View Full Version : Who has High Blood Pressure caused by Anxiety ?

Sassy Girl
09-04-2012, 03:28 PM
Just a quick question.

Do you have High Blood Pressure caused by Anxiety ? How is it treated ? How do you get your Blood Pressure down ?

I am 'freaking out' as I have had high blood pressure for the (2nd time in my life, had it about two years ago) past month or so. It's terrifying me so making my blood pressure even higher. I have a fear of taking new medication which is what my doctor wants me to do today. I am so scared.

09-04-2012, 04:06 PM
People's blood pressure varies throughout the day and if you are in a stressful situation it is likely to rise. So if you are anxious at the doctor's then your reading is likely to be higher than normal. There is no need to be scared of taking meds to help your bp. If you are over weight, stressed out, smoke, don't exercise and so on then you are likely to have high blood pressure so getting it down can be done by losing weight, eating healthily etc. But it really depends on what is causing it. I take beta blockers for my rapid heart rate that is caused by anxiety and this in turn lowers my bp and I have had no awful side effects.

Sassy Girl
09-04-2012, 04:53 PM
People's blood pressure varies throughout the day and if you are in a stressful situation it is likely to rise. So if you are anxious at the doctor's then your reading is likely to be higher than normal. There is no need to be scared of taking meds to help your bp. If you are over weight, stressed out, smoke, don't exercise and so on then you are likely to have high blood pressure so getting it down can be done by losing weight, eating healthily etc. But it really depends on what is causing it. I take beta blockers for my rapid heart rate that is caused by anxiety and this in turn lowers my bp and I have had no awful side effects.

The reason why I am scared to take the medication is my sister died from medical negligence which included, amongst other things, being given medication that was too potent for her. This is why I worry. The only thing on your list that I don't do is smoke. I am overweight but am trying to lose the weight at the moment. I am taking Minax at the moment for my blood pressure but the GP wants me to add a second medication that I haven't tried before.

09-04-2012, 05:37 PM
Minax is actually a beta-blocker. So, that being typed here is the cause of your high BP= You intake way to much sodium in your diet each day. If you have never taken the time to record and add up the amount of (mgs) of sodium you ingest daily on average, please do so and that will answer your questions about having high BP.
1. It only takes 250mg of sodium per day to sustain human life.
2. The recommeded maximum intake of sodium in a persons diet each day is 2,000mgs or less.
3. A huge majority of people that which have high BP, intake excessive amounts of sodium over 2000mgs per day and beyond 12,000mgs per day and they dont even know it..

1. Read each label and record the mgs of sodium (per serving).
2. Then multiply the # of servings in the product you are eating.
3. Keep track of this for a few days, and then calculate the average sodium intake.
4. There will be the answer for high BP and hypertension and reasoning behind BP medications..


Sassy Girl
09-04-2012, 09:38 PM
Thanks, Enduronman. I think I have hardly any sodium in my diet but I will look into it.

At the moment the side effects from taking my new medication, Norvasc, are making me very anxious. I've already seen the doctor twice today so don't know whether I should try and see him again or wait it out. I hate being scared for my life.

09-04-2012, 09:43 PM
Just a quick question.

Do you have High Blood Pressure caused by Anxiety ? How is it treated ? How do you get your Blood Pressure down ?

I am 'freaking out' as I have had high blood pressure for the (2nd time in my life, had it about two years ago) past month or so. It's terrifying me so making my blood pressure even higher. I have a fear of taking new medication which is what my doctor wants me to do today. I am so scared.

I don't have high. Blood pressure that I know of but I am the same way..... Scared to death of taking new meds.

Sassy Girl
09-08-2012, 02:00 AM
Terriberrybutt is there a reason you are scared of taken new medication ?

I've stopped the new medication because of after getting the side effects I did some research. From what I found the two shouldn't be mixed unless really necessary and under close observation. Some of the websites that described mixing the two were downright scary.

My blood pressure went low but is on the rise again :'( It's back up to 135 over 102 and scaring the hell out of me. I am trying to not worry about it but I'm terrified.