View Full Version : Anxiety and feel like crying...but not sad??

03-15-2007, 10:26 AM
I have been off meds for about a week.....and felt pretty well the last two days but have these times of day....today lasting a bit longer when I feel like crying. I never had depression before and am on my period right now but its weird. Its like it makes me worry more wondering why I feel like crying. I have had a lack of sleep because I get to bed too late recently. What do you guys think? I am trying to go without meds....and never felt teary eyed until I went on the meds two weeks ago.....that made me worse...so I went back off. I've never been a depressed person........and my psych said maybe I just have a slow metabolism and its still taking time for the meds to wear off. What do you think??

03-15-2007, 05:09 PM

I often cry to. I think its because im so annoyed and upset and would do any thing to make this go. I think most of us cry because anxiety is just such a build up of symptoms which really take their toll.

Ur def not alone with this one just keep fighting. Ull be fine in the end

Best of luck


03-16-2007, 05:13 AM
It could be withdrawl from your medication, or hormones.

I tend to cry a LOT when I'm on my period and right before. I think that's pretty normal.

03-16-2007, 05:58 AM
yeah i cry a lot, it's not really depression but yeah... wishing it would go away, struggling and angst and stuff. It builds up over a few days or whatever and then i cry it out usually when something triggers it a bit.

i'm tired of feeling like this ._.

03-22-2007, 10:31 AM
i know exactly how you feel..i feel all emotional for no reason most of the time..im so deppresed right now..just out of nowhere..nothing relle changed in my life...but im just all of a sudden deppresed..i dont even have that much anxiety anymoe..like little things but no panic attacks or anything...and its mild now..but now my emotions are never in order...i so sick of being sick -_-

04-30-2007, 02:22 AM
I been crying lately also, I'm not too if it's too much pressure from anxiety, but I cant help it.