View Full Version : Mind playing serious tricks on me, giving me weird anxiety.

09-04-2012, 02:19 PM
So last night there was a continuous scream in my town, many people could hear it as it was all over Facebook. Then ive been anxious since then, because it was on my mind so much I thought I could see a ghost in my bedroom and I could hear foot steps and other noises. I have been scared to leave the house and I've hidden under the covers and been staying with my mum because I think I've seen a ghost but I'm not sure if it's my mind playing tricks? I may sound unbelievably pathetic but that scream was late at night and that got me scared, then I swear I saw something and now I'm just on the edge. I've been getting stuck in my house and running downstairs because i'm paranoid something will jump out at me or will turn all the lights off and leave me in pitch black on my own. This might sound weird but do you think it's just my mind playing tricks or am I just being aware and there actually could be a ghost?! I'm getting bad anxiety over it.

09-04-2012, 04:04 PM
I think it could very well be your mind!
How many times after a scary film and we have to walk up the stairs in the dark, admit it, we have a thought of a scary part in the film, a burst of adrenaline, our heart goes and then we bolt up the stairs bot looking back!
Its all your mind!

I get it all the time seeing as all i watch is horrors!
I think i see stuff and hear stuff but its nothing at all :)

Just breath and relax and do something to tale your mind off of it, read a book or a funny film!

You never know it could of just been silly drunken teenagers screaming!
