View Full Version : Can't believe this happening again...

09-01-2012, 02:33 PM
Hi everyone, Rob here...I suffered from major anxiety attacks some years ago...to the point that I ended up going to see a therapist. And believe it or not after seeing the therapist for some time...the anxiety attacks stopped and I managed to get some measure of control over them that they weren't happening again. Unlike in the past where I did not do anything right away I am trying to get more of handle on this and not allow it to consume me.

Up until last night, the past week or so I've been working on recovering from a brutal sinus infection, which is slowly improving btw. However, with the onset of the sinus infection I started having Insomnia that I kept waking up on the hour...this of course disrupts my sleep. What is disturbing me is that last night to try to help the insomnia I took some Tylenol PM to help me sleep....this did not help. What actually happened was I had side affect from the Tylenol PM that is little know - after awhile I was restless, nervous and could feel the anxiety building to the point i was pacing. Eventually this stopped and i went to bed...but the hourly waking started again. After i finally got some measure of sleep all i could think about was the hourly waking up and the slight bit of vertigo that went with it...to the point that its been on my mind all day.

I figure if i came here I could find some help and help some others out as well...as I found talking always helps

thanks for listening


09-01-2012, 04:26 PM
Welcome Rob!

Wonder what triggered the suddenality of this return to anxiety?..Any clues??...Also, the infection itself can be a HUGE contributor and reopen what "appears" to be anxiety but really isn't. IMHO, it is the infection robbing your systems of their proper "balance"..


09-01-2012, 08:56 PM
Thanks E-man, I appreciate the input. I know sometimes how things can sound rational to the person experiencing them but then having that outside opinion really helps. I think the restlessness, nervousness I was feeling from the T-PM just brought on the anxious obsessivness on that the one aspect of the hourly waking...which I have now deducted is probably the result of my airways being blocked due to the infection thus forcing me awake like a sleep apnea patient experiences.

Again, I appreciate someone listening...cause that does make a difference..

09-01-2012, 09:18 PM
Right on bruh!.. I know that certain characteristics of anxiety that we ALL know can actually cause this so called "cognition" switch to flip and put us into "HOLY S**T ITS BACK!" mode but I truly believe that this infection (which actually screws up the entire metabolic systems to almost haywire circuitry mode) is what you're feeling friend..and nothing more then an "actual physical illness"...LUCKY DOG!!
