View Full Version : I've got issues too friends..stress, tension, I am not exempt from life.

09-03-2012, 07:59 PM
Hey all friends, members, lurkers,

This is E-Man. I am faced with many challenges daily as well, we all are unfortunatly and that is essentially called life. As I have posted in the past throughout these forum threads, I had referred to another person in my life as my wife. Yet, she was not. I would do that to make her feel comfortable with the fact that I am exchanging typed words with people or persons unknown to me whether male or female, it really didnt matter to me as my sole purpose here is to provide support, assistance, suggestions, advice if I have knowledge of the subject matter or topic then I will offer it to you.

The issue that I have been forced to face and analyze on this past Wednesday night, was the fact that my GF of 6 years chose to be misleading, evasive, elusive, and attempt to cover and shift topics and subject matter discussions to other places that I had no interest in knowing of. The basic facts are, that I was unable, disabled, incapable, handicapped and could not work for 3 months because of an attack of a very painful disease. I was useless in every regard. I could not earn my own income for that period of time, literally $0. The problem arose when my GF mentioned that she had closed the deal on a case she had been working on. I have my own home, she has her own home. She stated "I finally got that mediation finished and all I have to do is file it". I asked, "Did they pay you today?". She replied, "yes". I then asked, "how much did you get paid?"..Her reply, "I cant remember?".. Now, this woman balances her checkbook everyday, saves every receipt purchase to record it, and knows exactly what bills are due and the date..but doesnt recall how much a client just paid her?..NO.. An attempt to mislead me, a lie.. At the end of this conversation she stated "If I told you how much I got paid you'd just say to give you some money then".. She let me know, where I stood in her life on that moment. Also, as she informed me of 3 weeks prior, "she was trying to buy a new place to live, a condo that was $125,000.00"..Now, this idea, plan, interest, came up during my disablement time frame when I could not make a living for myself. She has been a part of my life for over 6 years. This is the tough part..At no point did she ever take into consideration that the fact that I was disabled, handicapped, couldnt work, couldnt feed myself for abit..that MAYBE I would have some financial needs or difficulties to take care of with $0 income????..I wasn't even thought of, or about..it was about her needs, wants, desires and I was all but forgotten.

If this situation were reversed, do you think that I would be out shopping for a new house, car, boat, jet ski, airplane, or anything over $125,000.00?..Do you think I would be out shopping for anything that I did not NEED while taking her health into consideration and her debt obligations????..NO...I WOULDNT... She had NO clue of the damage she had caused with me, in my mind, and my thoughts...Only thinking of herself, and her own pleasure, fulfillment, happiness...NOT me and my disability or the possible needs of my own household. One word,..selfishness. I'm done..She will not return.

I too have things to deal with and think through as well. Some troubleing too. I realized I just wasted 6 more years of my life with a person that wasn't even thinking about me, kinda harsh reality check I think..I will survive this hit, it is, what it is..I wish her the best and hope she obtains all of her dreams, wants, and aspirations too...Goodluck.

Thanks for reading.


09-03-2012, 08:24 PM
Sorry to hear that bro...I sincerely wish you the best in finding someone that embraces the best and worst of life with you.

Hang in there E man!


09-03-2012, 08:40 PM
Thank you much brotha James,

I am not new to punches in the gut, stabbings, or being kicked around either so I will be fine friend.. It is merely just another aspect of what "living" offers us up on a daily basis. Thank goodness my (IED) disorder is quietly unaware of what's going on too!..It is capable of messin alot of S**t up real fast, quick, and in a hurry yet I don't even recognize the devestation until the following day..its hard for me to even acknowledge, accept, or understand that I supposedly did all this?...I'm good bruh, just another trial in life of which I am to learn from, and retain the memories of the experience. I will move forward daily, me and reverse do NOT play nicely together...LOL!!!..


09-04-2012, 12:07 AM
<hug> (do you do hugs?) at least the selfish biatch is gone from your life now and you don't have to waste any more time with someone who quite frankly sounds like she doesn't give a fuck about you.
We are all here for you too :)

Stay strong bruddah

Jo Smith
09-04-2012, 02:42 AM
Wow. Well at least you have come to this realisation now! I hope you can put this all behind you and concentrate on your own health. x