetics.. DNA .. CAN NOT be changed... No matter how much love, understanding, patience.. Or medication.. Some genetics and DNA are just NOT changeable.... I spent over 10 years trying to do that for 4 people.. It like a guaranteed that saying " lost that battle and never EVER going to change" !! TRuST me., I spent a ton of money on actually doing the DNA testing on them... NO change.. So you got it covered !!! Smart man!!!!

09-05-2012, 12:35 AM
How long can you keep bashing your head off a brick wall before your head explodes!

09-05-2012, 07:20 AM
Thank you all Defmul, Jane, & J89.

Today is a brand new day. A completely new view of things and others around me also. That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger..I don't need anymore test or trials for awhile because I don't kack in the strength area!! Gimme a freakin break here please!! I gotta new plan already, and have all deleted the thoughts of the person from my past. She was the final key to open the final door to real release for this hostage of "The Anxiety Matrix" and its Army.... I am 100% OUT!! HOORAY!!

Mr. Smiley :)

09-05-2012, 07:50 AM
Glad to hear that you are making positive changes in your life and getting rid of all the negativity. There are a few things too in my life that I need to clear up, I just need to get the cohones to do it........lol.

09-05-2012, 07:57 AM
Same as. Having a proper crappy day.

09-05-2012, 09:25 AM
If there's (1) thing about me that maybe you had not already picked up throughout these forums is..I DO NOT F**K AROUND when it comes to making clear, immediate, defined, decisive, decisions regarding anything that I may encounter in my life. It is but (1) of the aspects of how I keep myself under my own control, rather then being consumed by multiple forms of mental illness and disorders. I will take any problem no matter how large and vast it is, condense it, simplify it, then plan the most abrupt and quickest way possible to correct it..even if it hurts, matters not..

I disallow crappy days to continue!!



09-05-2012, 09:46 AM
Perhaps one day I'll get there.
For now I'll just stay crappy :)

09-05-2012, 10:09 AM
Bravo E-man. I am like you when it comes to sorting stuffs, i will turn my crappy switch off asap and not let it drag. Although, i wish i could switch my panic switch off. Btw, i am new here in this forum and new to anxiety disorder. nice to meet u.

09-05-2012, 11:09 AM
You both have the power to control the feelings of a crappy day, and you also both have the power to control the panic off as well...we just gotta find the switches!


09-05-2012, 11:23 AM
I won a battle against panic today but was defeated by sadness!

09-05-2012, 11:33 AM
Why?..Because you allowed it to defeat you J89. You surrendered the battle..Turn the sadness, into a happyness instead. :)

09-05-2012, 11:37 AM
I'm wounded on the battlefield. Medic!!!

09-05-2012, 11:39 AM
Morphine morphine!!! Ma leg dun gots blowed off!!!

09-05-2012, 11:41 AM
Hahaha. Quick! Saaaavve meeeee

09-05-2012, 01:09 PM
If there's (1) thing about me that maybe you had not already picked up throughout these forums is..I DO NOT F**K AROUND when it comes to making clear, immediate, defined, decisive, decisions regarding anything that I may encounter in my life. It is but (1) of the aspects of how I keep myself under my own control, rather then being consumed by multiple forms of mental illness and disorders. I will take any problem no matter how large and vast it is, condense it, simplify it, then plan the most abrupt and quickest way possible to correct it..even if it hurts, matters not..

I disallow crappy days to continue!!



Awesome attitude!

09-05-2012, 02:36 PM
Thank you AK,

I can NOT have it any other way or I would be eaten alive by all my conditions, disorders, and diseases..I refuse them control!

Have a great day!
