View Full Version : Vitamin D3 Cured my Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Disorder

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09-02-2012, 10:56 AM

I suffered from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder for a few decades. One day, accidentally, I read something about vitamin D3, and depression on the Net, which ultimately changed my life.

A few months after reading the article, I decided to go for a routine check up, and blood test. This time, I asked for a vitamin D3 test to be included. The test result showed that I was deficient on vitamin D3 !!!

After visiting a doctor known for his work on vitamins, and amino acids deficiencies, I got 300,000 IU (International Units) monthly injections of vitamin D3 for three months. Three days after receiving the first injection, the depression started lifting, and in the second month, all symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks vanished. It has been 12 years since the first injection. I am on a maintenance dose of vitamin D3. There is no doubt that I have been cured, 100%.

The first question that will pop up in your over exhausted heads is that why the doctors do not know much about the curing power of vitamin D3 ? Dr. S. Zaidi is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. In general terms, he answers the above question in his book, Power Of Vitamin D:

"Why hasn't my Doctor told me about all the beneficial effects of Vitamin D ?"

"Unfortunately, This exciting new knowledge about vitamin D hasn't reached the radar screen of most physicians, nor has it reached the curriculum of medical schools. Why? Because no drug company is behind it. It's not a drug. it's cheap and you can obtain it over the counter. Unfortunately, most of our medical research, medical guidelines for practicing physicians and medical knowledge in text books is dependent upon drug companies one way or another. Sad but true! It may take years before this revolutionary knowledge finds its way into medical books and physician's offices."

Well, the above quotation should answer some of your questions.

By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on an appropriate dose of vitamin D3 in order to increase the level of this vitamin in your system. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please.

Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients.
My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range.

People in the United States must be careful not to accept vitamin D2 instead of vitamin D3 for their treatment. Vitamin D2 is an inferior type of vitamin D, and not as effective as vitamin D3 in some cases. Vitamin D2 is still being produced in The United States. As a matter of fact, D2 should be used for patients with kidney problems, and other conditions, which require special attention. Otherwise, vitamin D3 should be the first choice for treating people with vitamin D deficiency.

Calcium is a mineral that you need, while taking vitamin D3. Take 500 mgs of calcium supplement at bedtime, or alternatively, get the same amount by having a considerable quantity of dairy products on daily basis. People taking vitamin D3 supplements, must also take magnesium supplements. Otherwise, serious problems may arise. Magnesium oxide is worthless. do not buy it, do not use it. Chelated magnesium is probably the best kind, that you should use. Please note that magnesium in its own right, by many people, is considered a miracle performing mineral in some neurotic cases. People with kidney problems, and hypo-thyroidism must avoid taking magnesium, and calcium, unless they get their doctor’s approval. The magnesium serum blood tests are just worthless, also. They show the result, only for 1% of magnesium, which is in the bloodstream. The other 99% percent is in different parts of the body. We all are magnesium deficient, because of depleted soil, which is the source of magnesium for all plant material. If you start feeling over exhausted, after taking chelated magnesium for a considerable period of time, your body has had enough of this mineral. Stop taking magnesium for a month or two, and then restart with a much lower dose.

Vitamin D3 treatment has worked for me, and many others. There is a good chance that it could work for you also, if you are low on this vital vitamin. Your feedback on your progress will highly be appreciated.

Best wishes,

09-02-2012, 11:26 AM
Lucky you, it did bugger all for me, lol.

09-03-2012, 09:52 AM
can i ask why D3 helps please

as im contemplating going the doctors this week to get tested


12-17-2012, 08:38 PM
Will ask my doctor about this too.

12-19-2012, 01:04 AM
Vitamin D3 has done nothing for me, at all. It was suggested to me by a previous therapist, along with 5HTP, which made me very, very ill, and he wanted me to eat tons of protein. Turns out, even after all that, I'm still depressed. Imagine that.

12-19-2012, 06:18 PM
Hi Fiend:

Did you ever have a blood test for vitamin D ?
If so, you may choose to send the results of the test privately to me.
What dosage of vitamin D3 were you receiving per day ?

Best regards,

12-20-2012, 10:42 PM
I'm not sure. It was reccommended by a therapist. I'd have to find the bottle. But no tests were ever done to see if I had a deficiency.

12-21-2012, 12:51 AM
Hi Fiend:

I strongly recommend you take a blood test for vitamin D3.
If you are low, which you most probably are, you should bring your test level to 50 ng/ml, or even more within the allowable range.
Then you will feel the impact.

An up to date doctor, or an endocrinologist will know how to bring the level of vitamin D3 up in your body, in a correct way.
Ordinary doctors, usually, do not have a clue about vitamin D3 newly discovered effects, and its healing powers.

Best regards,

12-21-2012, 04:05 PM
Hi Fiend:

I strongly recommend you take a blood test for vitamin D3.
If you are low, which you most probably are, you should bring your test level to 50 ng/ml, or even more within the allowable range.
Then you will feel the impact.

An up to date doctor, or an endocrinologist will know how to bring the level of vitamin D3 up in your body, in a correct way.
Ordinary doctors, usually, do not have a clue about vitamin D3 newly discovered effects, and its healing powers.

Best regards,

Agree it did helped me a lot

01-09-2013, 03:19 AM
Vitamin d has helped me out a lot with my anxiety and overall I just feel better I would also recommend a b vitamin complex

01-09-2013, 03:24 AM
I'm taking 50000 vitamin d weekly try it. It works

01-09-2013, 11:09 PM

If you are deficient, usually, your doctor gives you twelve 50,000 IU pills to be taken
for a period 12 weeks. In other words, you should take one pill per week for 12 weeks.
Then you should have a blood test for vitamin D. If the test result is still low, the doctor may
give you some more 50,000 IU pills. Otherwise, he will put you on a maintenance dose of
around 1700 IU, daily.

You can not go on indefinitely with your 50,000 IU pills. It will be toxic in the long run,
if you keep on taking the 50,000 IU pills.

Best of luck,

01-25-2013, 06:53 AM
Hello to all:

Many people are confused about various terminologies in relation to Vitamin D.
Below, I shall write the reference values to convert various systems in the world regarding the blood level, and doses of vitamin D.

Blood level of 25-OH Vitamin D

1ng/ml= 2.5 nmol/L
30ng/ml= 75 nmol/L
100 ng/ml= 250 nmol/L


Vitamin D Dose

40 I.U.= 1 mcg
400 I.U.= 10 mcg
1000 I.U.= 25 mcg
50,000 I.U.= 1250 mcg or 1.25 mg

I.U.= International Unit
mcg= microgram
mg= milligram

The above information has been obtained from Dr. S. Zaidi's book, Power Of Vitamin D

Best wishes,

01-26-2013, 02:45 AM
Hi Ali, I have tried vitamin d and it has done nothing to help me!! Thxfor your advice.... Beverley :)

01-26-2013, 07:44 AM
Hi Ali, I have tried vitamin d and it has done nothing to help me!! Thxfor your advice.... Beverley :)

We're you tested for vit D def?

01-26-2013, 09:08 AM
My psychologist told me to try taking vitamins D and B12 but didn't suggest a blood test nor dosage to take...I have read a lot about vit D deficiency and I am almost certain my levels are low but don't know how much to take. I am calling Monday to get a blood test to have D,B12, Magnesium and what ever else checked! I do not want to take antidepressants!

01-26-2013, 09:27 AM
My psychologist told me to try taking vitamins D and B12 but didn't suggest a blood test nor dosage to take...I have read a lot about vit D deficiency and I am almost certain my levels are low but don't know how much to take. I am calling Monday to get a blood test to have D,B12, Magnesium and what ever else checked! I do not want to take antidepressants!

Good:) you need your levels checked to know how much to take. You can take to much D because its not water soluble like B12.

01-26-2013, 10:16 AM
Dear Scared 44, and adrenalyn:

As Sandy asked you in the above, have you had your vitamin D level tested ?
You can ask your doctor to order a vitamin D (25-OH) blood test.
Then you should take the result of your test, which most probably is low, to an endocrinologist
(glands doctor). This type of specialist can give you proper dosage relative to your deficiency.
Ordinary doctors, usually do not know much about the revolutionary discoveries about vitamin D.
Unless, you find a doctor who is up to date on this subject. Your best bet, still is an endocrinologist.

Adrenalyn--you are right to wait and see what happens on your test results. Don't forget to take your
test results to an endocrinologist. Total magnesium tests are waste of money, because they show everybody
having normal levels. Other magnesium tests are expensive, and not necessary. Almost all of us are short on magnesium,
and most supplements except oxide, which has side effects, and low absorption, will do the job. So start taking either
citrate, chelate, or malate magnesium supplements.

Best wishes,

01-26-2013, 11:37 AM
Hi Ali :)
I made a call to my doctors office today to schedule a blood test to check vitamin D and B12 levels thanks to reading this thread! I luckily have an up to date doctor who leans more towards homeopathic treatments than pharma drugs...she is very open to taking vitamins for a variety of ailments. Although she did at one point try to get me to start taking Celexa due to my recent bout with anxiety/panic attacks...I think she was trying to get a handle on it as my anxiety escalated to the point I was not going to work.

I was wondering what is an ideal range ( normal) for vitamin D? I have read that 20-55 ng/ml is much too low and that an ideal range is 50-80 ng/ml...I just want to be sure on this.

I will try the magnesium you have suggested :)

Thanks Ali :)

01-26-2013, 11:46 AM
Good:) you need your levels checked to know how much to take. You can take to much D because its not water soluble like B12.

Thanks sandyrdh :) I was a little confused when my psychologist suggested vitamin D and B12 and also was talking about antidepressants and CBT classes...I was feeling very anxious at the time and just wanted to go home and think about the overload of information he was giving me lol...never even crossed my mind to ask how much do I take, when, and so on. I am so glad I came to this forum to find support and a wealth of information!

01-26-2013, 01:17 PM
Thanks sandyrdh :) I was a little confused when my psychologist suggested vitamin D and B12 and also was talking about antidepressants and CBT classes...I was feeling very anxious at the time and just wanted to go home and think about the overload of information he was giving me lol...never even crossed my mind to ask how much do I take, when, and so on. I am so glad I came to this forum to find support and a wealth of information!

I use mag citrate. Don't get mag oxide it does not absorb well and is worthless. Let us know when you find out about your results:) all of us who are low on this are always interested in others treatments for these deficiency's. :)

01-26-2013, 01:24 PM
Hi adrenalyn:

Thanks for your reply, and careful attention. On a scale of 1 to 100 ng/ml, 70 to 90 is ideal. I am doing 95 ng/ml now.
Above 50 is recommended by Vitamin D Council headed by Dr. Cannell. If you want to know more Google Cannell Zafirides, and listen to the 2 part Pod cast on Vitamin D.

Your doctor may lean towards homeopathy, but real big doses are required to get your level up. Homeopathic doses will not make any difference. A good source for vitamin D doses at various levels, is Dr. S. Zaidi's book called Power Of Vitamin D.

Please do not hesitate to ask me questions.

Best of luck,

01-26-2013, 03:56 PM
I use mag citrate. Don't get mag oxide it does not absorb well and is worthless. Let us know when you find out about your results:) all of us who are low on this are always interested in others treatments for these deficiency's. :)

Okay, will try the mag citrate:) and will keep you posted on my test results and will post it here on this thread...thanks sandyrdh

01-26-2013, 04:02 PM
Hi adrenalyn:

Thanks for your reply, and careful attention. On a scale of 1 to 100 ng/ml, 70 to 90 is ideal. I am doing 95 ng/ml now.
Above 50 is recommended by Vitamin D Council headed by Dr. Cannell. If you want to know more Google Cannell Zafirides, and listen to the 2 part Pod cast on Vitamin D.

Your doctor may lean towards homeopathy, but real big doses are required to get your level up. Homeopathic doses will not make any difference. A good source for vitamin D doses at various levels, is Dr. S. Zaidi's book called Power Of Vitamin D.

Please do not hesitate to ask me questions.

Best of luck,

Good to know about the ideal range being 70-90...at least I have a good idea so if the doctor says 50 ng/ml is normal I can mention this to her.

Awesome, I will go look at the pod cast and book you mentioned :)

Will keep you updated here on test results and doses that I start with.

Thanks Ali

02-01-2013, 01:14 PM
I also heard something about thyroid being a major problem as well..

02-04-2013, 12:37 PM
I'm an exercise science major and took a few nutrition classes. I was diagnosed as having low vitamin D and I take 2000 IU daily, and 1000 IU is the accepted daily dosage if you're not low in vitamin D3!! Also getting out in the sun!!! Hope this helps :).

02-04-2013, 01:28 PM
Hi Brittan:

1000 IU to 2000 IU daily is the maintenance dose. In other words, If you are low on D, 1000 IU
maintains you at that low level, and you hopefully your D level will not become lower. The same way, if you
build up the stocks of your vitamin D, 1000 IU to 2000 IU is enough to keep you at that high level.

Of course, the above applies to people who continue the same indoor lifestyle that they always have had. If suddenly, the same person decides to become a lifeguard, which requires considerable amount of
time in sunshine, then the criterion will become different, obviously.


07-10-2013, 10:01 AM
Right now, I've been taking my D3 for around 2 months and am delighted to share my story here. My anxiety came out of nowhere (like in many cases). I guess you all can guess the rest of the story from your own experiences - panic attacks (though I solved these ones myself by just becoming very angry with myself and thinking "come on, what the hell are you doing, man?" in a matter of two weeks or so), constant anxiety, derealizations, feeling weird, depressive thoughts, fear over your symptoms (yeah, yeah: schizophrenia, cancer, ALS - I went through all of these). A great example of anxiety interfering with your symptoms, basically.

I posted to this forum and also browsed the web looking for something different than stuffing yourself with drugs that make you an addict for the rest of your life. Thanfully, Damavandi PM'd me with info correlating with what I googled in different other languages - that in MOST CASES your anxiety is basically nothing but lack of some vitamins/minerals. In some cases, it's a fancy combination of both, in the others - it's as simple as D3 :) I was supplementing many things from magnesium, calcium, through zinc, vit B6, B12, C... you name it. Nothing gave me such relief as D3, though.

My initial blood works (be sure to test 25 OH D3, not something different!) showed me my levels are around half of the norm (and the norm the lab proposed was 30, not 50 like it really is, so even worse!). I started supplementing (not stopping the other supplementation, just in case of other problems I may have had) and BAM - within a few weeks, I felt WORLDS better. I wasn't cured in three days so be prepared that some time must pass but it was always one step closer to being cured, never a step back. Sometimes I felt as if I stalled but never going back.

Now, I'm ready to share my progress: derealizations? Not anymore. Anxiety? Ha! Even if I wanted to, I can't feel get it just because something passes through my head anymore. Depression vanished - oh, believe me - I've never felt so happy to be able to waste my time of what were my hobbies before. I just started to enjoy things back. Great feeling.

As for the "patience" part, though - I still can't say I'm completely cured. I feel incomparably better and don't feel anxiety per se but my triggering thoughts tend to sometimes get me the feel-weird feeling. It's not accompanied by anxiety anymore so it's basically that before the thoughts used to bring me anxiety AND some side-symptoms while now they don't bring me anxiety at all and the side symptoms are greatly lowered and fewer but they still do exist.

The kicker, however, is that my D3 level is only around 45-50 now so just imagine how cool the things are going to be when I get to a safer (i.e. not around the minimum) level. I'll be cured once and for all :)

Thank you for all your help Damavandi and keep on spreading the word as D3 really works. Try it people, I really recommend it.

07-11-2013, 11:46 AM

07-13-2013, 10:51 PM
I have been on vitamin D3 for about 6 months now and have just had the worse time I have ever had. So really pleased it is working for you, but it doesn't seem to be making any difference for me, but will keep trying it.

07-14-2013, 07:54 AM
Hi Lin:

I hope it works for you as it did for Bertie.

Please answer the following questions:

1. What is your daily dosage of D3?

2. What was the level of your last vitamin D3 (25-OH) test ?

Your test level should go above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L) in order to feel
vitamin D3's positive impact on your psychological problems. Many people feel improvements or cure, when the
their vitamin d test level goes beyond 50 ng/ml. However, there are some that do not feel any improvement at all.
Your blood test level, should be a good guide for you to judge whether vitamin D3 has worked for you or not.
Please note that in some people, the test level goes up very slowly despite receiving high doses of vitamin D3.

Best wishes,

07-14-2013, 08:29 AM
Do you think it's a must to have your bloods taken if you have anxiety? I've been suffering for 2 years and I was just wondering if it was something I should do as my doctor has never mentioned it. Sometimes I think there must be something physically wrong with me or I must be lacking in something as nothing I seems to do work!

07-14-2013, 09:31 AM
Hi Bill:

If you can afford it, yes, it is a must that you should take your vitamin D (25-OH) blood test.
Make sure your test type is 25-OH, because other vitamin D3 tests are just worthless as far as
ordinary people are concerned.

You can private message me, if you would like to.

Best regards,

07-18-2013, 07:29 AM
I'm starting D3 today... let's hope it helps!

07-18-2013, 08:29 AM
I just started D3 and a B Vitamin Complex at the request/suggestion of my women's health practitioner. She advised 2000 units a day of the D3, so that's what I'm going with for now. Also, she said to look for brands that are USP verified because the quality of the product is better. She also noted how important diet and exercise are, so I'm hoping the combination of everything that I'm doing is going to help!

07-18-2013, 12:25 PM
Hi Str8:

I advise an initial D3 (25-OH) blood test to be able to adjust the dosage of D3.
It is proven that normal people need about 2000 IU daily to maintain an ordinary level of D3 at their body.
That is why your health practioner has given you this dosage. If your test result is low, or deficient, you need a whole lot more of
D3 daily to bring your test up.

Best wishes,

07-18-2013, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. Next time I'm having blood drawn I'll request it. I've already have blood drawn about three times in the last month so I was hoping to avoid any more for a little bit!

Hi Str8:

I advise an initial D3 (25-OH) blood test to be able to adjust the dosage of D3.
It is proven that normal people need about 2000 IU daily to maintain an ordinary level of D3 at their body.
That is why your health practioner has given you this dosage. If your test result is low, or deficient, you need a whole lot more of
D3 daily to bring your test up.

Best wishes,

07-22-2013, 01:30 AM
Do you think it's a must to have your bloods taken if you have anxiety? I've been suffering for 2 years and I was just wondering if it was something I should do as my doctor has never mentioned it. Sometimes I think there must be something physically wrong with me or I must be lacking in something as nothing I seems to do work!

It wouldn't hurt to have your doctor do a CBC just to make sure your fine

Walking Circles
08-29-2013, 02:28 PM
A bit late on this but I just saw the thread, supplementing my Vitamin D levels, which were found to be severely deficient has helped me out quite a bit. Of course that is provided I remember to take them, which I sometimes forget.

09-02-2013, 01:59 PM
Dama, I got your lovely private message concerning my post, and so I read yours. For some reason, you can't send or even reply to private messages on this website until you've made at least 10 posts. Since the message isn't personal or sensitive by any means as far as I'm concerned, I just cut & pasted it here:

Wow, Dama, thank you! I will certainly look into this immediately, hopefully this week. It is true that D3 is an elusive one that many people don't even know exists.

I was going to post a general question on blood tests in one of the forums but since we're already talking, and it seems like you know about these things, I'll ask you. How does one go about getting a blood test with the purpose of assessing vitamin and mineral levels? I've taken blood tests for things like a lipid panel, platelets, etc., but never to determine my vitamin/mineral levels. Is this something that can be done at Labcorp or Quest ordered through a GP?

Your post mentions that your doctor was knowledgeable and specialized in vitamin and amino acid deficiencies. Is this something I need to seek out or, like I asked above, can a GP do it? Thank you so much and I'll get right on it.

be u old self
09-05-2013, 05:45 AM
Hi ali been looking for u. I need help please I checked my vitamin d level its 14 my doc told me to take 800iu a day. What should I do I'm realy off balance I feel like shit

09-05-2013, 05:49 AM
I need to start taking my Vitamin D again, I wonder if that is why I am feeling so crappy lately!

be u old self
09-05-2013, 05:52 AM
Vitamin D us the main thing that coz anxity if u low what helped me the most is zinc and magnsuim I felt normel for 4 months its like I got new life. Put after I lost my job I'm back this anxity shit again

09-05-2013, 12:17 PM
Thanks Ali I'm going to give it ago any things better than feeling like this

Stacey x

be u old self
09-05-2013, 04:11 PM
Ty ali my number is 14.4 I don't know if its ng or ml I live in utah

09-05-2013, 09:50 PM

Can you visist an endocrinologist ?
As I told you, they are more up to date than the other specialists
over the matters concerning Vitamin D3.

Your D3 test is very low at any available scale.
If you can get the full details, that would be nice.

Best of luck,

09-10-2013, 09:45 AM

Please tell me the D3 pill dosages that are available in your country, and also the dosages
of the injections ?

Best regards to your family,

09-11-2013, 04:51 PM
Wow, Dama; that is really inspiring. I got my blood tested yesterday and am awaiting my results. Like a chump I didn't ask which Vitamin D3 was being testing, but the doctor said the test included Vitamin D levels.

I checked on the lab's website and it seems this is the ones being tested:

3-Epi-25-OH, Vitamin D2; 3-Epi-25-OH, Vitamin D3; 25-OH, Vitamin D2; 25-OH, Vitamin D3; Total 25-OH, Vitamin D; % 3-Epi-25-OH, Vitamin D

I see a lot of 25-OH in there so I hope it is the right one.

After I started feeling anxiety/depression, I did start taking 1,000 IU a day of Vitamin D (i've been on it for 5/6 days). It sounds like if my levels are low, it could do little to improve them.

Anyway, thanks for the info, I will post back with my results. I am actually kind of hoping my levels are low:P At least then I would know why this suddenly appeared. I was also thinking of getting some vitamin b shots as well (since my diet is quite poor).

09-11-2013, 09:07 PM
Hi There:

As long as in front of the final test paper 25-OH is written, it is all right.
Levels below 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), have room for improvement ! The 6000 IU
in total that you have taken in the past few days will not have any significant
effect on your test result.

Please let me know what the test result is. You can private message me.

Best of luck,

09-11-2013, 11:31 PM
I just saw this and am calling my doctor tomorrow to set up a blood test, this sounds too good to be true my doctor just put me on my third Anti-depressant cuz the first two had terrible side effects. I don't like taking these pills and don't want to Thank you for this post. :)

09-12-2013, 06:50 AM
Hi Seeny:

Make sure the type of blood test is Vitamin D3 (25-OH).
The 25-OH is a big deal, because the other types of D3 tests are not accrate.
I like your sense of humor !

Keep me informed.

Best of luck,

be u old self
09-15-2013, 01:39 AM
Ali my test rsults is 14 ng. My doctor told me to take 800 a day. So I been ouside under the sun. For 30 mints a day so is it better to het injctions how would my level go up u think I'm low on other vitamins because I feel nervus all the time

09-15-2013, 02:04 AM
Be U:

Your doctor obviously is not informed about vitamin D3 deficiency. I wil send you a private message.

09-16-2013, 01:26 PM
I thought vitamin d was for healthy bones, I know vitamin b is for the nervous system and can help anxiety x

09-16-2013, 08:05 PM
Hi lost84:

This is the common misunderstanding among many people. Besides bones, it affects almost on all your bodily funtions in very important ways. Delve into vitamin D, it is much much more than just healthy bones.

Best wishes,

09-17-2013, 11:40 AM
I got my blood tests back today, the doctor said I was low. It was 21.3 ng/ml for Vit D 25-Hydroxy. She said I should continue to take 1,000 iu per day, but won't that just keep up the low amount? I asked about injections and she said I should come back in a few weeks and get re-tested (then wait another week) and if my numbers have not improved, she will give me shots.

Any advice? Is 21.3 even that low?

09-17-2013, 12:21 PM
Hi Newzie:

I am glad that you had your test. Yes, you are low, and 1000 IU will probably not keep you at this level either. Your test level very well may drop. Your test result should be somewhere between 50 ng/ml to 100 ng/ml, provided that the test range is from 1 to 100.

Have you considered to visit an endocrinologist ? Of course, if you are from New Zealand, the national health system is a real obstacle for the selection of the doctor of your choice !

If you prefer to wait for the shots, then ask her to give you 300,000 IU injections, once a month, for three months.

Best regards,

09-17-2013, 12:30 PM
Thanks Ali.

I actually have considered an endocrinologist, just sort of thought if I went he would think I was over thinking my issues and chum them up to basic depression/anxiety. My brother goes to a good endo, maybe I should make an appointment. I def. think I am deficient in other minerals/vitamins, but my blood work didn't test everything.

I might call my Uncle (he is a MD) and see what he thinks. He could prescribe those 50,000 IU pills probably.

09-19-2013, 09:21 AM
I just wonder how I force my doctor to refer me to endocrinologist? Any idea ? Even suggesting that she should do the test on VD3 is risky. I live in Canada and doctors are gods, you can not sue them due the malpractice which happens all the time. Changing the doctors is very challenging, and almost impossible, at least in the city I live in...

09-19-2013, 10:19 AM
Hi Dahlia:

I know about doctors, and the medical system in Canada--it really is screwed up, with so many know nothing physicians, and a few who know something, and do nothing ! I will let you know in a private message, how you can get around it.

Best regards,

09-19-2013, 09:02 PM
Thank you :))

09-21-2013, 10:31 AM
I cannot WAIT to look more into this and add it into all the tests I'll be getting done soon! Sooo very grateful for this app/site and the wealth of information being spread around to help everyone. :) . Thank youuu!

09-21-2013, 11:03 AM
Hi Ladi...:

Thank you for reading my thread about vitamin D3.

Please let me know what you do about your vitamin D3, and the test result.
Please also make sure the type of vitamin D3 test is 25-OH.
The other test types are not accurate.

Best wishes,

09-22-2013, 05:34 PM
I just posted my results earlier in this thread (I was 21.3). I am curious how long you guys think it would take to get to healthier levels? I have been taking 5,000 IU pills for almost a week now.

Would it take weeks or months to get into a healthy range?

09-22-2013, 08:46 PM
Hi Newzie:

Considering your level, and not vey aggressive dosage, it would take about 16 weeks
for you to reach a level above 50ng/ml.

09-22-2013, 09:05 PM
Hi Newzie:

Considering your level, and not vey aggressive dosage, it would take about 16 weeks
for you to reach a level above 50ng/ml.

Thanks Ali. I was just curious as I have been feeling slightly better already and it is so early on.

09-22-2013, 09:54 PM

It is not so early on. In a week or two, the effects of D3 will start appearing.

09-25-2013, 04:58 PM
Okay, I was reporting here sometime in July saying that most of my symptoms were gone and I was gonna report when I feel cured. So... The moment is now! :D

For quite a few weeks, I haven't been experiencing ANY of the symptoms I used to have. What a relief that is! I can think about whatever I want, do whatever I want and I'm as happy and full of energy as I used to be before the anxiety kicked in in the beginning of this year. All the triggering thoughts are so harmless right now. In fact, every time I think about them (and I sometimes do for fun because they're nothing different from the other thoughts you may have), I laugh at myself inside because I just cannot grasp how such peaceful thoughts could have had such tremendous impact on me some time ago!

Even thinking about anxiety now seems so surreal - I mean, even if I wanted to force myself to feel the way I used to, I can't. My brain just no longers goes these places. It never will. I know it was a bad period for me but from the perspective of today, I just cannot understand how it affected me so much because today it seems like... nothing ever happened.

Try D3 people because for me, it seems to have made wonders. Now, as I stated before - I was taking many other things simultaneously so don't necessarily restrict yourself to D3. Some multivitamin with things such as chromium alongside can do nothing but help you!

And the additional motivation: I feel so boosted because of defeating anxiety that I just can't put it into words. I mean: some people tell you that's anxiety stays forever with you, that you can't win and such. It's a complete nonsense. I'm a living example of the contrary and feel great - any time I hear about something that's said to be impossible, I immediately think "yeah, so is curing anxiety, right?" :) Such a confidence boost!

Thank you very much Damavandi once again because you were one of the people who had tremendous impact on my recovery. For all the patience in guiding me through D3 and the service you do here for other people. All the best to you, good sir :)

EDIT: A lot of people are asking me about the additional supplementation I was taking that I spoke about above. So in the beginning, I was taking ~200mg magnesium and 600-800mg calcium a day in form of pills - it didn't seem to have too much of an effect but a) it was a time when I was not taking D3 yet and b) it was the beginning of the anxiety and it always takes the longest to start. But to the point, the set which had the best impact on me was:

- 7000IU D3 a day - I was taking drops but gel capsules should be just as fine. Of course after I started feeling great and the blood tests showed that my levels are in the correct range again, I just use a maintenance dose
- multivitamin - look for the athlete brands because they have a really cool composition and you're trying to get out of serious vitamin imbalance, not maintain your current level thus the regular multi-vit may not work. I was taking one with such composition (can't post a link since it may be seen as trying to sell something, which I'm not):


Vitamins 1 capsule *%RDA
Vit. A 1000 µg 125%
Vit. D 10 µg 200%
Vit. E 24 mg 200%
Vit. C (PureWay-C®) 290 mg 362%
Vit. B1 19,4 mg 1763%
Vit. B2 19,6 mg 1400%
Niacin 31 mg 194%
Vit. B6 18,8 mg 1343%
Folacin 400 µg 200%
Vit. B12 23 µg 920%
Biotin 100 µg 200%
Pantothenic acid 12 mg 200%
Citrus bioflavonoid 40% 100 mg
Artichoke extract 5% cynarines 80 mg
Pumpkin seed extract 5:1 60 mg
Nettle extract 60 mg
Green tea extract 55% EGCG 60 mg
ALA (alfa-lipoic acid) 10 mg
Black pepper extract® (95%)


Mineral components 1 capsule *%RDA
Magnesium** 190 mg 51%
Calcium** 100 mg 12,5%
Potassium 75 mg 3,75%
Zinc* 15 mg 150%
Iron* 3 mg 21%
Manganese* 3 mg 150%
Copper* 500 µg 50%
Iodine 150 µg 100%
Chromium 150 µg 375%
Selenium 75 µg 136%

. It has terrific doses inside: a lot of B vitamins, a lot of others too. It has chromium which is rare but very helpful. It's just... great and it's not only my opinion. Try to find something similar in your country and if it lacks something, you can always supplement it from food or buy a specific supplement for it (say, chromium supplements)
- three chamomille-lemon balm blends a day. Every day. Now I drink one or two because I just like the taste.
- two bananas a day - combined with multivitamin, it's a great dose of magnesium (which you need for proper D3 absorption) and potassium

...and it's basically it. Nothing fancy, really, though I feel the multivitamin had great impact on me - that way, you can supplement other mineral and vitamin problems you may have withour worrying about swallowing 100 pills for everything ;)

09-25-2013, 05:06 PM
For quite a few weeks, I haven't been experiencing ANY of the symptoms I used to have. What a relief that is! I can think about whatever I want, do whatever I want and I'm as happy and full of energy as I used to be before the anxiety kicked in in the beginning of this year. All the triggering thoughts are so harmless right now. In fact, every time I think about them (and I sometimes do for fun because they're nothing different from the other thoughts you may have), I laugh at myself inside because I just cannot grasp how such peaceful thoughts could have had such tremendous impact on me some time ago!

Dude, that is great! I know exactly what you mean above. Last time I kicked the anxiety (and before I let my D3 levels drop to such low levels) a few months after feeling better I used to try to get myself panicky and just couldn't happen. Plus on a daily day to day, after a few months, the thought of 'anxiety' rarely ever popped into my head.

Can not wait to get where you are, already feeling improvements thanks to supplementing my D, hopefully in a couple months I can return and say the same thing as you:)

09-26-2013, 03:30 AM
A few people have been asking about the additional supplements I was taking - I edited the post above so feel free to help yourself ;)

09-26-2013, 09:54 PM

Thank you very much for the kind words. I am delighted to hear about all the positive news.

You forgot to mention that 7000 IU of D3 daily is just for 12 weeks. After the 12th week,
you must have another D3 blood test to determine the new level in your body. Then, in accordance to the test result,
the new dose will be given to you. The ideal D level is between 50 ng/ml to 100 ng/ml.
All the above should be done under the supervision of an up to date doctor.

Best of luck,

09-27-2013, 02:50 AM
Yep, sure. Forgot to mention it - of course don't live on 7000IU of D3 a day forever, people. It's just for the sake of getting your D3 to the correct levels which you can check out by taking a blood test :)

09-27-2013, 04:53 AM
hmmm Im in New Zealand and might ask to get tested someone else recently mentioned Vit D for anxiety I think she takes it for MS, Im desperate to find something to help me :) Ill have to convince my doctor to have this test though, had my thyroid checked last week and all was good there :)

be u old self
10-01-2013, 09:52 PM
Hi ali ok I'm starting with 5000iu a day and magnsium 250g is that good inff or I need something els its been 4 days now I feel better put nit all they way I drove today for the frist time in long time without feeling nervs or thinking of fear myne this vitamin d its taking its affct

10-04-2013, 10:13 PM
Hi Ali and everyone,

This thread is really interesting! Glad to hear vitamin D helped you out so much:) I have a question that I hope you can help me out with...

My vitamin D level is low, and my doc prescribed me one cap 50,000 IU/week for 6 weeks. I picked up the prescription tonight, but I was surprised that it said VIT D 50,000 IU D2 (ERGO) CAPS.

You mentioned earlier that vit D2 is not as effective as vit D3, so I'm hesitant to take the first capsule. I want to contact my doc, but I have a feeling he is just gonna say they are the same...Does it really make a difference from what you have read? Has anyone else had success with D2?

Thanks so much in advance!

10-05-2013, 05:57 AM
Hi Hleb:

In reference to D2, I sent you a private message. Please check it out.


10-05-2013, 10:36 PM
Hi Ali,

Thanks so much for your reply:)

Unfortunately, I can't reply to your PM because I don't have 10 posts yet. Can you please answer this general question (you can PM the answer if you want)... Why do doctors prescribe 50,000 IU weekly rather than 7000 IU daily? Is there some sort of benefit of getting the "big" weekly boost of D3 instead of 7 smaller daily doses?

I know I may be overthinking this, but I guess I just want to do it right.

Thanks again.

10-05-2013, 11:30 PM
Hi Ali,

Thanks for the PM, i wanted to ask you how low your test results were? I think i was at 53nm so still in the range but pretty low

10-05-2013, 11:37 PM
Hi Ali,

Thanks for the PM, i wanted to ask you how low your test results were? I think i was at 53nm so still in the range but pretty low

Sitting above 50 is actually a good spot. You aren't low. Some people say 30+, but it generally best to be above 50, from what I have read.

So it seems you are in a good spot at the moment.

10-05-2013, 11:43 PM
I just wonder how I force my doctor to refer me to endocrinologist? Any idea ? Even suggesting that she should do the test on VD3 is risky. I live in Canada and doctors are gods, you can not sue them due the malpractice which happens all the time. Changing the doctors is very challenging, and almost impossible, at least in the city I live in...

Dahila my psychiatrist tried to find an endocrinologist to refer me to, but was unable to. Instead he referred me to a gynaecologist. I am now on oestrogen patches and the mirena coil but also taking a nasal spray to get rid of the hormones completely and push me into the menopause because I keep coming back out of it.

I have been on the nasal spray a few months now and thought my mood would have lifted, but because this time the depression has lasted 2.5 years instead of only about 6 months with post natal depression, I now think the depression has taken on its own life.

My psychiatrist is stuck on what to give me to give me a lift so he has referred me to a mood specialist and I am waiting for the appointment to come, hope it comes soon.

I see my gynaecologist next week. By e-mail he says that the spray is working because of the side effects I am having. So hoping that the hormone problem will subside, even if means having a hysterectomy in the end - now just need a lift from the depression it has caused.

10-06-2013, 12:53 AM
Hi Lin:

I am sorry to hear that your doctor is not knowledegeable about D3, and is not ready to order a blood test for you. People in The UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia have all problems to get to a more intelligent doctor. I am glad that I am not living in any of the above mentioned countries,
merely because of their barricaded medical systems !

Best regards,

10-06-2013, 01:03 AM
Hi Hleb:

These are two different procedures, with absolutely no difference. The end result will be the same.
The only difference is that if you get 50,000 IU in D2, the effect will not be as much as D3. So it would
be much better to go on with smaller daily doses of D3, unless you have the history of a medical problem such as renal
failure, or something like that. For some reason, which I suspect is financial, in The U.S., they make 50,000 pills in the form of D2, which obviously is more expensive than D3 !

Best regards,

10-06-2013, 01:12 AM
Hi Rizza:

If you are 53 ng/ml I call it a miracle. Either you take high doses of D3 supplements, or
you are a life guard, a roofer, or a sun lover !

Please, check your test type to see whether it was 25-OH, or not. I guess you are mistaking about the test result being 53 ng/ml.
If indeed your test result is 53 ng/ml, and the test type is 25-OH, then have another test.

Best of Luck,

10-06-2013, 08:53 AM
Hi Hleb:

In reference to D2, I sent you a private message. Please check it out.


Thanks for the kind words, Ali.

Actually, I have a family member who is a doctor who prescribed the tests for me. I haven't got the results from him yet, but he just told me that my Vit D is low and my B12 is in the normal range (he did tell me to take 1000 mcg/daily B12 since it doesn't hurt).

10-06-2013, 01:25 PM
I am so against introducing hormones to the body, I mean in addition what we eat in dairy products and meat. I do not think my anxiety is up because of menopause. I am suffering with it from early childhood. I had been in countless hospitals suffering with asthma. As long as I remember. Always crying and suffering with separation anxiety. If anything I would say I am much better now, than ever before. I know a lot of problems could be solved by endocrinologist. It is not easy to get an appontement, In city I live, In Canada it is almost impossible

10-06-2013, 07:24 PM
OK, I finally got my test results. My Vit D3 is 19 NG/ML...my B12 is 333 PG/ML. Seems like my D3 really is low!

10-06-2013, 08:21 PM
OK, I finally got my test results. My Vit D3 is 19 NG/ML...my B12 is 333 PG/ML. Seems like my D3 really is low!

D3 and b12 are both very low. You want your D3 to be at least above 50 and your b12 closer to 800-1000.

10-09-2013, 08:12 AM
a new found for cure / betterment of the condition. very good.

10-19-2013, 03:15 PM
I just wanted to drop into this thread and give a little update.

My D3 levels were quite low (less than half of what they optimally should be). I was at 21 ng/ml.

I have been experiencing both anxiety and depression for about two months at varying degrees. Lately I have felt better (past 2 weeks) and I attribute part of that to supplementing my D3 via OTC vitamin pills.

My anxiety has decreased by a good degree. Am I 'cured' yet? Nope. But I am also not even at the optimal level with my D3 yet. I have to a minor degree (im guessing I am in the upper 20s, low 30s now) improved my D3 level and seen some improvements in my anxiety. If I keep this up, I will be in a good place in a month or so.

I plan on getting my D3 levels checked again in a little over a month.

Cheers all and good luck on your journeys:)

PS - I think it also important to note that D3 won't cure your anxiety, but being at a good level will help you out in the long run. There is just too much evidence that supports the benefits of D3. It is the only vitamin that is also an hormone. It helps regulate the neurotransmitters that can affect mood. So it is logical to say being low, will have an adverse affect on your health (physical AND mental).

But once you learn the anxiety/depression thinking cycle, you need to find a way to break it. Perfect D3 levels can't fix learned negative thinking. That's something you need work on with a therapist. So, get your D3 levels up and go talk to someone:)

10-20-2013, 01:40 PM
I just wanted to drop into this thread and give a little update. My D3 levels were quite low (less than half of what they optimally should be). I was at 21 ng/ml. I have been experiencing both anxiety and depression for about two months at varying degrees. Lately I have felt better (past 2 weeks) and I attribute part of that to supplementing my D3 via OTC vitamin pills. My anxiety has decreased by a good degree. Am I 'cured' yet? Nope. But I am also not even at the optimal level with my D3 yet. I have to a minor degree (im guessing I am in the upper 20s, low 30s now) improved my D3 level and seen some improvements in my anxiety. If I keep this up, I will be in a good place in a month or so. I plan on getting my D3 levels checked again in a little over a month. Cheers all and good luck on your journeys:) PS - I think it also important to note that D3 won't cure your anxiety, but being at a good level will help you out in the long run. There is just too much evidence that supports the benefits of D3. It is the only vitamin that is also an hormone. It helps regulate the neurotransmitters that can affect mood. So it is logical to say being low, will have an adverse affect on your health (physical AND mental). But once you learn the anxiety/depression thinking cycle, you need to find a way to break it. Perfect D3 levels can't fix learned negative thinking. That's something you need work on with a therapist. So, get your D3 levels up and go talk to someone:)


Thank you for the update. Dalamandi has been helping me and I think you are exactly right about learning to control the anxiety also

My levels are at 19 I'm taking 3000 daily for about 3 weeks now and do feel better but not cured I had an appt with an endocrinologist a few weeks back but unfortunately he didn't believe much in the vitamins so I'm going to see another next week

Now that it seems I have an explanation as to why this happened so sudden a couple of months ago it's getting easier to control the triggers
This too started for me a couple months back for no reason. How much d3 are you taking? My b-12 is also very low are you taking a supplement for that too? I take 1000

Thanks again and I feel we are in the right path :)


10-20-2013, 05:20 PM

How much d3 are you taking? My b-12 is also very low are you taking a supplement for that too? I take 1000

Thanks again and I feel we are in the right path :)


I am taking about 3000-5000 IU per day, but have missed some days here and there. I also bought the gel caps, but hate taking pills so I empty the caps into a drink (so I might lose a little bit when I do that).

I actually didn't get my b12 levels in my blood test, I was hoping I would but didn't:/ I want to go back to my results now and check! I have a feeling my levels were OK though, I eat a lot of meat, but who knows. I have however heard that along with D, B vitamins can really play a big role in mood. ESPECIALLY folic acid. Heck, there is even a prescription drug for mood disorders that is just pure folic acid: http://www.drugs.com/comments/l-methylfolate/deplin-for-depression.html

Good luck! I'll report back in a month or so!

10-22-2013, 09:29 PM
Mine is a long story.
I am 39, male. We live in Australia.In general I am very fearful and anxious man. I am fearful for no cause (Please don’t laugh)
In the month of October 2012, I have noticed a slight ringing noise in my both years and chest pains. After that I consulted so many doctors including cardiologist, neurologist, so many Tests x-rays CTs, ECGs, appearing in emergencies. All tests came with negative results except I have Vit-d Deficiency. Mine is only less than 11nmol/l. It was discovered in June'2013. But all the doctors are keeping on saying that VIT-d can’t cause any symptoms.
In August have started vit-d supplements (60k per 2weeks) on my own. (Till now I took 8*60K). But after starting the supplements my symptoms are worse than before. Can you please help me how should I come out from this situation:
What did you mean of UP TO DATE DOCTOR

Below listed are my common symptoms I am facing daily.

• Blurred, distorted vision
• When shut my eyes I feel dizzy and nauseous

• Dry mouth, throat all the time
• Ulcers
• Tongue, lips or jaw twitching – feels swollen
• Feeling of lump in throat, something stuck

• Neck and shoulders tight or sore
• Heavy feeling on shoulders

• Chest pains / discomfort – can move from one side to the other
• Constant worry about the heart
• Heart-burn – trapped wind – constantly burping
• Feeling need to rub the chest
• Shooting pains in chest
• Feeling of compression in the chest – smothered
• Frequent yawning in an effort to get a deep breath
• Pain in back which i think might be connected to my heart
• Heart beating hard or too fast, palpitations

• Indigestion,
• Upset stomach, nausea, cramps, abdominal stress
• Constipation, diarrhoea
• Loss of appetite – can’t face food
• Needing to go to the toilet
• Irritable bladder Urgency to urinate, frequent urination (sometimes immediately after I go I need to go again)
• Weakness in legs, arms or muscles
• Numbness, tingling, itching

• Feelings of crawling, itching, tingling, burning, pulsating
• Pins and needles

• Increased sensitivity
• Feeling ice cold (shiver down the spine)

• Chronic fatigue
• No energy – constantly tired
• Feeling of weakness in legs, arms, muscles
• Throbbing or pain in leg muscles after standing
• Excess energy – feeling of restlessness – can’t relax – hyperactive
• Hot or cold flushes
• Numbness or tingling anywhere in the body – which can move around
• Muscle ‘twitching’ or ‘jerking’

• ‘Symptom shifting’ – feeling symptoms in different parts of the body on different days
• Irritable, agitated
• easily startled
• Uncontrollable sweating
• The ground feels like it is moving either down or up for no reason
• Trembling or shaking
• Strange feeling that my body (limbs) is extremely ‘thick’ like an Elephant’s legs.

• Difficulty falling or staying asleep
• When I close my eyes my head feels ‘swimmy’
• Images or ‘chattering’ in my head
• Can’t lie in one position – tossing and turning
• Body jerks as it starts to relax in bed
• Disturbing, non-sensical dreams / nightmares
• Night time makes all anxiety symptoms exaggerated
• Frightening sensations / feelings that feel even more terrifying at night
• Waking up and going into panic
• Feel as if the restless sleep makes me more tired the next day

10-23-2013, 09:06 AM
Hi Tthere:

I read all your symptoms. You are not alone. many people at this forum have similar symptoms. When I had my breakdown many years ago, I had more or less the same symptoms for 3 years straight. It is ll over now, and I am cured. So, do not lose hope.

Your vitamin D level, 11 nmol/L equals to less than 5 ng/ml. It is an absolute disaster. You must elevate the level to somewher between 125 nmol/L
to 250 nmol/L provided that the test scale is from 1 to 250. As far as I understand, you are taking 30,000 IU of vitamin D per week. Is it vitamin D2, or D3 ?
In my thread, I quoted Dr. Zaidi about ignorance of many doctors about importance of vitamin D. If you want to know more about it, read his book. It will teach you much about vitamin D deficiency, treating it, and the questions about toxicity. Then your question about who is an up to date doctor, and who is not an up to date doctor, will be answered. Your doctor is not an up to date doctor, for sure.

If you are reacting towards vitamin D3 suppements, most probably, your magnesium level is low, and you need to bring it up. You also need to raise the level of calcium in your blood. Did your doctor order a PTH blood test for you ?

There is POD cast on internet about vitamin D by Dr. Zafirides, which is quite informative. Searc for zafirides cannell. you will find the POD cast in two parts. Listen to it.

Best of luck,

10-23-2013, 10:40 PM
Hi Ali,

Thank you for your quck responce.
At the moment I am consuming 60K Vitamin D3/ one tablet for 2weeks.
Magnesium 300mg (Magnesium carbonate - heavy 1.17g). I am not taking often, ocationally every week one tablet by dissolved in water according to the instructions on the pack.(I dont know what is heavy 1.17g, its is just wrintten on the pack).
Shall I continue this magnesium or should I need to buy CHELATE Magnesium only. If so which brand is better? Then How long I need to take it?

Thank you.


10-24-2013, 01:29 AM
Hi Satya:

Magnesium carbonate has a low absorption rate. Chelate magnesium has better absorption rate, and
naturally, more effect. Take one chelate magnesium every day for several months. Famous brands are all good.

Best of Luck,

10-24-2013, 06:35 PM
Hi Ali,

Thank you for reply.

Yes I am taking 60k of Vitamin D3. I should plan to consume one tablet for each week from now on.
Do I need to consult any endocrinologist? Here we could not see endo without our GP (general physician) reference. My GP is not ready to refer to endo rather than he is referred me to neurologist to check my head pressure. He keep on saying that this is not the problem with vitamin d deficiency and this is because of anxiety and stress, there might be a problem in my inner ear. I went for inner ear check up and balance test. All results came back as normal. He is suggesting me to go for CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy). I believe it could be waste of money.

Regarding Amino acids, in which form I can find. Are there any specific brand names to identify them or we just ask as amino acids pills.

Thank you.


10-26-2013, 09:17 PM
I just wanted to drop into this thread and give a little update.

My D3 levels were quite low (less than half of what they optimally should be). I was at 21 ng/ml.

I have been experiencing both anxiety and depression for about two months at varying degrees. Lately I have felt better (past 2 weeks) and I attribute part of that to supplementing my D3 via OTC vitamin pills.

My anxiety has decreased by a good degree. Am I 'cured' yet? Nope. But I am also not even at the optimal level with my D3 yet. I have to a minor degree (im guessing I am in the upper 20s, low 30s now) improved my D3 level and seen some improvements in my anxiety. If I keep this up, I will be in a good place in a month or so.

I plan on getting my D3 levels checked again in a little over a month.

Cheers all and good luck on your journeys:)

PS - I think it also important to note that D3 won't cure your anxiety, but being at a good level will help you out in the long run. There is just too much evidence that supports the benefits of D3. It is the only vitamin that is also an hormone. It helps regulate the neurotransmitters that can affect mood. So it is logical to say being low, will have an adverse affect on your health (physical AND mental).

But once you learn the anxiety/depression thinking cycle, you need to find a way to break it. Perfect D3 levels can't fix learned negative thinking. That's something you need work on with a therapist. So, get your D3 levels up and go talk to someone:)

Good to hear that you are doing better, Newzie:) My D3 level was close to yours (19), and I have been taking 7000 IU D3/day for 3 weeks now. I have been feeling slightly better lately, but that may be due to me exercising for about 20 min every morning the last 5 days.

It's a little tough to get excited because I have been let down so many times after trying new "cures". For some reason though, I really feel that there is something about D3...like you said, there seem to be many people who have experienced significant improvements after raising their D3 levels...And right now, I just want some improvement...It is tough to overcome "negative thinking cycles" when you are in the kind of state I have been in all my life (constant anxiety and stress). I have been going to therapists for a long time, but I have always felt that something in my body "just isn't right." Let's see if D3 will make a difference:)

10-26-2013, 09:21 PM
Oh, and Ali,

Thanks for your PM a couple of weeks ago...Sorry I couldn't reply; It says I need 10 posts until I can do so. I really appreciate your advice:)

10-30-2013, 01:19 PM

I suffred from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder for a few decades. One day, accidentally, I read something about vitamin D3, and depression on the Net, which ultimately changed my life.

A few months after reading the article, I decided to go for a routine check up, and blood test. This time, I asked for a vitamin D3 test to be included. The test result showed that I was deficient on vitamin D3 !!!

After visiting a doctor known for his work on vitamins, and amino acids deficiencies, I got 300,000 IU (International Units) monthly injections of vitamin D3. Three days after receiving the first injection, the depression started lifting, and in the second month, all symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks vanished. It has been 18 months since the first injection. I am on a maintenance dose of vitamin D3. There is no doubt that I have been cured, 100%.

The first question that will pop up in your over exhausted heads is that why the doctors do not know much about the curing power of vitamin D3 ? Dr. S. Zaidi is an Assitant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. In general terms, he answers the above question in his book, Power Of Vitamin D:

"Why hasn't my Doctor told me about all the beneficial effects of Vitamin D ?"

"Unfortunately, This exciting new knowledge about vitamin D hasn't reached the radar screen of most physicians, nor has it reached the curriculum of medical schools. Why? Because no drug company is behind it. It's not a drug. it's cheap and you can obtain it over the counter. Unfortunately, most of our medical research, medical guidelines for practicing physicians and medical knowledge in text books is dependent upon drug companies one way or another. Sad but true! It may take years before this revolutionary knowledge finds its way into medical books and physician's offices."

Well, the above quotation should answer some of your questions.

By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on high doses of vitamin D3. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please.

Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients.
My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range.

People in the United States must be careful not to accept vitamin D2 instead of vitamin D3 for their treatment. Vitamin D2 is an inferior type of vitamin D, and not as effective as vitamin D3 in some cases. Vitamin D2 is still being produced in The United States. As a matter of fact, D2 should be used for patients with kidney problems, and other conditions, which require special attention. Otherwise, vitamin D3 should be the first choice for treating people with vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D3 treatment has worked for me, and many others. There is a good chance that it could work for you also, if you are low on this vital vitamin. Your feedback on your progress will highly be appreciated.

Best wishes,

I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety since I was pregnant with my 3rd child. Everything was led to stress and being a busy working mom that could not handle the stress. I tested positive for the ANA test, however they cannot tell me what Autoimmune disease I have. I was placed on Depression pills and Alprazolam for the attacks. 2 years later they finally test my Vitamin D. It tested at a 8. I was placed on supplements but said everyone is deficient in WI, not to worry. Supplements are gone and here I am still taking maintenance doses and I have tested again at a 12.8. Anxiety and panic is back at full force, constant lump in my throat with the nervous what if going through my head. I cannot get a provider to take this seriously, I was feeling well (not Great) and my level was at 22.


10-30-2013, 02:11 PM
Hi Amy:

High level of vitamin D3 really helps people with autoimmune diseases.
It also will help you to overcome your anxiety, depression, and panic.
In my case, it was a 100% cure story. My level is around 80 ng/ml these days, and I really feel great.
I know that you are frustrated with your
doctors on the subject of vitamin D. Why don't you read Dr. Zaidi's book, POWER OF VITAMIN D ?
The last 3-4 chapter of this book are devoted to testing, dosage, and toxicity. It certainly will help you with your treatment,
and above all, how to talk to your doctors on the subject of vitamin D.
I also will send you a private message to discuss the matter further.

Best wishes,

10-30-2013, 02:15 PM
Hi Amy:

High level of vitamin D3 really helps people with autoimmune diseases.
It also will help you to overcome your anxiety, depression, and panic.
In my case, it was a 100% cure story. My level is around 80 ng/ml these days, and I really feel great.
I know that you are frustrated with your
doctors on the subject of vitamin D. Why don't you read Dr. Zaidi's book, POWER OF VITAMIN D ?
The last 3-4 chapter of this book are devoted to testing, dosage, and toxicity. It certainly will help you with your treatment,
and above all, how to talk to your doctors on the subject of vitamin D.
I also will send you a private message to discuss the matter further.

Best wishes,

I will look for your message but I am not able to respond with less than 10 posts.

11-02-2013, 02:30 AM
Hello: I suffred from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder for a few decades. One day, accidentally, I read something about vitamin D3, and depression on the Net, which ultimately changed my life. A few months after reading the article, I decided to go for a routine check up, and blood test. This time, I asked for a vitamin D3 test to be included. The test result showed that I was deficient on vitamin D3 !!! After visiting a doctor known for his work on vitamins, and amino acids deficiencies, I got 300,000 IU (International Units) monthly injections of vitamin D3. Three days after receiving the first injection, the depression started lifting, and in the second month, all symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks vanished. It has been 18 months since the first injection. I am on a maintenance dose of vitamin D3. There is no doubt that I have been cured, 100%. The first question that will pop up in your over exhausted heads is that why the doctors do not know much about the curing power of vitamin D3 ? Dr. S. Zaidi is an Assitant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. In general terms, he answers the above question in his book, Power Of Vitamin D: "Why hasn't my Doctor told me about all the beneficial effects of Vitamin D ?" "Unfortunately, This exciting new knowledge about vitamin D hasn't reached the radar screen of most physicians, nor has it reached the curriculum of medical schools. Why? Because no drug company is behind it. It's not a drug. it's cheap and you can obtain it over the counter. Unfortunately, most of our medical research, medical guidelines for practicing physicians and medical knowledge in text books is dependent upon drug companies one way or another. Sad but true! It may take years before this revolutionary knowledge finds its way into medical books and physician's offices." Well, the above quotation should answer some of your questions. By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on high doses of vitamin D3. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please. Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients. My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range. People in the United States must be careful not to accept vitamin D2 instead of vitamin D3 for their treatment. Vitamin D2 is an inferior type of vitamin D, and not as effective as vitamin D3 in some cases. Vitamin D2 is still being produced in The United States. As a matter of fact, D2 should be used for patients with kidney problems, and other conditions, which require special attention. Otherwise, vitamin D3 should be the first choice for treating people with vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D3 treatment has worked for me, and many others. There is a good chance that it could work for you also, if you are low on this vital vitamin. Your feedback on your progress will highly be appreciated. Best wishes, Ali

Thanks to your post I went to the doctors and asked to be tested it came back yesterday that I hae a deficiency hopefully that means I can get better without the use of anti depressants! Woo

11-05-2013, 04:56 PM
These types of threads always make me a little nervous (and skeptical). Where is the research? Where are the double-blind controlled studies? There's a LOT of homeopathic nonsense on the Internet that not only gives people false hope but also could be dangerous.

Science doesn't work with anecdotes, it works with hard evidence, experimentation, peer review and replication of said results. That said, vitamin D could work for some people, or it may not. I am just saying "show me the proof."

People who bring in conspiracy theories should always be looked upon with skeptical eyes. A lot of the homeopathic crowd says things like "if you just take this vitamin or herb, you will be cured." And when you ask them why no real doctor suggests such treatments, they will bring in conspiracy theories like "oh because big pharma is suppressing it." I'm sorry, but big pharma cannot control the millions of doctors in the world.

11-05-2013, 07:18 PM
Hi Panic..:

Obviously, you have read the title, and parts of the thread. You have not read the entire hread. My main demand is everybody to have
the vitamin D (25-OH) blood test done. If you are low, then you will give your mental, and general health a chance.

If one is low on this vitamin, it takes mega doses of D3 to get back to normal. It has not got anything to do with homeopathy, and
homeopathic doses. As an open minded person, I also have to emphasize that I do not have anything against homeopathy, or any school of science that has different theories on the subject of human mental, and physical health.

Yes, there has been tons of credible research on vitamin D during the past two decades. Many books have been written on the subject.
For more information, go to the the site of Vitamin D Council.

Before being too pesimistic on anything other than Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro..., give yourself a chance. Have this vitamin D blood test done.
If you are deficient on D, then take the level up under the supervision of an up to date doctor. This way, you may gain something, but for sure, you will not lose anything.

Best of luck,

11-05-2013, 08:20 PM
These types of threads always make me a little nervous (and skeptical). Where is the research? Where are the double-blind controlled studies? There's a LOT of homeopathic nonsense on the Internet that not only gives people false hope but also could be dangerous.

Science doesn't work with anecdotes, it works with hard evidence, experimentation, peer review and replication of said results. That said, vitamin D could work for some people, or it may not. I am just saying "show me the proof."

People who bring in conspiracy theories should always be looked upon with skeptical eyes. A lot of the homeopathic crowd says things like "if you just take this vitamin or herb, you will be cured." And when you ask them why no real doctor suggests such treatments, they will bring in conspiracy theories like "oh because big pharma is suppressing it." I'm sorry, but big pharma cannot control the millions of doctors in the world.

Hi big pharma, nice to see you still visiting forums spreading your evil ;) Jk jk.

^ Like he said, I think this only works if your numbers aren't good.

11-20-2013, 04:50 PM
Hi Ali,
I took 4X60,0000 IU Vitamin D3 between 30-Oct and 09-Nov and stopped because I had weird noise from my head and flu and cough. Till now in total I had 12X60,0000 IU Vitamin D3 and stopped.
I have just had my Vitmin D levels. It is now 228 nmol/l. In June it is <13 nmol/l.
I am free from most of the symptoms what I described before except weird noise from my head and flu and cough, nausea and weakness.
Is it because of over dose of vitamin d3 in last week? And do I need to continue any smaller dose of vitamin d3?

11-20-2013, 07:45 PM
Taking over 4 thousand must be under the physician supervision. Guys and Girls be careful, it seems to me like Homeopathic remedies, does not help does not harm. Sorry for the creator of thread, but I do not take it without the the "yes from my GP.

11-20-2013, 09:35 PM
Hi Satya:

I am delighted to know that all your symptoms are gone. It seems you have got a bad cold. Your GP should be able to take care of it.
The maximun allowable safe range for D is 250 nmol/L, and you are still below that, within the safe range.
Your flu symptoms have got nothing to do with D.

Yes, you should have a maintenance daily dose to keep this current wonderful D3 level in your blood.
A normal DAILY intake of two thousand IU (2000 IU) should suffice as a maintenance dose for your current D3 level.
After a few months, have another blood test to know whether this maintenance dose had been enough or not.

Vitamin D is a magnesium burner in the body. You need to take some 200 mgs of CHELATE magnesium daily.
Do NOT take magnesium oxide, because it has many side effects, and low absorption rate. You also must have calcium
supplements with D, or instead, at least 3 glasses of milk daily.

Best of luck,

12-02-2013, 05:48 PM
I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety since I was pregnant with my 3rd child. Everything was led to stress and being a busy working mom that could not handle the stress. I tested positive for the ANA test, however they cannot tell me what Autoimmune disease I have. I was placed on Depression pills and Alprazolam for the attacks. 2 years later they finally test my Vitamin D. It tested at a 8. I was placed on supplements but said everyone is deficient in WI, not to worry. Supplements are gone and here I am still taking maintenance doses and I have tested again at a 12.8. Anxiety and panic is back at full force, constant lump in my throat with the nervous what if going through my head. I cannot get a provider to take this seriously, I was feeling well (not Great) and my level was at 22. Amy

Why can't they tell you what autoimmune disease you have? What were your symptoms?

12-02-2013, 10:50 PM
Hi Satya:

I am delighted to know that all your symptoms are gone. It seems you have got a bad cold. Your GP should be able to take care of it.
The maximun allowable safe range for D is 250 nmol/L, and you are still below that, within the safe range.
Your flu symptoms have got nothing to do with D.

Yes, you should have a maintenance daily dose to keep this current wonderful D3 level in your blood.
A normal DAILY intake of two thousand IU (2000 IU) should suffice as a maintenance dose for your current D3 level.
After a few months, have another blood test to know whether this maintenance dose had been enough or not.

Vitamin D is a magnesium burner in the body. You need to take some 200 mgs of CHELATE magnesium daily.
Do NOT take magnesium oxide, because it has many side effects, and low absorption rate. You also must have calcium
supplements with D, or instead, at least 3 glasses of milk daily.

Best of luck,

Hi Satya: *I answered your question at the thread, which is repeated at the following paragraph. Take 2000 IU of D3 daily for 2-3 months, and then have another test to see whether this maintenance dose had been enough for you or not. You had a long list of symptoms. Let me know which ones still remain ? __________________________________________________ ____________________________ *"I am delighted to know that all your symptoms are gone. It seems you have got a bad cold. Your GP should be able to take care of it. The maximun allowable safe range for D is 250 nmol/L, and you are still below that, within the safe range.Your flu symptoms have got nothing to do with D. *Yes, you should have a maintenance daily dose to keep this current wonderful D3 level in your blood. A normal DAILY intake of two thousand IU (2000 IU) should suffice as a maintenance dose for your current D3 level.After a few months, have another blood test to know whether this maintenance dose had been enough or not. *Vitamin D is a magnesium burner in the body. You need to take some 200 mgs of CHELATE magnesium daily.Do NOT take magnesium oxide, because it has many side effects, and low absorption rate. You also must have calciumsupplements with D, or instead, at least 3 glasses of milk daily. *Best of luck, Ali"

Hi All,*

This is the hard time for me again.
After stopping my vitamin d3 supplementation, as per my doctors advise I took ampli on antibiotic medicine as I suffered with flu. After 3 days doses I had allergic with that and stopped, then I started pantaprozole *40 to cure my reflux symptoms. After 7 days doses I got sick and rushed to ER with raised heRt rate, elevated BP, nausea, stomach burning, chest pains, dizzy. I got discharged on the same day with all reports normal. TodAy is second day that I am having all the symptoms which I had before with severe anxiety and depression when my vitamin d was very low level. My doctor confirmed these are because as I got allergic of pantaprozole. Can you please reply if any one experienced this before and what should I do to boost back to my previous well being state.



Terre Nova
12-04-2013, 05:56 PM
Hi Tthere:

I read all your symptoms. You are not alone. many people at this forum have similar symptoms. When I had my breakdown many years ago, I had more or less the same symptoms for 3 years straight. It is ll over now, and I am cured. So, do not lose hope.

Your vitamin D level, 11 nmol/L equals to less than 5 ng/ml. It is an absolute disaster. You must elevate the level to somewher between 125 nmol/L
to 250 nmol/L provided that the test scale is from 1 to 250. As far as I understand, you are taking 30,000 IU of vitamin D per week. Is it vitamin D2, or D3 ?
In my thread, I quoted Dr. Zaidi about ignorance of many doctors about importance of vitamin D. If you want to know more about it, read his book. It will teach you much about vitamin D deficiency, treating it, and the questions about toxicity. Then your question about who is an up to date doctor, and who is not an up to date doctor, will be answered. Your doctor is not an up to date doctor, for sure.

If you are reacting towards vitamin D3 suppements, most probably, your magnesium level is low, and you need to bring it up. You also need to raise the level of calcium in your blood. Did your doctor order a PTH blood test for you ?

There is POD cast on internet about vitamin D by Dr. Zafirides, which is quite informative. Searc for zafirides cannell. you will find the POD cast in two parts. Listen to it.

Best of luck,

I have almost everyone of the symptoms you explained.. My Drs haven't helped me with any. :(
Have you had any luck at all with Drs and your symptoms?

12-05-2013, 02:03 PM
[QUOTE="Satya;131337"] Hi All,* This is the hard time for me again. After stopping my vitamin d3 supplementation, as per my doctors advise I took ampli on antibiotic medicine as I suffered with flu. After 3 days doses I had allergic with that and stopped, then I started pantaprozole *40 to cure my reflux symptoms. After 7 days doses I got sick and rushed to ER with raised heRt rate, elevated BP, nausea, stomach burning, chest pains, dizzy. I got discharged on the same day with all reports normal. TodAy is second day that I am having all the symptoms which I had before with severe anxiety and depression when my vitamin d was very low level. My doctor confirmed these are because as I got allergic of pantaprozole. Can you please reply if any one experienced this before and what should I do to boost back to my previous well being state. Thanks Satya[/QUOTE

Hi Ali,

Thanks for your private message.
After I got the sufficient vitamin d to 228 nmol/l ( before it was just below 11nmol/l) for two weeks I fell great. But since two weeks I am having horrible weakness and head pressure ringing ears and extreme fatigue, my heart rAte increased and stayed at 110-120 MPM all the time. Even I am not able to go office because of the situation and anxiety and restless ness. Can you advise is it because if sudden increase iom my vitamin d or this is causing any intolerance of the vitamins and minerals. I rushed to the ER 2 times in 3 days. All blood work looking fine and my heart in good condition. I am in confusion and got anxious why my condition become very bad than before even my vitamin d is in excellent state.


12-05-2013, 09:12 PM
Hello ALI i am a doctor of nuclear medicine in Toronto ,(brain imaging processes) had all those test came back negative. when I was talking about being like a Buddist monk , I was referring to it as a metaphor, and yes you can change your brain the way you think by meditation(but that is only small part of therapy ) it's called plasticity it's been proven on CT scans. Anyway I have Fibromyalgia there is a blood test for it now I tested positive , and have gone to a specialist that has confirmed my condition .The National Fibromyalgia and chronic pain Association is pretty much on top the condition, and is aware of a lot of overlooked and misdiagnosed cases, but is trying to minimize that thru education for GPs
Anyway my real breakthrough was discovering that my serotonin reuptake was out of wack , Hydrochloric salt regulates this process between the synapse connection in your brain. It's not quite that simple but i'm just dumbing it down for the layman. I could go into detail but probly would put you to sleep.
I,m not saying D3 doesn't work, but your not treating the "cause" but the "symptoms" It's like treating a tooth ach with pain killers when the real fix is pulling or fixing the tooth, get my drift. For all those wanting to try it just be care full, hard on your liver.
So there you have it I've been my own lab rat, because who else knows how I feel and think better than myself. I've had this condition ( general anxiety for 40 years) but I have persevered in spite of it. People with this condition in my opinion are just over sensitive to there surroundings. In this high paced society of ours it just over whelms us that's all. And to all those who think they are not normal ,I say you are more normal than you think , because being a sensitive, caring individual which many of us are sounds pretty dam normal to me. As the bible says the meek shall inherit the earth and the earth would be a sad place without us!!!
So take heart and forge ahead , i know it is tough as hell sometimes, and you wonder why me of all people, i have, but don't give in to it, there is light at the end of the tunnel and it is always darkest before the dawn.

12-05-2013, 11:38 PM
Hi Steve:

It is very nice to know you. I took the time to go through your started threads, and some of your comments on other people’s threads at this forum. It seems that you got cured from your fibromyalgia by taking Tramadol, which is painkiller, with many side effects, and is quite ADDICTIVE. It looks that you only treated the symptoms of your fibromyalgia rather than the cause ! That is why, yesterday, you came back with the old problem at the last below link ! I put down the links to your two started threads, so people know how Tramadol has cured you.




In my thread, I suggested vitamin D blood test to every one at this forum, and D deficiency treatment by an up to date doctor. The up to date doctor knows how to treat this deficiency, and also takes into consideration any side effects that may arise from taking high doeses of this vitamin. I also never claimed that it will work on all people with anxiety, and depression.
However, D treatment helps, or even cures many with the neurotic symptoms. Moreover, it certainly is necessary to get rid of this deficiency for everybody. A normal vitamin D level is very important to one’s general health, and it will help to reduce the symptoms, and/or cure many ailments. For further information, you can go to the site of vitamin D council.

After some 38 years of suffering from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, I treated the cause of all this, which was vitamin D deficiency. It has been 2 years since I am free from all the above mentioned symptoms. I treated the root cause of my problems, which obviously was vitamin D deficiency. One’s body (brain) is never low on Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Tramadol
( your top choice), etc. However, one’s body (brain) may be low on vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and hormones for causing the neurosis that the person experiences.

I liked your advice against smoking weed through your personal experience. It really screws up the mind as you said. It must be avoided by all people with neurotic symptoms.

Best of luck,

12-06-2013, 04:43 PM
Yes I know that I am only treating the symptoms of my fibro, not disputing that.
But the side effects of the Tramadol have cured my anxiety. Not a bad tradeoff if you ask me, i know all about the risks of Tramadol, it's not for everyone. It's a catch 22, damed if you do and damed if you don't .The anxiety and related condition far out way the fibro pain. I wasn't expecting any relief from my anxiety condition, it was totally unexpected, but i'm a totally different person now and enjoying it. First time in my life I can truly say that I am happy, which is truly "happiness" the ultimate drug. It's like being blind all your life, then one morning you wake up with the ability to see for the first time.Can you imagine that!! I'm using the very lowest does possible. I still have some fibro pain, but the mental pain is gone, depression and anxiety can be extremely cruel as everyone knows!! I used to feel that I was in prisoner of my own mind, with no key.
So this is what works for me right now, i'm only here to pass on what I know and maybe it can help others .They can take this info. and do what they want. What works for me ,may not work for them, just giving another option that's all. It's just that I can't keep this to myself, if it could possibly help someone even temporary.
I'm not going to argue the point anymore it unproductive and pointless. I have better things to do with my time. Have you ever heard the term... there is more than one way to skin a cat, if you get the same result, who gives a shit how it is done.
Have a nice day I did for a change. :))

12-06-2013, 10:25 PM
Say thanks for the advice on the vitamins. I was "thinking" after I posted the last message.
I,m always open to new ideas and I think I will give that vitamim D a try. When my prescription runs out in about 2 months. I will have to wean myself off Tramadol slowly because of the with drawl period, but I will do it anyways. It will be interesting to see what it will do for me and will give it an honest try. It is said that your body will develop tolerance to pain killers and will have to increase dosage over time and will become quite dependent on it. To tell you the truth I was kind of reluctant to share this with the community,because of the side effects. But as you were with your success I had to share the info good or bad. Besides what is the alternative for some, a lifetime of misery, i rather take my chances with anything that will help . There is a lot of desperate people crying out for help. And I can't in good conscience say nothing.
I will look into all the info you provided, and thanks Ali .
All the best to you too... Steve:)
P.S. The dosage I take is 37.5 mg every 4 hrs maximum is 150 mg in 24hr period. Been on that for 2 months, after just one week I could feel a real change in my pain and mental condition .The change in my anxiety was confuseing because it was totally unexpected, only until I researched the active ingredient in the Tramadol did I realize it was responsible for the loss of anxiety and everything else that goes with it. Amazing isn't it ,but there is a dark side to this as you say. One must be cautious when playing with fire!!

12-09-2013, 01:37 PM
I have been on 5,000 IU of Vitamin D since my levels were around 12. Has anyone else that has been on a higher dose have the achy crampy muscles?

12-19-2013, 01:26 PM
Hello all
I got my blood test and my Vit D level is 4ng/ml instead it should be between 30 and 120 ng/ml

I started taking 25000 UI liquid. 2 in first month and 1 in month for next months.

12-19-2013, 03:41 PM
Hi dch:

The dosage is wrong. Please read this thread again.

Best regards,

12-22-2013, 01:18 AM
Hi Ali.

When I went in to be treated for anxiety they automatically did the 25 OH test which came back at 14.76 ng/mL, so my doctor told me to take 5000 IU of D3 per day and recheck in 3 months. Do people usually see benefits before 12 weeks on this dosage?

12-22-2013, 06:26 AM
Hi Robotcat:

Yes, they do feel better, even after taking this reasonable dosage for 2 weeks.
Are you feeling any better ?

Please note that you must pass the 50 ng/ml mark to really feel much better.

Best wishes,

01-14-2014, 09:44 PM
Hi Ali.

When I went in to be treated for anxiety they automatically did the 25 OH test which came back at 14.76 ng/mL, so my doctor told me to take 5000 IU of D3 per day and recheck in 3 months. Do people usually see benefits before 12 weeks on this dosage?
So did mine, I am on 5 thousand for over 6 weeks and really no difference at all:(

01-19-2014, 12:33 PM
I haven't read the whole thread but I just wanted to add that many people are getting their D3 levels tested without having anxiety or depression because a lack of vitamin D can lead to other physical diseases and weaken your immune system. That might mean you'll for example get colds more often. In other words, even if you find out that it doesn't cure your anxiety/depression, getting your D3 levels up might improve your general health.

01-20-2014, 11:14 PM
I had my vitamin D levels tested today directly in a lab that does these tests. I'll get the results back in a few days. I'm curious what my levels are. Having said that,
the most I expect from adjusting my vitamin D levels is maybe decreasing my anxiety a bit but I doubt it will cure it. I'm a person who probably eats much healthier than the average Joe,
avoiding processed foods, eating lots of veggies, fruit, seeds&nuts(magnesium), salmon, poultry etc. I only drink water, no soft drinks, no sugar. I don't smoke or drink, I do competitive swimming,
am a good cyclist(previous bike messenger) and have trained up to 9 hours a day last summer on my bike(for a race) which exposed me to the sun(that produces vitamin D) all day.
All this doesn't cure my anxiety.
I'm pretty sure what fuels my anxiety the most is not the lack of exercise or nutrients but rather the tendency to be a worrier and a "What if" thinker. My pattern of thinking
is the main reason for my anxiety and mainly by changing my way of thinking, I will be able to decrease my anxiety.

Having a good diet, exercising and the nutrients/vitamins you need, definitely makes anxiety much less severe though. I'll report back on how my vitamin D treatment is going either way.

01-23-2014, 04:04 PM
Newest update:

I want to mention that I was taking vitamin D3 supplements last winter. I took 1000 i.e. per day. After I started cycling a lot from spring to summer, I stopped taking them because I was out in the sun a lot.
Exactly one month ago I decided to take them again. The pharmacist told me that he personally takes 4000 i.e per day(4 tablets) all year around. From the beginning of January I decided to start taking 4000 i.e per day.

Today I received the results of my 25-OH-Vitamin D3 test. The result is 23.9 ng/ml. That is basically pretty low. A person should at least be in the 50-70 ng/ml zone. In other words my D3 level was probably
much lower in December. I was actually pretty depressed in December and told friends that I am unusually depressed(I'm an anxious person but less of a depressive person) lately. I didn't know that vitamin D deficiency has an effect on depression/anxiety though(which I learned on here) and come to think of it, my depressive feelings are now less than they were in December so maybe the slight increase of my D3 level
from taking 4000 i.e in January already makes a difference. Hard to say at this point and I don't want to jump to conclusions.

Anyway, it DID surprise me that my results were still THAT low. I will now double my vitamin D3 dose and see how it goes and get tested again in 2-3 months.

02-12-2014, 04:28 PM

I suffred from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder for a few decades. One day, accidentally, I read something about vitamin D3, and depression on the Net, which ultimately changed my life.

A few months after reading the article, I decided to go for a routine check up, and blood test. This time, I asked for a vitamin D3 test to be included. The test result showed that I was deficient on vitamin D3 !!!

After visiting a doctor known for his work on vitamins, and amino acids deficiencies, I got 300,000 IU (International Units) monthly injections of vitamin D3. Three days after receiving the first injection, the depression started lifting, and in the second month, all symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks vanished. It has been two years since the first injection. I am on a maintenance dose of vitamin D3. There is no doubt that I have been cured, 100%.

The first question that will pop up in your over exhausted heads is that why the doctors do not know much about the curing power of vitamin D3 ? Dr. S. Zaidi is an Assitant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. In general terms, he answers the above question in his book, Power Of Vitamin D:

"Why hasn't my Doctor told me about all the beneficial effects of Vitamin D ?"

"Unfortunately, This exciting new knowledge about vitamin D hasn't reached the radar screen of most physicians, nor has it reached the curriculum of medical schools. Why? Because no drug company is behind it. It's not a drug. it's cheap and you can obtain it over the counter. Unfortunately, most of our medical research, medical guidelines for practicing physicians and medical knowledge in text books is dependent upon drug companies one way or another. Sad but true! It may take years before this revolutionary knowledge finds its way into medical books and physician's offices."

Well, the above quotation should answer some of your questions.

By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on high doses of vitamin D3. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please.

Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients.
My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range.

People in the United States must be careful not to accept vitamin D2 instead of vitamin D3 for their treatment. Vitamin D2 is an inferior type of vitamin D, and not as effective as vitamin D3 in some cases. Vitamin D2 is still being produced in The United States. As a matter of fact, D2 should be used for patients with kidney problems, and other conditions, which require special attention. Otherwise, vitamin D3 should be the first choice for treating people with vitamin D deficiency.

Calcium is a mineral that you need, while taking vitamin D3. Take 500 mgs of calcium supplement at bedtime, or alternatively, get the same amount by having a considerable quantity of dairy products on daily basis. People taking vitamin D3 supplements, must also take magnesium supplements. Otherwise, serious problems may arise. Magnesium oxide is worthless. do not buy it, do not use it. Chelated magnesium is probably the best kind, that you should use. Please note that magnesium in its own right, by many people, is considered a miracle performing mineral in some neurotic cases. People with kidney problems, and hypo-thyroidism must avoid taking magnesium, and calcium, unless they get their doctor’s approval. The magnesium serum blood tests are just worthless, also. They show the result, only for 1% of magnesium, which is in the bloodstream. The other 99% percent is in different parts of the body. We all are magnesium deficient, because of depleted soil, which is the source of magnesium for all plant material.

Vitamin D3 treatment has worked for me, and many others. There is a good chance that it could work for you also, if you are low on this vital vitamin. Your feedback on your progress will highly be appreciated.

Best wishes,

Awesome Post. Thank you


02-12-2014, 08:55 PM
actually I started on 4 000 u a day and after a few weeks it seems I am a bit better, maybe it is helping;))

02-12-2014, 09:11 PM
Hi Dahlia:

Please make sure to take your D test level above 50 ng/ml.

Best wishes,

02-12-2014, 11:29 PM

I suffred from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder for a few decades. One day, accidentally, I read something about vitamin D3, and depression on the Net, which ultimately changed my life. [...]

Just saw my endochrinologist/Gen Pract. this morning to review my bloodwork, and coincidentially (I just stumbled upon this article now), she said my Vitamin D3 levels were 17 (mg/dl? IU?). They're supposed to be 700 (mg/dl? IU?), or something. She gave me a prescription for 50,000 IU of D3, to be taken each week, and intstructed me to get an over-the-counter suplement as well--2,000 IU, daily.

If this fixes me, I'll take a hobo shopping. It's plenty likely though that this sudden revelation is just the temporary result of 2 weeks of resurgent bullimia.

02-13-2014, 08:05 AM
Hi Mr. Blanks:

I think your endocrinologist meant your test should be elevated to 70 ng/ml, which is good.
Please make sure that the 50,000 IU pills are D3, and not D2.
The usual dosage of 50,000 IU pills is one per week for 12 weeks. If the desired level is achieved, then
you should take 2000 IU for the rest of your life, daily. Clarify all this with your doctor.

Best regards,

Natural Mystic
05-14-2014, 01:54 AM
Thanks for your private message, yes I am defficient in B12, this has a huge impact on anxiety. I am now on B12 supplements and believe me it's made a great difference, to my sleep also. Glad you are feeling good :)

05-14-2014, 09:06 PM

I am glad that you are feeling well using Vitamin B12. However, I was talking about vitamin D3 !

Natural Mystic
05-15-2014, 02:14 AM

I am glad that you are feeling well using Vitamin B12. However, I was talking about vitamin D3 !

Well yes of course, I realise that. I was merely voicing how vitamin supplements, regardless of which, can help

12-10-2014, 03:57 AM
Hey guys,

I'm taking a medication called "Magne B plus D", it's a medication from Belgium. It has all the main essential vitamins/minerals specifically for anxiety. After taking one pill a day, it completely stopped any type of panic attacks and heart palpitations I've had.

The dosages are:
Magnesium (glycerophosphate): 1000mg
Taurine: 200mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCI): 2mg
Folium acid: 200mcg
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine): 2mcg
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol): 7,5mcg (300 IU)

I also use "Sedistress" sometimes to easen my insomnia. "Sedistress" is a homeopatic medicine, its main ingredient is "Passiflora incarnata L 200mg". It helps with any type of mental stress, by slowing down your mind and easening your mood. After taking 2 tablets before going to bed I'm able to get atleast 5,30 hours of sleep after relaxing for a hour. This medication isn't dangerous, mainly because it uses plant extracts and supplements. Honestly this medicine worked better for me than most sleeping pills (like Temesta Expidet 2,5mg,...).

Good luck all!

12-13-2014, 11:41 PM
Hey Guys,

Less time spent on media devices and the computer chair, more time in the sun and eating healthy food with plenty of exercise has helped me to get off the pharmaceuticals. I do take some supps from time to time.

I don't believe you can cure the human condition, however the above steps help to ease being one; when I am able to do them.

let me know when you cure the condition of craving more - I'll take pills for that, as long as there are NO side affects :)

02-19-2015, 09:53 AM
Great read and lots of inspiration.
Thanks Ali


02-20-2015, 12:18 AM
I am on Vitamin D3 and Iron tablets are i read this post - its been about 2 weeks so far and i am starting to feel better , My concentration and memory are improving

02-20-2015, 01:53 PM
Hi Junz:

May I know your D3 test results, and the daily dosage of D3 that you take, please ?


02-20-2015, 04:13 PM
Hi Ali, I'm new here. I've been suffering with anxiety, fatigue, and appetite loss. My dr did blood work and said my vitamin d was really low and told me to take 2000 iu a day but after about a month I am not feeling any better. Is that enough?


02-20-2015, 08:44 PM
Hi Marie:

No, 2000 IU of D3 daily for a person who is very low on D3 is not enough.
If you test again, you will see that there has been no, or very little change at your D3 level.


02-20-2015, 09:19 PM
Thanks for replying so quickly! I really feel like that could be the reason for my anxiety.

02-24-2015, 02:44 AM
I didnt do a test as i cannot get to a doctor that easily during the week.

I am taking 2x 1500ui and 2x 10mg Iron daily

02-24-2015, 08:12 PM
Hi Junz:

Keep taking 3000 IU of D3 daily.
I do not know much about iron. But I know that if you are a
female, you need to take some iron, monthly.


02-25-2015, 01:38 AM
Best to do a test prior to taking any supplements. If you're taking too much Vitamin D it'll cause calcium build up which will affect your kidneys. Don't expect some miracle cure for anxiety. Think of it this way, if you spend most of your days worrying and fretting and assuming the worst, is it any wonder you feel anxious or depressed? Focus on the mind and the body will fall in line. A healthy diet (removing all processed foods) and time spent outside will ensure you have all the nutrients and vitamins you need without the need to invest in the rather questionable supplement industry.


03-02-2015, 02:11 PM
Hi everyone I'm new on this forum.

Damavandi I read your topic and i'am starting vitamin D right now. Just wanted to ask if you had any specific symptoms besides anxiety, depression and panic that i have. I have these health problems for about 2 years.
Did you have headache/head discomfort - i almost always have weird (never had this kind before my problems started) type of headache especially when i am doing mental tasks. It's like i have something in my head. It sometimes changes in more common (both sides) headache.
I also have terrible concentration and memory problems and general "mental fatigue".
I cannot drink coffee but not only because of anxiety, but also because it makes head discomfort and concentration problems worse. 90% times i drink alcohol i just become sleepy and tired.
Did you have upper respiratory, especially sinus infections or bad breath problem?
And the last - nausea, after eating - this comes just sometimes and last about 2 weeks. Never had this before.

03-03-2015, 05:43 AM
Best to do a test prior to taking any supplements. If you're taking too much Vitamin D it'll cause calcium build up which will affect your kidneys. Don't expect some miracle cure for anxiety. Think of it this way, if you spend most of your days worrying and fretting and assuming the worst, is it any wonder you feel anxious or depressed? Focus on the mind and the body will fall in line. A healthy diet (removing all processed foods) and time spent outside will ensure you have all the nutrients and vitamins you need without the need to invest in the rather questionable supplement industry.

EdI wouldn't normally quote something this far back and outdated, but, I'm think about something you wrote.

I agree that taking supplements and expecting them to be a miracle cure is foolhardy (and I used to feel otherwise). I agree, assuming the worse (obsessing too much) its no wonder some of us are anxious (and I am quite obsessive)

I will admit my diet is not all that great, and since I rarely leave the house, I'm pretty certain I'm lacking natural vitamin D, because I (without question) don't get enough sunlight.

I've always felt you get what you pay for and buying cheap supplement's are likely of poor quality. I feel (personally) that staying in the dark causes depression, but I'm not all that sure about anxiety, but most likely not good for the body in general - hiding in the dark most of the time.

03-03-2015, 12:40 PM
Hi Dawidmit:

The problem is that very few people bother reading a thread that shows a way, and start making plans after reading the few first sentences. Even some, only read the title, and start making their own elaborate comments. Dear Dawidmit, Why do you want to go on supplements, when you have not had the the D3 blood test, yet ? Supposing that you are low on this vitamin, do you know how much to take ? To answer your questions, the symptoms of D3 deficiency are countless. Yes, headaches, IBS, shortness of breath, sinus infections, bad teeth, and.....could be the symptoms of D3 deficiency besides neurosis . By bringing the level of D3 up in your system, under the supervision of an up to date physician, you will be able to rule out whether your symptoms are solely D3 related, or some non-D related illness is bothering you. My thread is not just about D3--it is about the interaction of D3 with calcium, magnesium, defective kidneys, defective thyroids, kind of the D test, the doctor you are going to select, vitamin D2, and some more.

In the thread, I just shared the most wonderful experience of my life with you ladies, and gentlemen. It is a personal experience,
which is fast becoming a fact in every body's life due to the numerous ongoing research projects. Please do have your vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test done. If deficient, take care of the deficiency without any hesitation, under the supervision of an up to date physician. My emphasis on medical supervision is simply because you will have to take quite high doses of D3 to get over the deficiency.

Now I am addressing Surfcide, please note that vitamin D3 is a little bit more expensive than common table salt. I have not felt any difference between the generic kind, and the big name kind. Your opinion may be true about other supplements, but due to cheapness of vitamin D3, it is not economically feasible to produce the bad or fake kind !

Best of luck to all of you,

03-04-2015, 05:45 AM
Now I am addressing Surfcide, please note that vitamin D3 is a little bit more expensive than common table salt. I have not felt any difference between the generic kind, and the big name kind. Your opinion may be true about other supplements, but due to cheapness of vitamin D3, it is not economically feasible to produce the bad or fake kind !

Best of luck to all of you,
AliThank you for the advice on this, and I've pretty much just tried it on my own since I don't get enough SUN, but proper blood tests need to be done as I see. And, yeah, I've tried both the cheap and pricier brands and found no difference. Other supplements I have though noticed a difference such as 5HTP.

I didn't know all those symptoms could be due to a vitamin D deficiency, and sad to admit, I do have some of those symptoms (sinus infections, bad teeth). I do take a multi every day though.

I Learn something new everyday.

---So, hopefully we'll hear from @Dawidmit again soon since that member seems to have just made that one posting.

03-05-2015, 02:41 PM

I'm new to this forum and i'm glad i came to this forum while searching Vitamin D deficiency and anxiety attacks.
Thanks Damavandi for helping out with the information on Vitamin D and anxiety attacks.

Long story short:

I'm 29 yr old female who was healthy till NOV 2014.I'm at normal weight but trying to lose 5 to 10 pounds of post pregnancy weight. In Nov 2014 i tried taking green tea diet pills for 3 days, then rushed into emergency room having serious panic attack. Doctors told me the attack is because of caffeine overdose. Then i totally stopped the pills,coffee,tea and fine for 3 weeks and one day i have the same panic attack symptoms but more serious, then again i went to emergency room. This time they don't have any clue why i got the panic attack, so they gave me Ativan (anti-anxiety) pill and sent me home. They told me to follow up with my Primary care doctor to run multiple tests. Since the second attack, my symptoms(Chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, Internal shivering, sensitivity to cold) became horrible and regular. I used to have multiple anxiety attacks a week. They have done almost all tests like CT Scans include brain scan, Chest x-ray, Heart monitor, stress test, Acidity test, Pulmonary tests. Everything is normal, (thank god) but this created me more worry. As everything is normal and i am complaining about my symptoms they referred me to psychiatrist and gave me depression medication. I told my doctor i don't have any external stress related to family or work, some thing is triggering from inside and requested her to run my vitamin tests. Then came to know i was vitamin D deficient and Iron deficient.

My VITAMIN D, 25-HYDROXY is 15(standard range 20 - 79 ng/mL) and Vitamin B12 is 448(Standard range >=200 pg/mL) and Ferritin is 9 (Standard range 22 - 291 ng/mL).

I was told to take Vitamin D3(2000 IU) daily for 2 months and then run another blood test. I was taking Vitamin D3 2000 IU daily since 7 weeks, i can say my symptoms are little better but i'm not back to normal. Still i have mild chest pain and shortness of breath, internal shivering mainly chest and throat area and dizziness.

Do you guys think the Vitamin D3 dosage is not sufficient. Looking forward for your replies. Any help would be appreciated.


03-05-2015, 02:59 PM
I had a severe Vitamin D deficiency 3 years ago. The doctor said mine was on 6 while it should be on 30 at least (don't ask me the exact values, that it what I remembered). I took extra vitamin D, and although I felt better generally, my agoraphobia had little change.

03-06-2015, 01:59 PM
Hi Sri:

Thanks for writing such through report of your symptoms, and your D3 test result.

As you read in my thread, most doctors do not know much about vitamin D deficiency, and the required dosage to get over the deficiency. This is why I emphasize on seeing an up to date doctor. Endocrinologists, usually know more about vitamin D3 deficiency than the others, but that still depends on their desire to learn new things against what they studied ages ago !

The usual dose for you is 10,000 IU daily for 90 days, and then another D3 test. 2000 IU is just a maintenance dose. Generally, you should keep the level of your D3 above 50% of the normal range of D3 (25-OH) test in order to eradicate panic attacks. You have showed a positive response to 2000 IU daily, and certainly you will be your old self, or even much better, if you take the level of D3 in your body above 50% of the normal range. Currently the level of D3 in my body is at 90% of the normal range, and I feel great. You will not see significant change in your test results after taking 2000 IU of D3 for 8 weeks !
Chelated magnesium is something that you definitely need to take. Thorough explanation was provided on the subject of calcium and magnesium at my thread--read it again please. All said, still you should try finding an up to date endocrinologist.

Best wishes,

03-11-2015, 02:58 AM
I did a full blood test but forgot to ask for vitamin D3 (face Palm ) - but found my testosterone is in the lower range

03-11-2015, 12:49 PM
Thanks Ali for your reply. Sure will read the thread Calcium and Magnesium and also update my status after blood work.


03-12-2015, 12:13 AM
Thank you so much for being very descriptive and sharing this information! I was just recently diagnosed with vitamin d deficiency:

Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
19.5 ng/ml

And was prescribed 2000 IU to take daily.

Finding the information you posted has been extremely helpful! Again thank you. I also just purchased the book on Vitamin D :).

03-12-2015, 12:54 AM
Hello Findinpeace:

Thank you for your comments.

Obviously, now, you know that your
doctor is not an up to date one! Reading the book
on vitamin D shows how smart you are in
your approach on the health matters.

Best wishes,

03-14-2015, 03:07 PM
I was looking up vitamin d and anxiety, found this thread and decided to join.

I hate going to the doctor so I haven't been in years. However I think I might have found one, the only trouble is I can't be seen for some time. In the meantime I decided to order a home test kit through the vitamin d council. Has anyone done this? Is it accurate?

03-15-2015, 03:57 AM
Hi This is....:

It is most interesting to know the outcome of a home test kit!
It should be the 25-OH kind in order to give you an accurate result.
Please let me know the result.

Best wishes,

03-15-2015, 06:06 AM
It is the 25-OH. It might take a week or two to get the result but I will share it. I have always had some anxiety but it got a lot worse last spring. Then the tingling/itchy feeling started and concerned me so much it just added to the stress I was already under. I felt somewhat better in the summer when I would get out in the midday sun but when fall came things got really bad again.

I was taking some D3 but I honestly don't remember when or how much over the course of last year. I know when I quit taking it in the fall I had been taking 5000 IU a few times a week, but I was worried my symptoms were from taking too much. I have used magnesium supplements for years but stopped this past year...for whatever reason I don't recall! I know I should have tried to find a doctor earlier but doctor appointments are terribly nerve wracking. They express concern over my blood pressure because despite what I tell them they take it first thing and I am always nervous at the start of an appointment. When they act worried because it's on the high side, that makes it worse! My midwife respected my opinion on this and would always take my blood pressure at the end of the appointment after I knew everything else was ok. My blood pressure was normal when she took it. I am hoping the doctor I found will be a good fit for me once I am finally able to get in.

03-15-2015, 01:51 PM
Hi Thisis....:

You need to take magnesium, but please take chelated magnesium. The rest do not have a high absorption rate.
Chelated magnesium is the best.

Could you please elaborate on why you forgot the reason for stopping to take magnesium, and why don't you remember
how long, or how much D3 you took last year ? The tingling/itchy feeling points to vitamin B1, and B12 deficiency more than anything else. Why don't you try taking 300mgs of B1 daily for 7 days ? This alone, should stop parts of your anxiety, and the tingling feeling. Vitamin B12 is something else you should be taking, and it is very important.

Best of luck,

03-17-2015, 12:07 PM
We had a tough year financially last year and the only reason I can imagine I would quit the magnesium is because of being broke. I tend to be picky about supplements and some of them can be pricey, so when money is tight I give them to my kids with special needs, and skip myself. I did restart magnesium in the past few months and it is chelated.

I was taking some b1 at one point, again I don't keep a record of when or for how long and I don't remember why I stopped. Maybe I just felt it wasn't helping? I got back on a b complex about two weeks ago I believe it was. I'm not sure how long it would take to make a difference. B12 was one of the things I planned to ask my doctor. Again, I saved the b complex supplements for my son when money was tight and now that things are getting back to normal I'm able to spend money on myself.

Also I am unsure why my b1 would be low. I eat a decent amount of beef over the course of a week and a few eggs every day. I rarely drink and I'm not on any medications. Could just the stress of the past year deplete my system even with a good diet? Is that much b1 safe?

Thanks for responding!

03-17-2015, 02:28 PM
Hi ThisIs...:

Many of us have vitamin B absorption problems. A few days of vitamin B1 is enough to
get you back to the normal level for a while. My diet is full of meat ,eggs, and all the protein stuff
that is available. However, at least once a week, I take a B1 300 mg, and once a month I receive a 1000 mcg
injection of B12. The B1 pills are water soluble, and the excess amount is disposed by your body--no problem.
When you begin taking vitamin D3 supplements, then you will start feeling better. Generic vitamins are as good as the
big name ones, to my experience. I always take the generic supplements. You do not have to pay high prices for the supplements.

You are an exemplary mother, and portray what a devoted mother should be. I wanted to send you a private message, but somehow your mail is blocked.

Best of luck,

03-18-2015, 07:31 AM
Thank you. I have not felt like a great mom this past year. I try very hard to be patient and not yell but I've been more likely to verbally snap at them than I would in years prior. I know I need to take care of myself so I can take care of them but it's hard to see that when you're in the middle of a low point. I will check my messaging settings.

I found the b1 I was taking before and there is still about half left in the bottle. It looks like there isn't a know toxicity level for oral b1 from what I've been reading, as you said it's water soluble. I am going to keep a written record this time of what supplements I am taking and how I feel.

We all have digestive issues at my house so I am careful to get supplements without certain ingredients in them. That adds to the cost in some cases.

03-26-2015, 11:56 AM
Hi Ali,

I am back again with my blood test results. As you said from your experience the 2000 IU of D3 will not increase the Vitamin D levels that much. Yes that's what happened to me. After taking 2000 IU daily for 2 months my Vitamin D jumped from 15 to 20 ng/ml. Though i felt little better but the symptoms like internal shivering, palpitations, shortness of breath are not gone completely. I requested my doctor to increase my vitamin D dosage but she mentioned Vitamin D deficiency will not cause these symptoms but she thinks Vitamin D 30 ng/ml and above is good, so she suggested me to take 5000 IU daily for 2 months and ordered another blood test. I asked her the dosage of Magnesium supplement but she thinks it's not required for me.

Please let me know is it safe to take vitamin D3 (5000 IU) without Magnesium supplement for 2 months. If Magnesium supplement should be taken with Vitamin D3 how much dosage should be taken and how long. Any help would be appreciated.


03-26-2015, 02:10 PM
Hi Sri:

Obviously, your doctor is not an up to date one, and you should select a better doctor.

I sent you a private message answering your other questions.

Best wishes,

03-28-2015, 07:41 AM
I've been taking 200+ mg of b1 for about eleven days and I still have the tingling/itchy sensation some days better or worse than others. I have been reading as much as I can about vitamin d deficiency and I've found that tingling is included in the list of symptoms. I read one article which stated people may start waking up in the morning to find their hand is asleep, which is something that I have noticed as well. I've also had a few instances of night sweats which is also a possible symptom from what I've read. Also, I am extended nursing my toddler and that may have depleted my stores more rapidly than if I were not. I am still waiting for my test results to be ready, but from everything I am reading vitamin d deficiency would explain everything. In addition to the b vitamins I have been taking 5000 IU of d3, but I know it can take months to improve a deficiency. Right now I'd just love for someone to tell me I'm not crazy and that my test results will be here soon.

03-28-2015, 09:50 AM
Hi ThisIS....:

As B1 is not that much of a help to you, stop taking it. However, every month, take a few b1 pills just to be on the safe side.
For how long have you been taking 5000 IU of vitamin D3 ? Your test will come--in do not be so anxious about it . Make sure always to keep your D3 level above 50% of allowable normal test range. Please do not forget to take 200 mgs of chelated magnesium for at least a month.

The symptoms of d3 deficiency are countless. Many of your symptoms may go away by elevating your D3 level.


03-28-2015, 10:58 AM
I started the 5000 IU D3 again when I began the b1 vitamins over a week ago. I had been taking 200 mg of chelated mag for a little while prior to that but I increased it to 400 mg when I started the D. I have always had good results with magnesium and had been taking it for years prior to this past year, I wish I hadn't stopped.

Thank you, I having a hard time being patient waiting for the results. If I find out I am low I will feel much less anxious. I am hoping for a low result, that will give the doctor a good place to start when I finally get in to see her.

03-28-2015, 05:39 PM
Hi Sri:

Obviously, your doctor is not an up to date one, and you should select a better doctor.

I sent you a private message answering your other questions.

Best wishes,

Thanks Ali for your pm. It's hard to find right doctor. I changed 2 doctors already as i didn't get much help from them. Will follow your suggestions. Really I appreciate your help.


04-03-2015, 08:48 AM

I replied last night but for some reason my post isn't showing up??

Edit: this post showed as my first! I'll try again

04-04-2015, 09:09 AM
Dear Ali ,

I had been suffering from fear and depression for more than a year , especially at night.I tried cipralex , zoloft and depakote without significant improvement. I also feel tired a lot and lost some hair.

My doctor said no need to check for vitamins but I checked myself the vitamin D 25-OH and it came back at 7.8 ng/ml , my doctor says it might help a little but not much , I now started 10000 iu/day D3 , when do you think I will see significant improvement ?

Thank you and best regards

Ahmad , Lebanon.

04-04-2015, 10:30 AM
Hey why is ahmadk's posts showing up but not my long one???

04-04-2015, 09:38 PM
Hi Ahmad:

Take 10,000 IU daily for 12 weeks, then cut it to 2000 IU daily for the rest of your life.
You Shall begin to feel some changes after the 3rd week. By week 8th you will feel much better.

Read my thread again, and pay attention to the parts about calcium, and specifically magnesium.

Best of luck,

04-04-2015, 10:46 PM
Edited post

04-04-2015, 10:50 PM
Ali, I can't even post by breaking up my message. I'm going to have to post 10 times before I can PM you. Thank you!

04-05-2015, 01:15 PM
Thank you Ali
I will consider what you said (sorry I cant send private messages yet).
I will hopefully update you with feedback.

All the best , Ahmad.

04-09-2015, 06:45 PM
I urge all of you not to take advice from random people on the internet regarding supplementation and appropriate doses. With many supplements -- including Vitamin D -- there can be risks as well as benefits. If you are considering taking Vitamin D supplements, I would urge you to get a 20(OH)D test and then consult with a qualified doctor concerning whether to supplement and if so with what dose.

04-10-2015, 02:14 AM
Dear Kuma:

To correct you the blood test is vitamin D (25-OH). It seems you have not read my thread.
Please, I urge you to read it.


04-11-2015, 09:28 AM
Dear Kuma:

To correct you the blood test is vitamin D (25-OH). It seems you have not read my thread.
Please, I urge you to read it.


Sorry that I misspelled the name of the test. To avoid any confusion, this is the test we are referring to:

https://www.labcorp.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os_hACzO_QCM_IwMLXyM3Ay NjMycDU2dXQwN3M6B8JG55AwMCuv088nNT9QtyI8oBPK_DWA!!/dl2/d1/L0lDU0NTQ1FvS1VRIS9JSFJBQUlnb0FNeUtibTZtL1lCSkp3ND U0a3N1eWx3ISEvN19VRTRTMUk5MzBPR1MyMElTM080TjJONjY4 MC92aWV3VGVzdA!!/?testId=408405&criterion=Vitamin+D%2C+25-Hydroxy

I did read your thread. I am very suspicious of random people on the internet, such as you, with no apparent medical training, making medical recommendations based on anecdotal experience. The fact that you seem very sure of yourself, and that you push hard for people to follow your advice, does not alter my view. I agree that, for some people, supplementation with Vitamin D3 is worth considering. But this should be discussed with a medical professional. DO NOT take any drugs or supplements simply because some anonymous guy on a discussion board says you should do so.

04-11-2015, 10:33 AM
Sorry that I misspelled the name of the test. To avoid any confusion, this is the test we are referring to:

I did read your thread. I am very suspicious of random people on the internet, such as you, with no apparent medical training, making medical recommendations based on anecdotal experience. The fact that you seem very sure of yourself, and that you push hard for people to follow your advice, does not alter my view. I agree that, for some people, supplementation with Vitamin D3 is worth considering. But this should be discussed with a medical professional. DO NOT take any drugs or supplements simply because some anonymous guy on a discussion board says you should do so.


I recently found this thread about a week or so ago. The advice that Ali gives is very very EASILY verifiable throughout the web by doctors and those considered by the general public as highly qualified.
I've BEEN to a medical professional and he only prescribed me vitamin D with absolutely no clue about needing magnesium. The result? 30+ years with zero anxiety and BAM! My first anxiety attack that almost killed me while driving. Turns out this "medical professional" fed me vitamin D pills for my deficiency with no regard to the magnesium required to activate it. Then, a different "medical professional" prescribed Xanax to me as if they were Tic Tacs!!! That drug is total poison and makes you think weird things.
Been taking magnesium now for a week and already feel a difference. I haven't even started my vitamin D therapy (which I know is severely deficient) and my anxiety symptoms are already fading.
That's the problem with this topic. The medical community in general has no clue about this very vital D3 hormone and its needed minerals to work.

Nothing on this board is a drug and the supplements suggested are ONLY for those who already had their bloodwork professionally done by a certified and preferably respected lab. Nobody is suggesting self diagnosing. This is a thread to consider an alternative (and very very safe) method for treating an already medically diagnosed deficiency.

For me and what looks like many others, it's working.

Big pharma is losing more money the more threads like these grow. Pretty cool.

04-11-2015, 11:18 AM
Hi Kuma:

I am sure you read my thread, but probably there is a comprehension problem here on your side.
My recommendation to the sufferer is to arrange for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test. I also ask all D deficient people to
visit an up to date doctor, and get D supplementation for their deficiency. For your attention, below, I copy pasted
those parts that you think I have missed. I totally agree with you that vitamin D supplementation must be given by a doctor.
However, I emphasize that the doctor must be an up to date one.

By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on high doses of vitamin D3. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please.

Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients.
My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range.


04-11-2015, 11:22 AM

I recently found this thread about a week or so ago. The advice that Ali gives is very very EASILY verifiable throughout the web by doctors and those considered by the general public as highly qualified.
I've BEEN to a medical professional and he only prescribed me vitamin D with absolutely no clue about needing magnesium. The result? 30+ years with zero anxiety and BAM! My first anxiety attack that almost killed me while driving. Turns out this "medical professional" fed me vitamin D pills for my deficiency with no regard to the magnesium required to activate it. Then, a different "medical professional" prescribed Xanax to me as if they were Tic Tacs!!! That drug is total poison and makes you think weird things.
Been taking magnesium now for a week and already feel a difference. I haven't even started my vitamin D therapy (which I know is severely deficient) and my anxiety symptoms are already fading.
That's the problem with this topic. The medical community in general has no clue about this very vital D3 hormone and its needed minerals to work.

Nothing on this board is a drug and the supplements suggested are ONLY for those who already had their bloodwork professionally done by a certified and preferably respected lab. Nobody is suggesting self diagnosing. This is a thread to consider an alternative (and very very safe) method for treating an already medically diagnosed deficiency.

For me and what looks like many others, it's working.

Big pharma is losing more money the more threads like these grow. Pretty cool.

A few thoughts in response:

First, I am happy to hear that taking these hormones, minerals, etc. is helping you feel better. That is good news indeed.

Second, I don't really care, personally, whether "big pharma" makes money or loses money. In fact, big pharma is making a lot of money. But I don't care about that. I care only that individuals get the treatments that they need and that medical decisions are made prudently.

Third, anyone who is thinking about following the advice on this thread should, in my view, first consult with a qualified medical professional. There are potential risks as well as benefits associated with what has been suggested.

04-11-2015, 11:32 AM

Regarding your second point, it was a statement of mine. It had nothing to do with your feelings on big pharma.
With your third point, I believe Ali mentioned how he suggested to always check with an up to date doctor, preferably an endocrinologist.
He is basically saying to be under the supervision of a qualified doctor. The purpose of this thread is to bring attention to vitamin D3 and it's benefits. Of course those with a weaker system would need D2 for example.

Overall, this thread is based on an alternative approach while maintaining a doctor's supervision. But this approach is meant to come from the individual as doctors generally have no clue about this. In my case 3 different doctors in a row had no clue but instead prescribed Ativan and Xanax with a flick of the wrist.

04-11-2015, 11:56 AM
Hi Kuma:

I am sure you read my thread, but there seems to be a comprehension problem on your side.
In my thread, I urge people to arrange for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test to begin with, and then take the test results to an up to date doctor for evaluation, and possibly supplementation. I certainly agree with you that under a doctor's care, people should get D supplementation. The following is what I wrote in my thread:

By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on high doses of vitamin D3. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please.

Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients.
My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range.


04-11-2015, 12:01 PM

Regarding your second point, it was a statement of mine. It had nothing to do with your feelings on big pharma.
With your third point, I believe Ali mentioned how he suggested to always check with an up to date doctor, preferably an endocrinologist.
He is basically saying to be under the supervision of a qualified doctor. The purpose of this thread is to bring attention to vitamin D3 and it's benefits. Of course those with a weaker system would need D2 for example.

Overall, this thread is based on an alternative approach while maintaining a doctor's supervision. But this approach is meant to come from the individual as doctors generally have no clue about this. In my case 3 different doctors in a row had no clue but instead prescribed Ativan and Xanax with a flick of the wrist.

Well, just as you are entitled to your views about "big pharma," i am also entitled to my views. One of my views is there are many people who seem to have an unfounded antipathy toward pharmaceutical companies. But then, when they need chemotherapy, or some other treatment that could save their lives -- they are very happy to take the medication that "big pharma" discovered, through its R&D efforts. I wish medications were less expensive. But I am certainly glad that they exist!

If your doctor prescribed benzos for you "with a flick of the wrist" then he did the wrong thing. But that is more of an indictment, in my view, of your particular doctor(s) than it is of the medical profession. Most doctors will not do that.

You also make a broad and unfounded assertion that most doctors are not knowledgeable about Vitamin D supplementation. I have not found that to be true. But I guess it depends what doctors you consult.

If this thread were intended only to raise ideas for people to discuss with their doctors, then that would be fine in my book. But if you read the thread, it actually contains specific (and unconventional) dosing recommendations. It is irresponsible for people who do not have medical training to making dosing recommendations. Although supplements are OTC, they still have consequences.

04-11-2015, 12:05 PM
Hi Kuma:

I am sure you read my thread, but there seems to be a comprehension problem on your side.
In my thread, I urge people to arrange for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test to begin with, and then take the test results to an up to date doctor for evaluation, and possibly supplementation. I certainly agree with you that under a doctor's care, people should get D supplementation. The following is what I wrote in my thread:

By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on high doses of vitamin D3. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please.

Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients.
My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range.


No comprehension problem here. I understand exactly what you are saying. I just do not find you to be credible. You say people should go to a doctor and ask for "high doses of Vitamin D." In other comments in this thread, you have suggested specific and very unorthodox doses of Vitamin D. For example in one comment you said if someone is found to be deficient in Vitamin D, a doctor "will usually" prescribe 50,000 i.u. pills. That is NOT the "usual" prescription for a Vitamin D deficiency. Only in VERY RARE cases would that be prescribed, and it is clearly not the standard of care for a typical Vitamin D deficiency.

I find the advice that you are giving to be somewhat irresponsible. And I think readers should ignore your advice and instead consult with doctors about what dose -- if any -- of Vitamin D they should take. But, hey, its a free world, and if people want to take medical advice from "some guy named Ali on the internet," that is ok with me.

04-11-2015, 12:35 PM
You are using a double sided argument that makes no sense whatsoever. Why would pharmas that make huge bucks on prescriptions have anything to do with chemo? There are advances in technology that have facilitated the cure for many illnesses. You are insinuating very dangerously that just because anyone doesn't appreciate the purpose and business nature of the drugs themselves automatically means they contradict themselves by accepting non-drug methods of cures. So if someone hates the pharma industry for giving them a drug that wasn't needed or WHATEVER reason then it means they should hate surgeons that heal hernias? Isn't chemotherapy a non-drug method of cure? Your argument is very invalid.
Also, you contradicted yourself horribly by saying that my argument was false while using the exact same argument yourself.
You said that my particular doctors did it [prescribe] but "Most doctors will not do that." Your words. Immediately after you say that I make a broad assertion that most doctors are not knowledgeable about Vitamin D and that YOU found that to not be true. That's called inductive reasoning. I used it and so did you. If you think most doctors know then it's fine as long as you know that it's based on the same inductive reasoning I used myself. With that, you cannot say that I make an unfounded argument since it's based on the same argument you used. Unless you also agree that your argument is unfounded? Lol I doubt you will do that. But it's what it is.
All you can say within the bounds of logic is that most doctors DO know about vitamin D based on your experience. Based on mine most doctors do NOT know about vitamin D. A total of 5 drs in 3 specialties did not know how to properly dose vitamin D and with what supplementing minerals/vitamins.
You can bash the thread all you want but it's already changing my life for the better. This is only about vitamin D deficiencies NOT about hating doctors or the endless tools and technologies that can be appreciated. I'm currently under the supervision of an endo and guess what? He told me the EXACT same things I've read in about 50+ independent websites/videos run by doctors and researchers as well as on this thread.
I appreciate your warnings and concern but as for me I'll keep on with this approach under the care of a qualified endo (one I finally found that knew about vitamin D's benefits) which I found based on the suggestions of this thread. Take care!

04-11-2015, 12:57 PM
Hi kuma:

Yes, you are right, it is a free world, people may listen to "some guy named Ali on the internet", or alternatively, a gentleman/lady named Kuma on the internet. Anyway, we are both on the internet.

Closing the argument,

04-11-2015, 01:45 PM
Damandi I mean not disrespect but I agree with Kuma. I went to my Gp and spend hour talking about it, Over 8 ooo a day is simply risky and can be done for very short time only. We all have deficiency of VD3 no disagreement here. I really worry that you may have some consequences giving people the advice. My GP is very much against it, and I have anxiety for like 40 years. Even with it, my magnesium and vD levels are good. There is not miracle in taking supplement, actually for 80% of people sugar pill would work. When you eat enough of nuts, veggies, dark green leaves , go outside , exercise and do not drink beer which flashes out the vitamins you are going to be good.
I respect your knowledge and I am not attacking but you should be careful with the advice :)) Have a wonderful day

04-11-2015, 02:26 PM
Hi Dahila:

It is nice to hear from you, again. Yes of course your doctor is right, you can not go on with 8000 IU of D3 daily for ever, and this dosage is for a relatively short time. A deficient person goes to an up to date doctor to get prescribed the right dose of D3, which in the past few decade is the above mentioned as your doctor says. Then when the test result gets to be high enough, usually above 50% of the normal allowable safe range, then you are put on a maintenance dose of D3 by your doctor. Anyway, a concerned doctor keeps checking the D3 level of the patient every once in a while. My advice has been keeping your test result within the normal safe range when you are not defficient any longer, and choosing your doctor with care. This is exactly what you have done.


04-11-2015, 03:45 PM
Damandi I mean not disrespect but I agree with Kuma. I went to my Gp and spend hour talking about it, Over 8 ooo a day is simply risky and can be done for very short time only.

I take 6000 per day. Though, I work a lot of nights, so I guess I need it. Nothing bad has happened to me. My three arms work fine. ;)

04-11-2015, 06:56 PM
Jesse she said over 8 000 can be risky:)) 6000 is what doctors take /day, I kind of cut down to 2 thousand, I have a real problem with swallowing all the pills, even the small ones...... eh Jesse:) I spend about two hours on my bike today:)) so sunny awesome 14 Celsius:)

04-11-2015, 08:20 PM
For those of you are interested in reading some about Vitamin D, this may be of interest: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-HealthProfessional/

Note the recommended dietary allowances, which range from 400 iu to 800 iu per day, depending on age range. That does not mean it's never appropriate to take more than that. It may be, for some people. A good doctor can advise, based on your individual circumstances.

Dahila - I am jealous of the 2 hours of biking today. It was nice here today too, but I was lazy. Maybe tomorrow...

04-11-2015, 08:34 PM
For those of you are interested in reading some about Vitamin D, this may be of interest: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-HealthProfessional/

Note the recommended dietary allowances, which range from 400 iu to 800 iu per day, depending on age range. That does not mean it's never appropriate to take more than that. It may be, for some people. A good doctor can advise, based on your individual circumstances.

Dahila - I am jealous of the 2 hours of biking today. It was nice here today too, but I was lazy. Maybe tomorrow...

I think the recommendation of 400 iu - 800 iu was solely to prevent against rickets. Now we know that higher levels of vitamin D can prevent against heart disease, cancer and hormonal imbalance, much higher levels are recommended. Though, those of course vary drastically from person to person.

My level is 48ng/ml and I take 6000 iu per day. If I took the RDI, I'd be deficient in no time. :)

I'm considering bumping up further to around 9000, as opinion seems to be that any level around 50 is fine, but 70-80 is optimal.

04-22-2015, 05:53 AM
Just chiming in to say I have been feeling better as time goes on. My D results came back, not terribly low but they do need to come up even by conventional standards. I did see a doctor at one of those urgent care places and all my other blood work so far came back normal, but there really is no great way to check magnesium available to me. The chelated magnesium I am on, and the magnesium oil I use twice daily on my skin, help me to take more without the digestive issues that can result from magnesium supplementation. There is also a product called Remag that I am considering. I am feeling very hopeful and I appreciate this thread so much.

04-25-2015, 10:55 AM
"If you have a neurologic problem that is severe enough to see a neurologist, you probably do not heal your body in sleep as perfectly as you once did. Most of us who have headaches, tremor, balance difficulties, vertigo, burning in the feet, depression, body pain, or memory loss have abnormal sleep and, surprisingly, fixing the sleep can fix the neurologic problem. From 2005-2009 I performed sleep studies on most of my patients and used medications or sleep masks to try to help their sleep. In 2009 I accidentally discovered that most of my patients had abnormal sleep because they were vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D deficiency is probably why you are coming to see me today even though you don’t know it. Though we might end up talking about vitamin D I am not really as interested in vitamins as I am in sleep".

The above is from the handout by Dr. Gominak at vitaminDwiki, in the section on sleep; she recommends optimising vitamin D levels at 60 ng/ml to 80 ng/ml, and I suggest that you read it in full, then navigate to the section on depression, where there are 102 items, and enter anxiety in the searchbar,if there is co-morbidity, as often occurs. Dr. John Cannell at vitaminDcouncil is now recommending 10,000 IU daily of vitamin D3 (not vitamin D, which is vitamin D2) for people suffering from depression. You may want to sign up for their regular, free Ezine, and watch the 1hr video on vitamin D from Dr. Mercola; Google it, and anything in the above you are unsure of. In order for vitamin D to be taken up and utilised, adequate levels of its co-factors need maintaining. They are: zinc, boron, vitamin K2, and magnesium. To generate vitamin D by exposure of unprotected skin to full sunlight, your shadow should be shorter than you are tall.

You could enhance your microbiome (both the beneficial and harmful bacteria in your digestive tract, which produce a large proportion of your neurotransmitters, and some vitamins) by regular consumption of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, tofu, soy sauce, or natto, and take a probiotic, preferably one with an enteric coating. Perform an internet search for supplies.
Adopt a diet with minimal sugars and / or highly processed grain products, with more non starchy vegetables, protein, some complex carbohydrates, such as legumes, (beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas) or brown rice, some sourdough rye bread or seed and nutloaf, and 2, or 3 pieces of fruit, as well as probiotic yoghurt.

05-13-2015, 10:56 AM
Hi Damavandi. Can you tell me what your initial Vitamin D was at. Mine tested at 33 which is "within range" but still low. Thanks!

05-13-2015, 12:57 PM

It was around 10 ng/ml in a range of 1 to 100 ng/ml.


05-14-2015, 08:36 AM
Hey Damavandi;

Thanks a lot for your post. I plan to visit a doctor next week in hope to get my levels checked. I am currently living in Taiwan so I am not entirely sure if the test number will be the same; fortunately my supportive girlfriend will be by my side and I will express all the details that you have made. I will be sure to report back with my findings.

05-14-2015, 09:40 AM
Hi Chaser:

Thank you. Please make sure that the blood test type is Vitamin D3 (25-OH).


05-14-2015, 10:28 AM
I have been thinking this may be the cause of my anxiety which started a few months ago. Thank you for the post. I am going to the doctor today and will request this test.

05-18-2015, 12:23 PM
I have been thinking this may be the cause of my anxiety which started a few months ago. Thank you for the post. I am going to the doctor today and will request this test.

Sure enough Vitamin D at 13.8.. Will let you know what Doc prescribes

05-18-2015, 12:54 PM
Hi Laurieo:

Great that you had your test done so quickly. From now on, when you are quoting the result of your test, please make sure
to mention whether the unit is ng/ml, or nmol/L. Besides, also, let us know the normal range on your test. Was the normal range on your test from 1 to 100 ?


05-18-2015, 05:19 PM
Hi Laurieo:

Great that you had your test done so quickly. From now on, when you are quoting the result of your test, please make sure
to mention whether the unit is ng/ml, or nmol/L. Besides, also, let us know the normal range on your test. Was the normal range on your test from 1 to 100 ?


it was 13.8 ng/ml normal range 30-90 ng/ml.

Cody Storch
05-21-2015, 01:54 PM
Hi Damavandi,

I saw your PM and wanted to thank you. For some reason it's not allowing me to respond. I did have my vitamin D tested before I knew it could be an issue and it was the only thing that turned out low. I am not sure if this was the correct test, and my doctor did not seem to think it was a big deal at all (nor did she tell me the actual levels of D3 in my blood)

So a couple questions if you don't mind.

1- what kind of doctor should I go to for this test and that might know a bit more than this one?
2- You said D3 deficiency was linked to panic and anxiety, and specifically, derealization. My symptoms came on literally overnight and I never knew why, where is evidence to suggest that D3 would cause this, other than the successful evidence of your experience?
3- should I start taking D3 before seeing the new doctor and getting the real test, or wait until I can get an actual grasp on my levels?

I want to believe that this would be my problem, I really really do. So far nothing has helped me and I am a mess. I feel like I'm living in a dream / nightmare... Thank you for taking the time to help me.

05-21-2015, 11:29 PM

As far as neurosis is concerned, there is lots of both printed, and an online information concerning the symptoms. As a matter of fact, at the previous page, NOWUCCAS has provided lots of references in this regard. Endocrinologists are the best among the specialists to visit, when it comes to vitamin D3 deficiency. If you can not get a hold on your previous test, arrange for a vitamin D3 25-OH test through your new doctor.


05-24-2015, 02:02 PM
Hello Ali and everyone ,
After 8 weeks of D3 , my level rised from 7.8 to around 70 ng/ml , i feel less sleepy , more energetic and generally better.
However , mood swings persist.
Anybody has any experience regarding timing ? some studies say it might take months after reaching normal levels for things to get better , but im skeptical.

05-24-2015, 10:37 PM
Hi Ahmad:

By mood swings, from what feeling to what other feeling you are referring to ?
Are you taking any chelated magnesium together with D3 ?


05-25-2015, 04:42 AM
Generally from being very normal to feelings of moderate anxiety at evening especially.
yes magnesium chelate 300mg +B1 B6 B12
upon doing more research it seems that it might take more for full benefit to appear , i will hopefully wait and see.

06-30-2015, 08:16 PM
Hey Damavandi. I just recieved my Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy test which im assuming is the 25-OH test because the doc said she was going to give me that test. Anyways, My result was 52.5 ng/mL which was suprising to me cause im hardly out in the sun. Maybe once a week i'll spend an hour outside doing yard work with no shirt on. A few weeks ago I was outside all day with no shirt nor sunscreen in the Dallas Texas heat cleaning a pool out. Prior to the test i had taken 10000 IU of d3 one a day for four days. Doubt that would do much benefit for such a short time frame. I was suprised at my result. Was expecting much lower. Anyways i'm still taking 10000 IU's 1xDay, plus vitamin k2 and magnesium celated magnesium daily. Any recommendations on how long I should continue with this dose to get my d3 scores up to the 90's? Im looking for optimum scaling in the 30-100 ng/ml limits. Can a full day of diect sunlight make much of a difference? Cause honestly I'm not outside very often, besides the occasional yard work. Could the test be inaccurate? Regardless, I will continue taking the 10000 daily for a couple of months. Then set a maintenance dose. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

07-01-2015, 02:40 AM
Hi Backwater:

Is your test result (52.5 ng/ml) from a range of 1 to 100 ng/ml ? If so, do not take 10,000 IU daily any longer.
Cut D3 to 1,000 IU daily, which is the minimum. Considering that with a bathing suit on, at the baking sun, you get
20,000 IU of vitamin D3 every 30 minutes, then yes, one or 2 days of work in the sunshine without your shirt, and sunscreen, could elevate your level of D3 very much. There is no danger of D3 toxicity when you only get it from the sunshine due to the fact that human body self regulates the level of D3 obtained from the sun. However, dermatologists are very much concerned that too much sunshine causes skin cancer. You should really take these specialists' advice into consideration, also. It seems that you absorb D3 better than anybody else, both the natural, and supplement ways. Therefore you should really be careful about toxicity.

One of the symptoms of chelated magnesium overdose is over exhaustion. That eventually will happen to you, sometimes.
Then stop taking it for a rather long time.

Please discuss all the above with your doctor in order to make sure that her advice is the same, or something else.

Best of luck,

Mohan Mathew
10-05-2015, 08:27 PM
My panic attacks started in June 2014. But I had not had any idea about the root cause. Later some time in 2015 Feb I went for vitamin check-up since because I used to get tingling sensations. I was deficient for D[13ng/mL] and B12. Injections for B12, and Weekly tablets for D3. But even after a full D3 course, my level not came up. Two weeks back I had a blood work, still I'm D3 deficient[21ng/mL]. So went to doctor he gave me D3 - 50000IU once a week for 12 weeks, and monthly once afterwards. My Doc used to say me I don't have any problem, you need to see a psychiatrist! He was not willing to do a blood work for my D. After several appointments I finally got my blood work done, and I'm deficient. My question is what could be the reason for the low D3 level even after a full D3 course? I'm sitting in Sun, and started talking a good multivitamin[Centrum]. I'm bit scared to start any other vitamins without Doc consultation.

Thank You

10-07-2015, 01:49 PM
Out of curiosity, did your d3 have vit K in it?

10-07-2015, 11:14 PM
Hi Mohan:

Your doctor got it right this time.Vitamin D3 50,000 IU for12 weeks, then take one every month--it will bring your level up.
But please make sure to check your D3 level at least twice a year. Consult your doctor to take chelated magnesium for a while, also. This is necessary when you take D3, and many people are deficient in magnesium anyway. Eat considerable quantities of lettuce for vitamin K, which also is necessary when you take D3.

It takes right dosage, and time in order to get your D3 level to an acceptable level.


10-09-2015, 02:01 AM
Vitamin D requires cofactors; zinc, boron, magnesium (see http://www.naturalnews.com/046401_magnesium_dietary_supplements_nutrient_abso rption.html ) and vitamin K2, Dr. Cannell at http://vitaminDcouncil.org advises.

The best natural source of vitamin K2 is natto. Hard, curd cheeses such as Edam, Brie, and Gouda are also good sources. I suggest that you Google: "vitamin K2; mercola". Mercola.com have supplies of the most bioavailable form of vitamin K2; MK7 / menaquinone.

Adequate calcium intake is also necessary, because vitamin D3 is calciferol; part calcium.

Note that there is a difference between vitamin K1, found in green leafy vegetables, and vital for blood clotting, and vitamin K2, so ensure yours is vitamin K2; view http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/06/28/vitamin-k2-health-benefits.aspx

VITAMIN D: general info:

The govt. RDI of 400 IU daily is long outdated, and based on misinformation, according to Dr. John Cannell, at the VitaminDcouncil. Dr. Weil, Dr. Ben Kim, Dr. Axe, Dr. Gominak, a neurologist, and Dr. Mercola* all agree that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, although higher levels may be required as people age, and / or put on weight. My doctor, on the basis of several peer reviewed studies, also agrees that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, and it is virtually impossible to get the required amount from dietary sources, without the risk of toxicity.

"Below 5: 35 units per pound per day
Age 5 - 10: 2500 units
Adults: 5000 units
Pregnant Women: 5000 units
There is no way to know if the above recommendations are correct. The ONLY way to know is to test your blood. You might need 4-5 times the amount recommended above. Ideally your blood level of 25 OH D should be 60 ng/ml".

The NOAEL (No observed adverse effect level) specified by the Institute of Medicine is 10,000 IU/day. Around 1 person in 300 is allergic to it, so start out with only 1,000 IU on the first day, if supplementing.

Dr. Gominak now recommends optimising vitamin D levels in the range 60 ng/ml to 80 ng/ml, and Dr. Mercola recommended 60 ng/ml or 150 nmol/litre, which is now my target level.

Vitamin D is not a true vitamin, but a hormonal substrate that is vitally important for the activation of almost 3,000 genes in the body.

Google: "How To Make Sure That You Are Getting Enough Vitamin D; Dr. Ben Kim", then: "My 1 hr free lecture on vitamin D; Dr. Mercola".

Note that most doctors would regard as acceptable lower levels of vitamin D than those recommended by Dr. John Cannell of the vitamin D council, or Professor Michael Holick, a former member, and an expert in vitamin D.

Read: "Why are doctors reluctant to accept vitamin D", at:
http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Why+are+doctors+reluctant+to+accept+vitamin+D and in particular:
"Would you be opposed to my getting more vitamin D", at:

UVB in sunlight produces vitamin D in exposed skin; the UVB levels are highest between 11, and 1, non daylight saving time. Even a slight haze absorbs a high proportion of UVB, and glass absorbs 95%.

Vitamin D3 supplements should be taken with the largest meal of the day, ensuring some fat or oil content, as it is fat soluble.


http://nadir.nilu.no/~olaeng/fastrt/VitD-ez_quartMED.html & http://blog.nutritiondata.com/ndblog/2009/08/how-much-sunshine-does-it-take-to-make-enough-vitamin-d.html?mbid=ndnl - SUNLIGHT EXPOSURE

VITAMIN D3 - Dr. J. Cannell http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/

HOME TEST KITS http://www.zrtlab.com/vitamindcouncil/

VITAMIN D3 - Dr. M.Holick http://www.vitamindhealth.org/ Dr. J. Mercola http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/12/16/my-one-hour-vitamin-d-lecture-to-clear-up-all-your-confusion-on-this-vital-nutrient.aspx http://www.mercola.com/article/vitamin-d-resources.htm http://sunlightandvitamind.com/ http://www.krispin.com/ www.grassrootshealth.net/daction offer cost price postal 25(OH)D testing. http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/vitaminprimer.html



Psychiatrists are much more likely to prescribe anxiolytic medications, such as a SSRI like Paxil, or possibly even a benzodiazepine like Klonopin; see drugs.com & mediguard.org re possible side effects. SSRIs are associated with a high rate of sexual dysfunction, and benzodiazepines are addictive, with a very long weaning off period, and long term use substantially increases the risk of dementia.

You would very probably benefit more in the long term from consulting a clinical psychologist and having up to 6 months of cognitive behavioural therapy. Google: "clinical psychologists; CBT, (your location)".

In the meantime there are some techniques which may help:

Give the Meridian Tapping Technique / EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. It is free via the searchbar at mercola.com "EFT" & "EFT therapists" or tapping.com (13 free videos), or eftuniverse.com or emofree.com or one of the many YouTube videos. Google: "YouTube; EFT videos".
Professionally instructed is generally preferable. - There is a version for use in public places at eft.mercola.com (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you employ the acupressure massage / tapping on your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind: "Even though I suffer from anxiety, I deeply and completely accept myself)."

Also give Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) as shown at drcoxconsulting.com/managing-stress.html a good tryout, and use whichever works best for you.

Learn and use the Technique for Reprogramming Negative Thoughts: It's important to regularly monitor, and deal with a negative internal monologue (self talk), or mental process, such as disturbing thoughts, images, impulses, or emotions, by the process of (a): recognising it, and (b): challenging it immediately. Technique For Re-Programming Negative Thoughts: When you notice something negative, such as: "I can't do this/ am never going to get over this!" or: "Why am I always so useless/such a loser?" or even an image, emotion, or a memory; recognise that it is being generated from the negative part of your mind.

After identifying and labelling it, visualise a large, red, flashing, "STOP!" sign, and/or possibly a stern faced person wagging an index finger at you in a negative manner, then say to yourself as forcefully as you can, even aloud in a big voice, if alone: "I know this tactic: GO AWAY FOR A WHILE !!!" You may want to use either: "ruse", "ploy", "game", or "trick". In the case of an image, visualise a large "STOP" sign, or your preferred version.

Some people go so far as to keep a wide rubber band in their pocket, then put it around their wrist, when they catch themselves backsliding, stretch and release it, as a method of reprogramming their mind sooner, but I don't regard it as being strictly necessary. Remember to remove it, afterwards, if you use this method. Try replacing a negative thought with a positive affirmation of your choice, like: "I am a unique individual, with my own set of skills, and good points", or "I may not be perfect, but I'm doing the best I can, right now".

Limit "worrying time" to 30 - 45 mns, daily, possibly when you get home, or after your evening meal, but not too close to bedtime, after which, resolve firmly to refuse to worry again on that day. Understand that to do otherwise would be counterproductive to your mental health, and enjoyment of life. Having had your "worry time" for the day, you can just write down any more thoughts that come to mind, and say to yourself: "Well, I'll just have to worry about that tomorrow, won't I?".

10-13-2015, 12:08 AM
Vitamin D is very essential for our body, Sunlight is the major source of vitamin D but many good medicines and vitamin supplements are available to cover Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D is good for immune system, preventing autoimmune diseases and preventing cancer.

Mohan Mathew
10-28-2015, 01:33 AM
Sorry, I was very busy for the last 2-3 weeks, and didn't notice any replies. Thank You, I will come back to you with details asked for :)

11-05-2015, 04:37 AM
I don't have any knowledge about vitamin-D rather than this I used to take anti-anxiety pills to deal with my anxiety. It has put a good effect on me.

12-07-2015, 05:21 AM
Hi Ali and Nowuccas and all,

Please can you help. I have low levels of vitamin d, about 25 and the doctor prescribed me 1000iu which when I have read the thread I now know is too low. From reading i think i should take 10,000iu per day for 3 months, but I am confused what magnesium (citrate?) & if I should take k2 or anything else.

I really hope this can help with my ocd.

Thankyou everyone

12-07-2015, 12:14 PM
Hi Natty:

I answered your private message. I hope you received my reply.

Best wishes,

12-07-2015, 12:46 PM
Thankyou :)

12-27-2015, 09:42 PM
Amazing thanks for sharing

12-31-2015, 07:36 AM
So, I am working on very few data points (3 days) but I'm hoping I'm on to something. Here's the story:

I started suffering from hypochondria last spring after getting engaged. Had a few panic attacks and definitely a lot of daily anxiety for about 6 months. It eventually went away but came back with a vengeance in May of 2015. I started having skipped heartbeats. Went to the doctor and they did all the blood tests and they came back clear. Went to cardiologist and had every test imaginable - EKG, holter, stress test, and echo - all clean. I was told by the doctor that adrenaline can cause these skipped beats (PVCs - premature ventricular contractions). It didn't click at that moment for me that anxiety could cause these skipped beats because I even had the skipped beats when feeling relaxed.

Fast forward to the other night, I take 2,000 IU of d3 for the first time in a long time. I took it before bed and had VERY restless sleep. I heard from a friend once that d3 before bed can mess with your melatonin levels that night. So the next morning, after reading that, I took my d3 with breakfast. Point of the story? My skipped beats have DRASTICALLY reduced and when they do happen, it feels so much softer. My anxiety over 3 days is HUGELY minimized. So, I got to researching and have made an armchair doctor theory.

When one has anxiety, you are pumping more adrenaline and cortisol through your body. That's a fact. Another fact is that your brain will change the receptors to have more receptors for adrenaline and cortisol than for serotonin. Serotonin manages your mood and with too little, you can become depressed. Vitamin D3, from my reading, does NOT increase serotonin production, but increases the release of the hormones. I posit that the d3 has helped my body release more serotonion, thus decreasing the adrenaline and cortisol, thus decreasing the PVCs.

So, I AM NOT A DOCTOR, but I wonder if this theory has merit. I know so far, with my small sample size, d3 seems to help my anxiety.

12-31-2015, 08:12 PM

You are saying that the doctors "did all the blood tests, and they came back clear".
Did they test you for vitamin D ? If so, what was the test result ?

01-04-2016, 09:20 AM

You are saying that the doctors "did all the blood tests, and they came back clear".
Did they test you for vitamin D ? If so, what was the test result ?

I will clarify.

The blood tests I was referring to were thyroid panels, magnesium, potassium, blood sugar, and other things. They did test Vitamin D this year.

HOWEVER, in summer 2014, they DID test my Vitamin D levels and they came back "on the low end," and I was advised to supplement. I did for a little while, and thinking back, my anxiety did go away for around 6 months. Not sure if it was related because I wasn't tracking any of that at the time.

I would assume another year of not supplementing with D and not getting enough sun would mean I am again on the low end or worse. So, we'll see.

01-08-2016, 07:48 PM
This is very interesting. I might try a little bit.

01-17-2016, 01:40 AM
The Title never fails to crack me up.

02-09-2016, 02:00 PM

I suffered from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder for a few decades. One day, accidentally, I read something about vitamin D3, and depression on the Net, which ultimately changed my life.

A few months after reading the article, I decided to go for a routine check up, and blood test. This time, I asked for a vitamin D3 test to be included. The test result showed that I was deficient on vitamin D3 !!!

After visiting a doctor known for his work on vitamins, and amino acids deficiencies, I got 300,000 IU (International Units) monthly injections of vitamin D3. Three days after receiving the first injection, the depression started lifting, and in the second month, all symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks vanished. It has been four years since the first injection. I am on a maintenance dose of vitamin D3. There is no doubt that I have been cured, 100%.

The first question that will pop up in your over exhausted heads is that why the doctors do not know much about the curing power of vitamin D3 ? Dr. S. Zaidi is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. In general terms, he answers the above question in his book, Power Of Vitamin D:

"Why hasn't my Doctor told me about all the beneficial effects of Vitamin D ?"

"Unfortunately, This exciting new knowledge about vitamin D hasn't reached the radar screen of most physicians, nor has it reached the curriculum of medical schools. Why? Because no drug company is behind it. It's not a drug. it's cheap and you can obtain it over the counter. Unfortunately, most of our medical research, medical guidelines for practicing physicians and medical knowledge in text books is dependent upon drug companies one way or another. Sad but true! It may take years before this revolutionary knowledge finds its way into medical books and physician's offices."

Well, the above quotation should answer some of your questions.

By arranging for a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test, you will know the level of vitamin D3 in your body. If your test result is low, which most likely it will be, please take the lab papers to an up to date doctor, and ask him/her to put you on high doses of vitamin D3. It is very important that you go to an up to date doctor before you start your medications--don't forget it please.

Many doctors, all around the World, prefer giving oral supplements of vitamin D3 to their patients.
My doctor was different--he preferred injections. Anyway, the most important thing is to get the level of vitamin D3 in your blood above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), and still keeping it within the allowable safe range.

People in the United States must be careful not to accept vitamin D2 instead of vitamin D3 for their treatment. Vitamin D2 is an inferior type of vitamin D, and not as effective as vitamin D3 in some cases. Vitamin D2 is still being produced in The United States. As a matter of fact, D2 should be used for patients with kidney problems, and other conditions, which require special attention. Otherwise, vitamin D3 should be the first choice for treating people with vitamin D deficiency.

Calcium is a mineral that you need, while taking vitamin D3. Take 500 mgs of calcium supplement at bedtime, or alternatively, get the same amount by having a considerable quantity of dairy products on daily basis. People taking vitamin D3 supplements, must also take magnesium supplements. Otherwise, serious problems may arise. Magnesium oxide is worthless. do not buy it, do not use it. Chelated magnesium is probably the best kind, that you should use. Please note that magnesium in its own right, by many people, is considered a miracle performing mineral in some neurotic cases. People with kidney problems, and hypo-thyroidism must avoid taking magnesium, and calcium, unless they get their doctor’s approval. The magnesium serum blood tests are just worthless, also. They show the result, only for 1% of magnesium, which is in the bloodstream. The other 99% percent is in different parts of the body. We all are magnesium deficient, because of depleted soil, which is the source of magnesium for all plant material. If you start feeling over exhausted, after taking chelated magnesium for a considerable period of time, your body has had enough of this mineral. Stop taking magnesium for a month or two, and then restart with a much lower dose.

Vitamin D3 treatment has worked for me, and many others. There is a good chance that it could work for you also, if you are low on this vital vitamin. Your feedback on your progress will highly be appreciated.

Best wishes,

Hi Ali, I am a new member and actually I registered to this forum because of this post. :)
I am suffering for a long time of combination of anxiety, depression, ocd and panic attacks and last 2 years have been the worst of all. I changed therapies and they did nothing for me, and I started to take D vitamin in small doses(like 1000 iu a day) for a short time before testing it and seeing my level was at 18.5 ng/ml (after taking maybe 10 000iu) so probably it was even a bit lower before.Now because I live in a place where 99% of doctors didnt even hear about problems that can D vitamin cause, i decided to take 20 000 iu daily because i was suicidal, that was like my last hope. I am taking it for 10 days and feeling better bit by bit from maybe second or third day, thanks God.I had a problem, I wasnt eating calcium enough so my teeth with d vitamin started to crack a bit.How much calcium should I take and after how long should I test again my vitamin d levels? Thanks a lot in advance :)

02-09-2016, 09:28 PM
Hi MP:

I am glad that your condition is improving. Once you respond positively to D3, there is no turning back--you only get better.
10,000 IU of D3 daily is a good enough dose for 12 weeks. After the 12th week, have another test. What you are taking daily (20,000 IU) is not advisable. Usually 500 mgs of calcium at bedtime is good enough. Do not forget about taking 200 mgs of chelated magnesium daily. After your D3 reaches 2/3 of the normal range, by experimenting, select a lower dose to maintain the level of D3 above 50% of the test's normal range.

I highly recommend selecting a doctor among the 1% whom you say know something about the effects of vitamin D,
and put yourself under his/her care.

Best wishes,

02-10-2016, 02:42 AM
Thanks a lot I'm gona try calcium and a d complex

02-11-2016, 08:14 AM
Hi MP:

I am glad that your condition is improving. Once you respond positively to D3, there is no turning back--you only get better.
10,000 IU of D3 daily is a good enough dose for 12 weeks. After the 12th week, have another test. What you are taking daily (20,000 IU) is not advisable. Usually 500 mgs of calcium at bedtime is good enough. Do not forget about taking 200 mgs of chelated magnesium daily. After your D3 reaches 2/3 of the normal range, by experimenting, select a lower dose to maintain the level of D3 above 50% of the test's normal range.

I highly recommend selecting a doctor among the 1% whom you say know something about the effects of vitamin D,
and put yourself under his/her care.

Best wishes,

Actually I have one person who is doing alternative medicine, he told me to try d3, he told me start with 4000 and you can go up to 20000 in winter.I take mg carboxide, saw in your first post :) I will take 20000 for 10 more days, then go to see my levels and continue with 10 000 as you said.I will update here how do i feel.I forgot to say that I changed like 20 different medication and none of them worked.:/ Thank you once more!:)

02-13-2016, 06:58 AM
Ali, I still can't answer on your private message because of my number of posts, but I will answer as soon as I get permission. Can there be problem of absorption of D vitamin, I am feeling bit worse last few days, wanting to test my level again if state continues (tested it month ago)

02-16-2016, 12:27 AM
Hello all,

I also wanted to let people know that Vitamin D3 supplements and sun exposure helped with my depression! I suffered with depression and anxiety for about a year and had been on a number of anti-depressants with little relief. I had read alot on depression and discovered Vitamin D deficiency and its relation to depression. I found out my Vitamin D levels weren't optimal as I had tested in May 2015 at 27ng/ml. I've been supplementing with 3000IU plus sun exposure daily for the last three months with almost complete resolution of my depressive symptoms. I also discovered that I had to supplement with Magnesium for my anxiety symptoms which is well under control when my magnesium levels are adequate. Its been such a relief as I've also come off my antidepressants (under medical supervision) as a result of the improvements that I made.
I'm getting my blood tests results for Vitamin D soon so it will be interesting to see if there has been any improvement in my Vitamin D levels. The GP was reluctant to test Vitamin D but did it when I insisted!

02-18-2016, 12:40 AM
Hello Ali,

As I'm a new user, I can't reply to your personal message yet but thank you for your advice. I got my blood test result today and it was 56.5ng/ml!! It has gone up significantly since I supplemented and got sun exposure for the last three months. So I'm very happy. Much better than 27ng/ml!
What would you say from your research is the recommended Vitamin D3 level at the moment?

02-18-2016, 07:55 AM
Hey MP270996,

My post on this thread (#214) provides the cofactors necessary for vitamin D to be utilised by the body, and some relevant references. Taking a high quality multivitamin / mineral supplement such as those at xtend-life.com or mercola.com, or even Suisse, from supermarkets or pharmacies would supply those cofactors.

Although calcium is necessary, it needs to be balanced by sufficient magnesium, or it may well be deposited in blood vessels, rather than on bones, or used to make vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from sensible sun exposure.

If interested, my posts on OCD, anxiety or panic attacks, and depression may be found below, and I hope something in this helps:

OCD: See http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33595-My-Anxiety-Story-and-Diet-Questions&highlight=obsessive+compulsive+disorder

ANXIETY or PANIC ATTACKS: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33197-Do-I-have-anxiety-disorder-or-something-worse&p=220006#post220006

DEPRESSION: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?32707-has-this-happend-to-you&p=216510#post216510

02-19-2016, 12:32 PM
Hi Silverlude:

Anywhere above 50% of the normal range of the blood test will do the job.
I am at 80 ng/ml in a range of 1 to 100 ng/ml, and I feel great.

Best of luck,

Numchok Wiratmanee
05-10-2016, 10:43 AM
I'm 23 year old
I think I have depression it's start on begin of this year.Can i ask you vitamin D3 is still working well for your depression and how long you can see result
all depression is gone 100% or not yet

please reply me and sorry for my english T_T

Thanks Ali

05-10-2016, 11:52 AM
Hi Numchok:

Vitamin D3 still works for me, and it has been more than 4 years that I have been cured.

When your vitamin D3 (25-OH) test result approaches 50% of the allowable normal range,
you hopefully will start feeling better. For more information, please read my thread again.
If you need a whole lot more information with many good references, please read NOWUCCAS's comments
on the subject at various spots at this forum.

Best wishes,

05-12-2016, 02:48 PM
Hello to everyone that has posted in this thread, thank you very much for offering your experience regarding Vitamin D and the affects it has had on you! I have learned a lot reading through the 24 pages of this thread.

Until about two weeks ago, I was completely ignorant to the problems that can be caused by a lack of sufficient Vitamin D in the body. I had only visited the doctors twice before in my life, the first time it was to talk about an allergic reaction that I get which causes a daily breakout of hives all over my body if I don't take an antihistamine. It started happening when I was 18 and I finally decided to go and see the doctor when I was around 22. He basically told me that half the country, England in this case, has an allergy to something and to just get on with it; "allergy testing was not something the NHS offer" and with that he basically pushed me out the door. I have lived with the hives ever since, now 30 years old, although an antihistamine a day does control it reasonably well in most normal circumstances.

Anyway, along with the hives, I have struggled with my weight since I was a child and it has always gone hand in hand with a certain level of depression. If I'm happy I'll lose weight, if I'm in a bit of a worse place, as sure as night follows day, on goes the weight. I've been back and fourth like that for as long as I can remember. Looking back it would seem I generally lost weight in the spring/summer and gained weight in the autumn/winter. So I have always been very good at dieting and exercise; I'd get the bit between my teeth and get a lot fitter and slimmer in no time at all. I would say I have a good knowledge of lots of different dieting methods and have spent a lot of time reading and researching food; how it affects the body and how it correlates with different diseases. To the point where about 4 years ago I decided to become vegan and in the 6 (sunny) months that followed I became slim, healthy and fit, generally a happier person. Circumstances altered a little in my life, and in the winter I eased from eating vegan to eating vegetarian. I was still fit and pretty happy.

For the past three years I have felt like I'm falling down the side of a cliff in slow motion. I went from studying physics, chemistry and biology at college to struggling to find the energy and application to hold down a menial, albeit physical, minimum wage job. I could list all my symptoms here but I would only be repeating the lists from previous pages. In my case, I'd add that I have also struggled quite badly at times with sciatica and have also found the hair from my head down to my legs, and everywhere in between, has started to thin pretty dramatically, as well as numerous grey hairs in my beard and chest hair. For a while I put this down to getting older and a poorer lifestyle; I have gained weight again and am much more sedentary than I previously was. However, what made this different from previous low spells was that I simply couldn't pull myself out of it. I tried very hard to diet as I did previously, to get up and push myself hard exercising, but it just wasn't there. I managed it two summers ago, but it was fleeting and I was quickly back to pain, illness and a bit of a black hole.

So about a year ago now, I finally decided to go and see a doctor, against my better judgement I might add, after my previous experience. I explained my symptoms and was duly sent for a blood test. I got the results back and everything was normal. I had slightly high cholesterol and a slightly raised white blood cell count, but nothing else was wrong with me. I fully expected to be told I had slumped into diabetes, but, no, my fasting blood sugar level was fine. I was told to eat better, lose weight and I'd feel better.

I tried, I really did. All the old motivators, all the old methods and tricks I've learned over the years, but I just slipped further into misery. Put on more weight, felt more and more like death and ended up without a job, stressed and struggling.

So two weeks ago, I went back to the doctors. I said basically what I said before; I'm struggling, I'm tired, I'm miserable, I'm weak and sick and just can't shake free of it. This time I was absolutely convinced I was diabetic; the near sleep-like state I spent the vast majority of my time in, the terrible mood swings and the fact that food was the only thing that cheered me up....I was sure I must be. If not, maybe something worse, something really serious, but I think I preferred to think diabetes. I could handle that prognosis. I sensed this doctor was a good man and made sure this time I booked the appointment to discuss my results with the same man 10 days later - with the blood test the year before it was one doctor to discuss my symptoms/sanction my blood test and another doctor, that in my opinion was completely disinterested, to discuss my results.

When the doctor told me that the results were back and I was Vitamin D deficient, I said "okay, interesting" then he said I had tested at 6 nmol/L and it should be at 80 nmol/L. I thought "that's a BIG difference". I asked about my glucose levels and they were fine, everything was pretty much fine, as before. So I asked the doctor what it meant to be deficient in Vitamin D and could he look on the system and see what my level was when I had my blood test one year before. He checked and said that my Vitamin D level had not been tested last time - so it just got even more interesting, could it have been this all along? Then he told me that he himself had problems a few months before when his Vitamin D level had dropped to 20 nmol/L and that had hit him quite hard, so my level of 6 nmol/L would really be causing me some problems.

So he prescribed me 20,000 IU of Vitamin D3; a capsule a day for 20 days. First thing I did when I got home is Google, Google, Google! And, I must admit, I genuinely felt a little emotional reading what other people had said about being Vitamin D deficient and the far reaching effect it has on their health. I have felt a lot of guilt in the last 6 months or so because my girlfriend and I have struggled badly to pay our bills and I have been useless, quite frankly. To see that there are others that have been hit in the same way makes me feel a little less guilty than I did for not standing up and sorting myself out when it was really needed.

I have now read copious amounts of information and understand reasonably well what Vitamin D does and how it can affect the body and it's processes. I am 14 capsules into the 20 I was prescribed and I would say results have been mixed. At times I have felt better than I have felt in years; singing and laughing, thinking clearly, speaking clearly, energy and enthusiasm, but it comes and go. I have also had the flu and the old familiar muscle aches and weakness have gone for short periods and then returned as if they never went away. I now know more about the role magnesium and calcium play in rebuilding your Vitamin D stores; I think my mixed results thus far are pretty well expected given I haven't supplemented the D3 with the two aforementioned cofactors.

I have very much bought into this now and genuinely believe I have suffered from the effects, to varying degrees, of low levels of Vitmain D for perhaps as long as 15 years. I really hope my recent improvements haven't been a result of me feeling more positive because I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I don't think that's the case but then I convinced myself I had diabetes!

I am laser focussed now on learning more and trying to find the right mix of vitamins and minerals to move as far a long the road of good health as is possible. I actually feel like myself again in fleeting moments. It's truly remarkable and I so badly want more of it! :)

Couple of questions (for anyone that's still awake after that hehe!):

1. Chelated magnesium/calcium powder seems to be the best way forward. Does the amount you should be taking vary according to height/weight?

2. Just how important are boron, Vitamin K(1+K2) and any others I've neglected to mention in getting this all correct?

3. When I take a 20,000 IU capsule will it have an immediate effect on my mood, muscles, energy levels and so on? If I've understood what I've read so far correctly, it seems the D3 goes to your kidney and then is deposited into long term stores in order to be released into your blood stream as and when it's needed. I seem to get a temporary feeling of wellness a short time after taking it but that doesn't last through the day. Very possible that is just a placebo effect but I'm not sure it is. As a side note, I take my D3 with my breakfast; which is invariably buttered toast.

4. It seems most people give their test results in ng/ml, which would make my result of 6 nmol/L convert to around 2.3 ng/ml or am I working it out wrong (because that seems awfully low, I haven't seen anyone else state there's at that low).

I also really want to get this right and know this inside out for my girlfriend. She has suffered badly with anxiety for the last 6 years, it has really gotten bad in the past 3 or 4 years. She has always believed that smoking too much weed as a teenager is what has caused her issues, but I strongly believe she could be severely Vitmain D deficient too. She had a blood test done on Tuesday and will get the results on the 26th. She's, understandably, very wary of getting her hopes up. And the thought of her situation being made worse by taking Vitamin D without the correct cofactors only makes her anxiety about the subject worse. The more progress I can make the more faith she will have in me to help her along as well. I want her to know that things can get better for her but I've got to prove it to myself first and then really know what I'm doing to help her find her own way.

05-12-2016, 02:49 PM
Sorry for the longest post in the history of Internet forums but that was really cathartic! :)

Cheers, Ricky.

05-16-2016, 07:54 AM
Thanks for your PM, Damavandi.

I will take your advice into consideration and build from there. I'll report back to let anyone that is still reading this thread know how I get on.

Right now, I would say I am almost back to square one in terms of fatigue, muscle/joint pain, memory, concentration etc. But I still feel better in myself than I did because I'm confident introducing chelated magnesium will make a big difference. Going to track some down today. Cheers.

05-21-2016, 05:43 PM
hi. I just tested my d levels and came out at 35 nl . Is this sufficient as I have been depressed for two months along with obsessive intrusive thoughts. I am 5 months pregnant and am sure I have anatal depression and do not want to have postpartum

05-21-2016, 05:48 PM
Forgot to add that one day I just had extreme anxiety a night couldn't sleep and I have no appetite and am depressed. I use to eat all the time. Some nights I only get two hours sleep. And I have obsessive thoughts. I do not want to go on antidepressants. I am a mom of 3 and about to have a fourth one. I just want my old confident happy self back. I suspected Vitamin D because after discussing this with my kids pediatrition( since my Obgyn doesn't care to listen) she told me to up my dose of vitamin d. So after this and reading your advise on this forum I went to a lab on my own and got tested.

05-22-2016, 03:40 AM
Hey sickandtired789,

Although 35 ng/ml (105 nmol/lit) doesn't qualify as being deficient, most doctors with expertise in vitamin D would regard it as being too low. Because I'm unaware of your balance of unprotected exposure to sunlight and supplementation of vitamin D3, or your skin type*, I'm unable to make any appropriate suggestions, but I note that Dr. Mercola recommends 5,000 IU daily for pregnant women (who presumedly aren't getting much, if any UVB exposure above the minimum threshold intensity required).

My previous post on depression may be viewed at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?32707-has-this-happend-to-you&p=216510#post216510 with info on post natal / post partum depression at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/3.html

The following post contains information about natural health:

Boosting your immune system by optimising vitamin D levels will reduce the amount and severity of diseases, infections, speed recovery from those you can't manage to avoid, and produce a better outcome in the vast majority of cases. See http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Immunity & http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Vitamin+D%2C+immunity+and+microbiome+%E2%80%93+Dec +2014+

View my comprehensive previous answer about vitamin D at https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140606070917AAfoGCl If supplementing, (the non preferred method, according to www.vitaminDcouncil.org ) use only vitamin D3. Also view http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/about-vitamin-d/how-do-i-get-the-vitamin-d-my-body-needs/ & www.sawyer.com/understanding-uva-uvb/ & http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/10/19/cholesterol-sulfate.aspx Consider the UV meter shown in vitaminDcouncil.org at Sunfriend.com

Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D (59% of Americans have levels that are depleted, or deficient; 95% for those with greater melanin pigmentation) will better enable your body to function well.

The govt. RDI of 600 IU daily is long outdated, and based on misinformation, according to http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/05/10/vitamin-d-recommended-dietary-allowance.aspx?e_cid=20150510Z3_SNL_B_art_1&utm_source=snl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150510Z3_SNL_B&et_cid=DM76064&et_rid=946767914 and Dr. John Cannell, at vitaminDcouncil.org, and Dr. Weil, at drweil.com, Dr. Ben Kim, at drbenkim.com, Dr. Axe, at draxe.com, Dr. Gominak, a neurologist at drgominak.com and Dr. Mercola, at mercola.com all agree that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, although higher levels may be required as people age, and / or put on weight. My doctor, on the basis of several peer reviewed studies, also agrees that an RDI of 5000 IU daily is not excessive, and it is virtually impossible to get the required amount from dietary sources, without the risk of toxicity.

The NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) specified by the Institute of Medicine is 10,000 IU/day. Around 1 person in 300 is allergic to it, so start out with only 1,000 IU on the first day, if supplementing.

Dr. Gominak now recommends optimising vitamin D levels in the range 60 ng/ml to 80 ng/ml, and Dr. Mercola recommended 60 ng/ml or 150 nmol/litre, which is now my target level.

Vitamin D is not a true vitamin, but a hormonal substrate that is vitally important for the activation of almost 3,000 genes in the body. Its main cofactors are: zinc, magnesium, (see http://www.naturalnews.com/046401_magnesium_dietary_supplements_nutrient_abso rption.html ) vitamin K2, and boron.

You could enhance your microbiome (mainly the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract, which produce a large proportion of your neurotransmitters, and some vitamins) by regular consumption of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, tofu, natto, and take a probiotic, preferably a yogurt containing Shirota, or one with an enteric coating; Google supplies, or mercola.com have some. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/06/20/gut-brain-connection.aspx refers.

If you want to minimise your chances of becoming infected, or having a recurrence of existing ones, you can make your body an inhospitable environment for the microbes causing them to reproduce in; see http://alternative-health.weebly.com/homemade-antiviral-antibacterial--antifungal-product.html

Adopt a diet with minimal sugars and / or highly processed grain products, with more non starchy vegetables, protein, nuts, some complex carbohydrates, such as legumes, (beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas) and brown rice, some sourdough rye bread or seed and nutloaf, and 2, or 3 pieces of fruit, as well as probiotic yoghurt; see http://www.google.com/search?q=mercola+probiotic&hl=en&gbv=2&oq=mercola%3B+&gs_l=heirloom-serp.1.5.0l10.600390.608268.0.613200. 1594.2683.5-2j8-1.3.0.msedr...0...1ac.1.34.heirloom-serp..8.3.2682.dGRp4lhiUH0

Xylitol, from health food, or vitamin stores, or stevia, (from supermarkets) are completely natural replacements for sugar, and are suitable for diabetics. Avoid artificial sweeteners like aspartame; check out http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=mercola+artificial+sweeteners&gbv=2&oq=mercola%3B+artificial+sweeteners&gs_l=heirloom-hp.1.1.0l2.7914.28631.0.31965. 994.4-1j7-2.3.0.msedr...0...1ac.1.34.heirloom-hp..27.3.2993.3Ce1jolQ7Mg

You could begin optimising vitamin D levels with 50,000 IU daily, for a week, then 10,000 IU or more daily, once the test results have come through, until at the desired level. It takes several weeks for the levels to stabilise. Test again after 8 weeks, then at least twice yearly, until confident of being in the required range, but still test annually.

50,000 IU capsules are available; Dr. Cannell at vitaminDcouncil.org recommends biotechpharmacal.com or you can use Amazon.com.

It will take several weeks for your vitamin D levels to rise significantly, then stabilise. Sensible sunlight exposure, or UVB lamps are preferable to supplements, although they may not be an option in many cases. Unless you know that you have sufficient levels of it's main cofactors; zinc, boron, magnesium, and vitamin K2, it may be wise to also take a high quality multivitamin / mineral supplement daily, online at xtend-life.com (male and female versions) or a high quality one such as Suisse, from pharmacies, supermarkets or vitamin stores would suffice.

Below 5: 35 units per pound per day
Age 5 - 10: 2500 units
Adults: 5000 units
Pregnant Women: 5000

There is no way to know if the above recommendations are correct. The ONLY way to know is to test your blood. You might need 4-5 times the amount recommended above. Ideally your blood level of 25 OH D should be 60ng/ml.

Note that most doctors would regard lower levels of vitamin D as being acceptable than those recommended by Dr. John Cannell of the vitamin D council, or Professor Michael Holick, a former member, and an expert in vitamin D.

Read: "Why are doctors reluctant to accept vitamin D", at:
http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Why+are+doctors+reluctant+to+accept+vitamin+D and in particular:
"Would you be opposed to my getting more vitamin D", at:

An excellent one page summary about vitamin D may be found at http://www.drfranklipman.com/vitamin-d-faq/ but it lacks info on its cofactors, zinc, boron, vitamin K2, and magnesium. If supplementing, (the non preferred method, according to www.vitaminDcouncil.org ) use only vitamin D3.
My target range is now 60 ng/ml (150 nmol/lit) to 70 ng/ml (175 nmol/lit) as recommended by Drs. Gominak and Mercola. To ensure sufficient cofactors (magnesium, boron, vitamin K2, and zinc; most people get enough calcium) I also take a multivitamin, mineral, amino acids, ubiquinol, etc. supplement called Total Balance, Men's version, from xtend-life.com, although a high quality one like Suisse, would suffice, from pharmacies, or supermarkets.


Vitamin D relevant info:

* http://nadir.nilu.no/~olaeng/fastrt/VitD-ez_quartMED.html http://zardoz.nilu.no/~olaeng/fastrt/VitD-ez_quartMED.html SUNLIGHT EXPOSURE VITAMIN D3 - Dr. J. Cannell http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/ HOME TEST KITS http://www.zrtlab.com/vitamindcouncil/ VITAMIN D3 - Dr. M.Holick http://www.vitamindhealth.org/ http://blog.nutritiondata.com/ndblog/2009/08/how-much-sunshine-does-it-take-to-make-enough-vitamin-d.html?mbid=ndnl Dr. J. Mercola http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/12/16/my-one-hour-vitamin-d-lecture-to-clear-up-all-your-confusion-on-this-vital-nutrient.aspx http://www.mercola.com/article/vitamin-d-resources.htm http://sunlightandvitamind.com/ http://www.krispin.com/ www.grassrootshealth.net/daction offer cost price postal 25(OH)D testing ($40) http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/vitaminprimer.html ~~~ http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/1846/2 VITAMINS http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/vitamin-k2.html#fig4 http://chetday.com/naturalvitamin.htm

05-22-2016, 04:03 AM
From: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Handout+on+Vitamin+D+%28Hormone+D%29+and+sleep+-+Gominak+2012 by neurologist Dr. Sascha Gominak:

"If you have a neurologic problem that is severe enough to see a neurologist, you probably do not heal your body in sleep as perfectly as you once did. Most of us who have headaches, tremor, balance difficulties, vertigo, burning in the feet, depression, body pain, or memory loss have abnormal sleep and, surprisingly, fixing the sleep can fix the neurologic problem. From 2005-2009 I performed sleep studies on most of my patients and used medications or sleep masks to try to help their sleep. In 2009 I accidentally discovered that most of my patients had abnormal sleep because they were vitamin D deficient".

You may wish to read it in full.


Nearly everyone has negative thoughts sometimes. Negative thoughts often occur before negative emotions*. It's important to regularly monitor, and deal with a negative internal monologue (self talk), or mental process, such as disturbing thoughts, images, impulses, etc., by the process of (a): recognising it, and (b): challenging it immediately. Use the "Technique For Re-Programming Negative Thoughts" - When you notice something negative, such as: "I can't do this/ am never going to get over this!" or: "Why am I always so useless/such a loser?" or even an image, emotion, or a memory; recognise that it is being generated from the negative part of your mind.
After identifying and labelling it, visualise a large, red, flashing, "STOP!" sign, and/or possibly a stern faced person wagging an index finger at you in a negative manner, then say to yourself as forcefully as you can, even aloud in a big voice, if alone: "I know this tactic: GO AWAY FOR A WHILE !!!" You may want to use either: "ruse", "ploy", "game", or "trick". In the case of an image, visualise a large "STOP" sign, or your preferred version.
Some people go so far as to keep a wide rubber band in their pocket, then put it around their wrist, when they catch themselves backsliding, stretch and release it, as a method of reprogramming their mind sooner, but I don't regard it as being strictly necessary. Remember to remove it, afterwards, if you use this method. Try replacing a negative thought with a positive affirmation of your choice, like: "I am a unique individual, with my own set of skills, and good points", or "I may not be perfect, but I'm doing the best I can, right now", or "I choose to be more positive". I prefer: "Focus only on what to do now/next". Recommended reading: Positivity: Groundbreaking Research Reveals How to Embrace the Hidden Strength of Positive Emotions, Overcome Negativity, and Thrive by Barbara Fredrickson, & Negaholics: How to Overcome Negativity and Turn Your Life Around by Chérie Carter-Scott, from your bookstore, or amazon.com

"Even if we have some vague idea that we are not our feelings or our thoughts, when we are experiencing painful feelings or painful thoughts, we believe we have to feel them or think them just because of the fact that they are occurring to us. But painful feelings can be indirectly controlled by physical action, and changing our present thoughts for different thoughts (since feeling occurs as a result of thinking.) Painful thoughts can be directly controlled by choosing replacement thoughts for the ones that are troubling us. Sure, it takes some practice to change a habit. But it can be done. Of course it can't be done if we choose to believe that it can't be done. But, since the choice is ours, why not choose to believe it can be done, and do it?" Read: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by Dennis Greenberger and Christine Padesky, & Change Your Thinking by Sarah Edelman, & "Feeling Good." The New Mood Therapy. Harper Collins.1999. ( updated sequel to his US bestseller about treating depression & anxiety; very comprehensive), by David D. Burns, M.D. Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind; view http://myfavoriteinterests.com/hypnosis/ about what it is, and isn't. 85% of people are suggestible to some degree; 15% - 20% highly so, and 15% - 20% aren't much at all, so you could either preferably seek professional hypnotherapy, or, if not an option, hypnosisdownloads.com has one about stopping obsessive thoughts.
Check out http://www.wikihow.com/Special:GoogSearch?cx=008953293426798287586%3Amr-gwotjmbs&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=negative+thoughts such as: "How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts: 9 Steps", & "How to Use Switchwords to Clear Negative Thoughts: 5 Steps".
"I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside" - Dr. Wayne Dyer*.
The key is persistence; over time the frequency and power of the negative thoughts will lessen, but will always recur occasionally, which is normal, and healthy.

Some relevant posts on anxiety may be viewed at:

GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33964-New-to-the-site-and-looking-for-help&p=223989#post223989

HERBAL ANXIOLYTICS: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34269-5-Powerful-Tools-You-Probably-Haven-t-Tried-Yet&p=225415#post225415

NON HERBAL NATURAL (NON PHARMACEUTICAL) ANXIOLTYICS: (5-htp, etc.) http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34355-Help-Please!!!/page2

Google their hazards for pregnant females before considering their use.

Hoping something in the above helps.

05-22-2016, 05:34 AM
Thank you for your swift reply. Well I have been already taking Magnesium and a prenatal multi vitamin so I dunno. Sometimes I think this is all in my head however the physical symptoms make it apparent that something physically speaking is truly off balance. Do you think there is a chance that different people require different amounts of vitamin D. and since I'm pregnant would a range of 35 nl mean some of that is in the babys system and not truly all in mine. By the way I am dark skinned and live in the southeastern states. Wonder if I am deficient in magnesium or calcium.

05-22-2016, 05:35 AM
Oh and has anyone ever heard of magnesium helping obsessive thoughts, depression or any other mental illness?

05-24-2016, 11:18 PM
Vitamin D levels vary seasonally, and are usually lowest in early spring. 59% of Americans have levels that are insufficient; 95% for people with more melanin pigmentation, and may require several times more exposure to sunlight of sufficient intensity if generating it that way. Older or obese people may need up to twice as much. Dr. Mercola advised that in his clinical experience, some people required up to 30,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily. I take 50,000 IU weekly, and my last test showed 175 nmol/lit ( 75 ng/ml ).

If in doubt about calcium, eat sardines with their bones and lemon juice or vinegar at least once weekly.

Magnesium deficiency can cause depression, and/or anxiety. Adequate supplementation often remedies the situation within 2 weeks.

It's your serum blood levels of vitamin D that are tested, but women with optimal levels have a considerably lower rate of autism in their children; Google: "autism; Dr. John Cannell; vitaminDcouncil".

Obsessive, intrusive, or negative thoughts are some of the possible symptoms of depression.

06-04-2016, 08:42 PM
Hi. Do you know if all of these vitamins are safe for a breastfeeding mom (d, chelated magnesium, calcium, k)? I am having post partum anxiety and panic attacks, which I have never had before. The more I read, the more i think it's related to deficenties. Especially since I have been pregnant or breastfeeding for the last 5.5 years. I am having trouble finding an up to date doc and want to feel normal again. I would consider my anxiety to not be terrible it's just strange since I have never experienced it before. I want to be able to fully function. I am also doing acupuncture which seems to be helping. I'll keep looking for a doc. Thanks!

06-05-2016, 12:34 AM
Hi Kjohn:

If you are looking for an up to date doctor in reference to vitamin D3, other vitamins, and minerals, your best
bet would be searching among endocrinologists in your area. Please, do not forget to have your
vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test done. Besides vitamins, and minerals, please do discuss taking
amino acid complex pills at a moderate dose with your doctor.

Best wishes,

06-13-2016, 01:19 PM
After feeling depressed for 2 years with sleep problems, fatigue, loss of interest in activities, memory issues. I finally decided to do some blood tests. Which showed i have Vitamin D3 deficiency.

My house doctor advised me to take daily Vitamin D3 1200 IU supplement in liquid form. 3 drops each day.

I have been taking them for 1 month now. No big difference yet. But my house doctor told me it can take up to 3 months before restoring my Vitamin D3 levels. My blood tests showed 7. And Vitamin D levels should be 50?

I felt relieved to know the cause for my depression, but now i just have to live with my depressive symtoms for 2 more months before i get better? anything else i can do to speed up the recovery time?

My house doctor wanted to describe antidepressants when she heard about my depression related symptoms. So I asked her to take all tests related to fatigue, sleep problems and basically all the standard depression symptoms.

According to the blood tests, my calcium levels were fine. And the only deficiency was D3.

However, looking back now at my life, I've had several depressive periods. And I must admit that I'm not a natural sunseeker and prefer to sit inside a lot.
So could over 10+ years of depressive moods finally be tied to my Vitamin D deficiency? I hope so. I guess I just have to wait and see and take the supplements.
I remember also having shin pain in my early 20s. I'm 32 now.

So if it will take more than 3 months to restore my low levels of 7. Maybe up to 1 year? should i really go trough all this time feeling this low in mood etc. Or should i take antidepressants on top of this?