View Full Version : Anxitey, fear and depression

09-01-2012, 03:26 PM
Hey, lately I've been feeling real worried and scared, I've lost interest in things, I haven't been sleeping good, and I get anxiety and start to panic, I've been in the house alot and afraid to go out now, but before this I was a real outgoing person, I feel like I'm dying and helpless, Plz help.

09-01-2012, 03:38 PM
Sorry to hear you are going through this, you'll find a lot of people here who are or have been in a similar situation, me included.
So what has changed recently? Anything that could have triggered this? What scares you about leaving the house? You been to the doctor or looked for any professional help? Appologies for all the questions but it will help people here understand a bit better what is going on with you.
B x

09-01-2012, 04:14 PM
How long has this gone on, and what is your age?..Tell us abit about who you are please..



09-01-2012, 08:23 PM
I know how you feel I am going though the same thing

09-02-2012, 01:55 PM
How long has this gone on, and what is your age?..Tell us abit about who you are please..



It's been going on for about 2 months, it's gotten worse, I can't sleep now, I feel scared and start to panic I'm not feeling like myself , I overthink about things and feel like I'm going to lose it sometimes, my heart starts to race and I start to sweat I just feel bad and kinda surreal sometimes .

09-02-2012, 06:58 PM
Agreed.."fear of fear"..

Dear Arwa 19,

The more you put into this wonderful anxiety forum, the more you will quickly get out of it in return friend..I'm just suggesting, make the effort and investment of time and start typing. The more "background" we have to work with, the better off you'll be with informative and useful words received. You gotta move pretty fast as it appears I'm seeing many different words that are processed in my mind as being "critical"..
1. 2 months.
2. Worsening.
3. No sleep.
4. Scared.
5. Panic.
6. Over analyzing.
7. Losing it.
8. Racing heart.
9. Sweating.
10. Surreal, unreal..

The words on this screen don't scream out for help much louder then those do..We're here and ready whenever you are.

Kindest regards,

09-02-2012, 07:52 PM
Agreed.."fear of fear"..

Dear Arwa 19,

The more you put into this wonderful anxiety forum, the more you will quickly get out of it in return friend..I'm just suggesting, make the effort and investment of time and start typing. The more "background" we have to work with, the better off you'll be with informative and useful words received. You gotta move pretty fast as it appears I'm seeing many different words that are processed in my mind as being "critical"..
1. 2 months.
2. Worsening.
3. No sleep.
4. Scared.
5. Panic.
6. Over analyzing.
7. Losing it.
8. Racing heart.
9. Sweating.
10. Surreal, unreal..

The words on this screen don't scream out for help much louder then those do..We're here and ready whenever you are.

Kindest regards,

What do u think I should do?

09-02-2012, 08:42 PM
Its called fear of fear .

Start by reading Dr Weekes book Hope and help for you nerves.

And then start to address the issues that are causing your body to be over sensitized to every thing .

Ok I will try

09-02-2012, 08:45 PM
Sorry to hear you are going through this, you'll find a lot of people here who are or have been in a similar situation, me included.
So what has changed recently? Anything that could have triggered this? What scares you about leaving the house? You been to the doctor or looked for any professional help? Appologies for all the questions but it will help people here understand a bit better what is going on with you.
B x

I actually went to the dr like 2 months ago and had a panic attack there and she didn't do nothing about it. She just continued to focus on my Blatter infection. She took blood work and they came back normal.

09-02-2012, 08:46 PM
I know how you feel I am going though the same thing

It sucks so bad. Sometimes u just lose hope but there's always hope

09-02-2012, 08:57 PM

The more you invest, the more your return..

1. Who are YOU?...

I can not help, without seeing WHO you are. All I know is that "it started 2 months ago"..and "it sucks"...

I can literally create no picture from so few words..I wish I could..

I'm ready whenever you are..