View Full Version : NEED HELP <appreciate advice more than anything atm>

09-04-2012, 08:10 PM
Hi, I guess I will give you a brief back story..

I met this girl who I was good friends with for the less year or so, and she was a girl who treated me nice, but at times we fought (usually over Facebook) and it drove me nuts! I remember numerous nights going to bed in such a horrible mood! It was a relationship that was bound not to work out because she wanted me very badly but I didn't want her (other things on my mind currently).

The other stresses are from me being bisexual and not letting anyone know; people would see her and I together and it's frustrating to know I don't want any relationship at the moment but people say ''Oh, I'm happy you found a girl'' and things like that. I've been feeling guilty not wanting any sexual relationship and feeling odd that I'm bisexual.. Uncomfortable. My family isn't very supportive (they haven't been understanding what I'm going through) and I'm worried what they'll think of me if I come out as a bisexual man (that doesn't really matter but it still bothers me a bit). I guess this underlying anxiety has been building up for the past months.

For a little less than a month now, I've been feeling horrible persistently(I can pretty confidently say the worst I've ever felt). The main symptoms are chronic worry, disarray, headaches, constant unease, difficulty concentrating, dizziness and fatigue. I've been strictly worrying about going crazy..it's a big fear of mine and I can't get it out of my head. I very recently got the advice that I should just stop fighting fire with fire and let the thoughts happen and cool off a bit in that way.. if anyone has good advice, it would seriously be the best thing in my life right now.

Thanks in advance.:)

09-04-2012, 10:04 PM
Honestly, my 2 cents is that .. I know it's easier said than done.. But if that's who you are.. And you know that's who you are.. That is what makes YOU happy.. Go with it.. Stop letting people effect you and your happiness so much.. People who you truly deserve in your life, will love you unconditionally and thoes are the kind of people you want around you. I can only imagine it must be so hard especially with family.. But if one of my children said to me.. Mom I'm Bi or gay.. and his is the way I am.. I would want my child, friend, family member to just be happy.. NOT torn with what he or she thinks might make me or everyone else happy.. Or what someone would or might think about
Them...Remember at the end of every day.. It's your life.. Your pillow.. Your body.. Yourself !! Try and stop worrying what everyone else will or may " think" about you.. Try first just being comfortable with YOU and it may not be easy but the rest will be ok.. If anything i have learned that if you are not happy with " you" nothing ever seems " right" i hope that made sense...I hope that helps you!