View Full Version : Cambridge diet

09-03-2012, 04:44 AM
Ok so ive decided it is time to take drastic action as my weight is ballooning, everyone else talks of loosing weight with having anxiety me i manage to put it on!!! So im going to give the cambridge diet a try as cutting down my food just doesnt work i gorge on chocolate! So has anyone one else with anxiety done cambridge diet? Did it work or make things worse? Please help i get so anxious trying new things!


09-03-2012, 07:33 AM
I did it years ago. Use it to "kick start" weight loss as your metabolism will just slow down if you keep at it. It's all about calories. You need to find the best diet for you to feel full that yet has the fewest calories with good nutrition. I have found eating mostly unprocessed foods does it for me. Of course self discipline goes a very long way.
Don't laugh but the chocolate raises dopamine and if that makes you feel any better(for a short while) ask your doc about Wellbutrin. Maybe your dopamine is a bit low and by raising it will lower you appetite/cravings. Look it up.:) PM me any time. Alankay

09-03-2012, 08:52 AM
Thank you, i will look that up! I just need that boost im hoping it will work! Im going to see my doc cuz she has to sign the form for me so il ask her. Thank you
