View Full Version : Feeling weak with anxiety

09-03-2012, 11:07 PM
When feeling anxious does your arms and legs feel weak and tired and would more exercise help that and how about fatigue

Jo Smith
09-04-2012, 02:33 AM
Yes, I often walk around feeling like my legs are going to give way under my body. Its sometimes like there detached from my body and im not sure how im moving them. And sometimes I think i struggle to hold a glass of water when my hands shake and my arms get weak. I remember back when I had my first flare up of anxiety, that It did help to exercise. But this time i have been fearing passing out and now dont dare raise my heart rate. If you feel you can do exercise id give it a go. Ive actually got myself an exercise bike for home, to see if i can very slowly get myself back into it. Let us no if it works !! x