View Full Version : I found something weird about myself.

09-03-2012, 12:07 AM
Yes, my anxiety is gone. but the anxiety i had was health anxiety. I was worried about my current state of health. But for some reason, now im worried about other people's health as well.. I went out to go eat lunch with my hockey team, and one of my friends ordered a buncha fried stuff.. I instantly without thinking called him out on it and was like"dude thats not healthy man" and he kinda just shrugged it off..

Now, more serious note.

one of my dad's arteries is 33% clogged (heart disease doesn't run in the family, he just eats bad.. I think its reversable, correct me if im wrong)

But he just woke up with acid reflux/heartburn.. And Now im scared for his health.

09-03-2012, 01:25 AM
Well done on getting over your health anxiety! I have found that anxiety can be a selfish condition as you tend to just worry about yourself, now you are over it you are worrying about others and that is fine. Everyone worries about loved ones and wants them to be healthy. If you start having panic attacks and it gives you sleepless nights then there is an issue. But try and normalise it- you love your dad and he has clogged arteries, i would be more worried if you weren't scared for his health. Acid reflux/indigestion is common and nothing to worry about, your dad's doc will have explained to him all the stuff he needs to do to help his heart so long as he follows that he will be fine x

09-03-2012, 03:29 AM
It can be reversed but the effectiveness is proportional to how long the arteries have been clogged. I.e. the longer they've been clogged the less the reversing effect.
However, with a correct diet plan it can be stopped.
Cholesterol is produced by the body to repair artery damage. It's a bit like pouring a raw egg into an engine coolant system... the egg will stick to any holes or pits along the pipe lining thus repairing the damage... just as cholesterol sticks to damaged areas of the arteries.
Too much cholesterol & you get too much sticking to the artery walls - eventually restricting blood flow.

I've heard of great things with vitamin C & arterty health. Vit C is by no means a prevention of all things bad but it helps maintain a healthy vascular system.

This is one of the reasons why eating regular fruits is SO important.

Read up on it.