View Full Version : Sleep anxiety -insomnia

09-03-2012, 06:25 AM
Recently, a old familiar face has returned to my life..our friend anxiety. In the past it was anxiety over my health and etc, but this is a new one.
Now for some reason I am having insomnia issues where I can't seem to fall asleep. The problem appears that I can't turn my mind off and now I'm stressing cause i can't seem to get to sleep.

Has anyone experience sleep anxiety before and how did they remedy it?

09-03-2012, 07:23 AM
You can devote some time trying to find the root cause of why you are anxious. Is there something going on in your life/past bothering you or are you just high strung/a worrier like me? Try to examine what could be causing this anxiety. Also read up on sleep hygiene as it has helped me a great deal. Might help to try some melatonin or Sleepytime(chamomile teas) and limit caffeine. Practice slow, deep breathing and progressive relaxation as well. Alankay

09-03-2012, 11:54 AM
I've been actually thinking of trying to pinpoint what the actual cause is, and so far nothing specific comes to mind. However, this did begin sometime after I got a really bad sinus infection and had a bad experience with Tylenol PM. This could be the catalyst right here now that I experience a little know side-affect with Tylenol PM that caused me to become restless and anxious may be the root. As there is the possiblity that my mind has related that with sleep and now because I sometimes obsess and won't let go of the irrelevant my mind had turned it into an irrational thought and this has consumed me.

It always pays to have someone to talk to, as I went out for a little while today with my closest friend. And we talked about it, and he pointed out that maybe what is going on. That I need to stop worrying and learn to let go of these irrational anxiety of insomnia and sleep or use some sort of distraction at bedtime to keep these fear out of my mind.

Thanks for your suggestions I will check them out.

09-03-2012, 04:36 PM
Hey brothers,

I honestly have the hardest time shuttin my brain down..it is always thoughts that kept me awake, alert, tossing, turning. It seemed to be the time that I thought I needed to fix the world and everything wrong with it. I do now however, ingest quite a powerful mixture of meds and that mix is dictated by the events of the day. Sometimes little, sometimes alot.. One thing that I always suggest to people who are struggleing to get some real sleep is (diphenhydramine) first, (doxylamine) second, and if neither of those work alone then add them together..Don't worry, it isn't a fatal mixture and has never been a reported fatality either. I also take 3mg of xanax every night regardless of the days events, and get 8 solid hours of sleep too. Without sleep=many potential other disasters will unfold...

Just some thoughts..


09-03-2012, 05:49 PM
I think I have found the culprit

Since then I haven't slept well or at all. I just can't seem to turn my mind off and I keep thinking about that occurrence I threw the T-PM away so it's not causing a problem. After talking to a few people this is fear of a repeat of the PM issue thus not allowing me to relax and clear my mind causing unneeded anxiety and loss of sleep.

09-03-2012, 06:01 PM
Yup, gotta shut down the brain=stop the thoughts= brain get bored=ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

09-03-2012, 09:54 PM
I'm a mess when it comes to sleeping. I've tried almost everything. I have ambien but I don't take it because it freaks me out. I drink sleepy time tea too but it doesn't help much anymore .