View Full Version : having a terrible day....

09-01-2012, 05:40 PM
Today has been the worst day I've had in a long while. I am having terrible crying, then anger, then crying, then chill. I have been having terrible pains in my ribs which is causing me to freak out. I am fighting the urge to go back to the ER to have my lungs checked. It hurts to breathe in. I've been to the ER so much since June they know my name. The only part of my issues that is hanging on is the Health anxiety. My husband is so frustrated with me, cause its something new everyday for me to worry about. My doc took me off all meds for a bit cause I was more anxious on them. Now I am in limbo till I can get into the psychiatrist (end of September). Plus I quit smoking 15 days ago, its all I can think about.
Sorry for the run on. Just really needed to vent

09-01-2012, 06:10 PM
I feel for you I feel terrible all the time I'm afraid to go to dr because I don't want to be medicated my husband and kids think I am crazy everyday I have a different ailment I'm afraid to go to work cause I feel worse there once I'm home I'm better
Not sure what to so

09-01-2012, 06:40 PM
hEY Bucky!

Chillax please. No one is going to have a f**kin heart attack, stroke, hemorage,..nothing so get that outta yer mind. Hey, just thought of stupid cartoon, irrelevant though...Charlie Brown. PsYcHiAtry 5cents..LOL!!!.. I got some questions for you if you'll offer up an answer.
1. Age?
2. Family?..Kids?..Job??
3. List meds Dr pulled here please?
4. How long dealt with this freaking out?
5. OMG!! Congrats on the stopping smoking!!! How long was your habit? How many per day??...
6. END of Sept for a Psych?!!...

I am nosey, that's how I help..


09-01-2012, 07:11 PM
Hey E man,

I'm 32, married, one daughter, work in security industry. Been having health anxiety for 3 months. Dr. stopped me taking Buspar and Xanax. Have also tried Celexa. Have Valium only but was on Z pack for 5 days and couldn't take it due to interactions. Quit smoking after 16 years. Smoked 1/2 a pack a day at the end. Smoking was my very favorite thing, my only vice and I really really miss it. Think that's all questions.

I have managed to shake all of my other anxiety symptoms except the worrying about my health. Every little pain freaks me out. And I know in my brain that I'm ok but I can't convince myself to let it go. I obsessed about it and work myself into a frenzy which causes me to panic. SUCKS!!! I just want my life back.

09-01-2012, 07:11 PM
I have called 6 psychs but all are booked up.

09-01-2012, 08:16 PM
What triggered your anxiety a few months ago?

09-01-2012, 08:23 PM
Honestly its hard for me to pinpoint what did it. I'd been dealing with some teeth issues since April that I still haven't had officially diagnosed. My husband had a health scare back in Feb - March, he lost 65 pounds with out really trying, but all tests negative. But neither if these things were any worse stress wise than other situations I've dealt with previously in my life with no anxiety.

09-01-2012, 08:26 PM
Agreed^^..You just wake up one day and then you're a hypochondriac?...

1. Also, what was purpose of Dr suddenly stoppin the Buspar and xanax?...Is that when this hit?..Tryin to understand..YAY!


09-01-2012, 08:29 PM
I was prescribed buspar and Xanax after first anxiety attack in June. Had never had anxiety problems before June. The buspar and Xanax were making my anxiety crazy bad. I was a mess. One Dr said try Celexa, didn't like it. Dr said stop all meds.

09-01-2012, 08:32 PM
Got it..Do you recall anyone ever sayin things to the effect of when a mans wife is with child, the man also feels some sort of physical symptoms, ailments, pains, hell even morning sickness I believe.. PTSD..Trauma=burnt into your memory. Worry, fret, concern, stress, tension,..self-creating, manifesting, growing, feeding, assuming, speculating all sorts of different theories, possibilites, scenarious..BECAUSE you were offered NO CLEAR ANSWER FOR WHAT YOUR HUSBAND WENT THROUGH...YUP. Now, you don't even realize your putting the MAIN FOCUS on yourself??..He probably doesnt even mention it or speak of it, just something that happened and he moved on..You however, are adding things to it that are ALL negative thought, ideas, perceptions, with no real basis whatsoever. Just a mind in "hyper-creativity" mode...:)

09-01-2012, 08:36 PM
Make any sense???

09-01-2012, 08:37 PM
I had thought about that. And if that's the case I may punch him where it counts LOL. I was worried sick about him and yes he has just blown it off. Doesn't ever talk about it. It is just weird for me.

09-01-2012, 08:43 PM
There's YOUR answer Bucky! You dont even know you're doing it. It is caused by the SNS (sympathetic nervous system)..although there are other (nervous systems) in our body. You're feeding this all by yourself, I knew he didnt even mention it because men forget and move on..Evolution programmed us that way. Solution?...Stop the thought! Enjoy your life! Hug your child!!! and tell yer husband yer sorry for driving him up the f**kin wall with OMG MY HEART, MY LIVER, MY PANCREAS,..MY TEETH!!! You dont need celexa, buspar, or xanax..you need to live for today! Have a glass of wine, make a fire, and enjoy the gift of life....You're not going anywhere, your mind is too sharp for that. Hope that helps you Bucklet!!!


09-01-2012, 08:46 PM
PS: You can't change evolution by punching yer husband, its just how we are wired and programmed friend. Help an ole lady cross the street, kill an assialant on the other side...go home and watch SpongeBob. YAY!! GARY!!! meow...

09-01-2012, 08:58 PM
I would never really punch him....just wish he could be more understanding. I was when he was worried.

09-01-2012, 09:09 PM
Thats the PROBLEM Buckwheat! He appreciated your concern, help, care, kindness in time of need...When NEED is gone, he dropped the subject. YOU retained every tiny shredd of it and keep re-living IT! MEN DO NOT LIKE TO RE-LIVE, RE-HASH, RE-INVESTIGATE, RE-VISIT moments like these.. Now, stop thinking about IT, because obviously as your very 1st post stated "YOU'RE DRIVING YOUR HUSBAND CRAZY".. and you know what else? "YOU'RE DRIVING YOURSELF CRAZY IN THE PROCESS TOO"..

SO, with all due respect...drop the topic. In all honestly Buckchop, it isn't being fair to HIM in any way, shape, form.. He must be allowed to forget.

PLEASE!!! Now go light the Tiki Torches and fire up the grill!!! Drinks all around!!!


09-01-2012, 11:44 PM
Hope you're feeling better I'm the same way I have health anxiety and every little thing my body does I freak, then my mind goes on over drive :/ I hate it!!! I wanna say it was from watching to much health shows or hearing people talk
About their health problems ...

09-02-2012, 08:59 AM
Thanks Maybe!!! Health anxiety is no joke and this roller coaster we are riding is never ending. Each twinge and pain and ache causes my brain to go into over drive. Trying to control my thoughts is the hardest. And everyday is something new. Like today....why is my scalp burning on only one side??? Strange I know :) Looking forward to my doc getting back from Vacation so we can try something else out. Sending lots of good vibes your way. Hope your day is good, I'm working today so say a little prayer for me ;)

09-02-2012, 09:18 AM
Holy shit..and I NEVER type the word shit.. I know why your scalp is burning only on (1) side but you dont stay on here long enough to fix anything!!! HELLO IN THERE!!!

09-02-2012, 09:39 AM
I'm here now. Just at work checking periodically.

09-02-2012, 09:46 AM
1. PLEASE take into consideration all the other words we've exchanged in regards to this health anxiety, worry, yer hubby..
2. The head pain is called (trigeminal neuralgia)..How do I know that? I have that! It is a DISEASE caused by=anxiety...
3. NO painkiller will work on this type of pain. It is neuropathic. Takes a special medication, AND you must delete the stress and anxiety triggers or it will get worse, and worse, and way more intense.

Do you feel it in your optic nerve too?


09-02-2012, 09:51 AM
I do feel like my eyes are burning some times but I thought it was allergies, which I've never had before. Could this be caused by a bad tooth extraction? Sorry to ask, I know you aren't a doc but I was having head, face, jaw issues after a terrible tooth extraction in April. Went to 3 diff dentists and they thought just TMJ.

09-02-2012, 09:56 AM

I am not a Dr, but have more general knowledge of health conditions, symptoms, causes, then 5 of them combined. Yes, it can be caused by a bad tooth extraction IF it is now infected. Notice anything odd besides burning pain on (1) side of your head?..Do your teeth or any specific tooth hurt now? Is it on the same side as the pains??

09-02-2012, 09:57 AM
Not burning eyes as that is merely a seasonal thing but actual pain in the nerves behind the eye itself??

09-02-2012, 10:01 AM
PS: On average, a patient with the symptoms of (trigeminal neuralgia) will see 6 Dr's before one them removes his thumb from his a** and figures it out..FACT

09-02-2012, 10:02 AM
It's actually on the opposite side. I get terrible pain that comes and goes in my chin and jaw on my right. Head thing is on left. I have seen an Oral surgeon, endodontist and my reg dentist. All said no sign of infection in any teeth surrounding my pain. Sucks. Dentist was ready to send me to a neuro dentist for an eval. But its lots of money with no insurance. Had to out it on back burner. That was end of May.

09-02-2012, 10:06 AM
Yup..You have (trigeminal neuralgia). I do not have ins either, and never have had in 44 yrs..Thats why I know so much s**t about health, mind, body,..The whole system. Is this the DAILY pain you speak of??...We're almost done.

09-02-2012, 10:19 AM
It's one of the daily pains I have. That one doesn't really concern me too much which is weird. I can deal with the facial stuff.
My current main concern is I have daily pain in my ribs. It's under the ribs close to where they make a V. I had a chest xray, stress test and echo and tons of blood work done just over a week ago. Passed with flying colors. Now this.

09-02-2012, 10:29 AM
1. Way to much worry= to much stress= anxiety= neuropathic pain that will worsen if you dont put the fire out.
2. Facial pain will intensify with time, under extreme yet unnecessary worry, anxiety, stress. (trigeminal neuralgia). 110,000 other females on the ENTIRE US have this..rare.
3. The pain under yer rib cage is caused by worry, stress, fear, and that also causes GERD in time also. (gastric reflux disease). All of this entire picture, this whole story, the entire post,..is all understandable now I hope? I can see it. Can you?..

Gotta get ready for work,..yippee. On a Sunday too! WAAA!


09-02-2012, 10:31 AM
Have a good day....thanks for the insight!!!! I'm working too so I feel for you. I gotta work Labor Day too....the joys of Life/Safety

09-02-2012, 10:33 AM
Yer welcome Mrs. Bucktail!..

Enjoy the day yourself!!.
