View Full Version : blue fingernail beds

09-03-2012, 11:19 AM
Hi all, anyone get blue fingernails when they are anxious. My nails are bluish a lot lately. Need input.

09-03-2012, 02:32 PM
Hey Buckle!

I have NO clue on this one friend..I do recall exchanging some words with you though earlier, now I gotta go back and see who YOU are!!! LOL!!!.

(scientific possible explanation for blue nails?.. You're in the midst of a panic and your internal systems have received a CODE RED to protect the vital organs and keep the blood supply in the midsection and limiting bloodflow to the extremities..the side effect of a panic attack to prepare you for being stabbed by a 17th Century Viking sword that the pizza guy may be carrying)...


09-03-2012, 02:37 PM
Thanks....I'm gonna check with the doc tomorrow on this. It's weird happens every so often and I don't like it.

09-03-2012, 02:46 PM
Yer Dr. is probably going to have a "WTF" look on his face after you report this to him..It tells me that your brain has ordered your adrenal glands to dump norepinephrine into your systems, and increased your heart rate, pulling blood to and retaining it in "the core" of your body to protect the vital organs from an impending physical assault or attack from armed intruders or barbarian Viking type warriors...Are you preparing for a battle of some sort?.. OR are you allowing you mind to be overly creative and envisioning some really catastrophic possibilities (that are not going to happen anyway)...:)


09-03-2012, 02:58 PM
Blue nails can be caused by lack of oxygen in the blood. I know I shouldn't have Googled (mentally putting myself in detention) but If E-man doesn't know then I needed a back up :) :)
I have been very short of breath, maybe that's it.

09-04-2012, 04:21 AM
My sister used to get purple fingers and toes when she was really anxious- the doc told her she had a circulation prob but since her anxiety stopped so has her purple fingers and toes xx

09-04-2012, 05:13 AM
I think the blue nail thing is all in our head, I really do. I must look at my fingernails 100 times a day and convince myself that they are blue. Actually I'm sitting next to air con and it's just probably that. I always compare my left hand with my right hand and persuade myself my left hand is definitely bluer than the right. It could definately be poor circulation, of course it could, but I bet it's not. Like with me. Just something else to deal with!

Keep smiling :-)

09-04-2012, 03:17 PM
Thanks guys. I saw my PCP today and she was not worried. My ox levels are fine and so are my lungs. stupid anxiety!!!!

09-04-2012, 10:16 PM
Yup, that anxiety will get you all the time. I have to agree with E- man.. It has to be anxiety.. The body and anxiety does come crazy things.. My det and toes turn blue if I stand or sit too long OR if I'm over anxious.. It's that your body goes into that" self preservation " mode.. I'm a nurse and single mom to 5.. I don't sit in one place for long at all !! But yet it still happens.. My pmd sent me to a vascular doctor.. He explained basically the same thing e- man did earlier.. Said possibly a form of reynaulds syndrome.. I don't think so.. Neither did the second opinion.. So glad you got it checked and you are ok! Next time if it happens again move around and take some good deep relaxing breaths;) ps he told me staying warm also helps...