View Full Version : Alcohol and anxiety

09-01-2012, 09:59 AM
Hi everyone. I normally drink alcohol without issues (if anything it usually HELPS my anxiety temporarily, at least socially) but last night when I got home, I was still pretty intoxicated and I started feeling a weird surge of adrenaline mixed with nausea and these horrible feelings of depression. A really strange thing to be feeling while drunk. So I just got in bed, turned off the lights and started texting my friend about it and he made me feel better and then I finally just dozed off. Does anyone else ever have a response like this to alcohol? I've been drinking socially for 10 years and have NEVER felt this. I'm thinking it might be time to stop. :(

09-01-2012, 11:41 AM
Yep. Drinking makes my anxiety worse. There have been a few times where I had an anxiety attack while drunk & it was the worst.

09-01-2012, 02:53 PM
Hi everyone. I normally drink alcohol without issues (if anything it usually HELPS my anxiety temporarily, at least socially) but last night when I got home, I was still pretty intoxicated and I started feeling a weird surge of adrenaline mixed with nausea and these horrible feelings of depression. A really strange thing to be feeling while drunk. So I just got in bed, turned off the lights and started texting my friend about it and he made me feel better and then I finally just dozed off. Does anyone else ever have a response like this to alcohol? I've been drinking socially for 10 years and have NEVER felt this. I'm thinking it might be time to stop. :(

Read the thread titled "help! please read!" might be helpful to you.

09-01-2012, 04:18 PM
What medications are you taking, and also what was it you were drinking?..Reason I ask the second question is that I drank something called Bombs er some s**t one night and ripped the gates of my fence, walked around the town 4 times, late at night and really not sure wtf was going on..Hellof a night!! LOL!


09-01-2012, 04:22 PM
No medications. Alcohol is the only drug I consume regularly; I'm not even on birth control and I avoid caffeine. Just drank beer, which is what I normally drink.

Damn! It was probably something that had caffeine or taurine in it is my guess! Sigh. I used to be fine consuming the "normal" substances that most people are fine with. I hate my stupid brain.

What medications are you taking, and also what was it you were drinking?..Reason I ask the second question is that I drank something called Bombs er some s**t one night and ripped the gates of my fence, walked around the town 4 times, late at night and really not sure wtf was going on..Hellof a night!! LOL!


09-01-2012, 04:33 PM
Yup..Those freakin 9 hour energy bulls**t things that everyone uses are hell on anxiety. I bet that was what was in the stupid BOMBS I drank!! I tore s**t up everywhere and had to fix it all too. Bent the steel hinges!! Never again...


09-01-2012, 04:34 PM
You SOMEHOW ended up with some stims in your system..weird.

09-01-2012, 08:25 PM
I know it's not funny E, but your post cracked. E up...walked around town 4 times.

09-01-2012, 11:06 PM
Who ended up with stims? I didn't! I was referring to your experience. I'm not sure what happened to me. :(

09-01-2012, 11:12 PM
BAAHHAAAHA!!! I DID!! Drank up some BOMB kinda s**t, I guess I ended up outside and tore 2 heavy wooden gates of the fence for some reason and then walked up and down Main St. in the rain..staggering..drunk and tripping over cracks in the sidewalk actually hittin the ground. I remember all that, just not 100% sure why or wtf the purpose of doing it was?...Hilarious!!!

09-02-2012, 02:32 AM
What medications are you taking, and also what was it you were drinking?..Reason I ask the second question is that I drank something called Bombs er some s**t one night and ripped the gates of my fence, walked around the town 4 times, late at night and really not sure wtf was going on..Hellof a night!! LOL!


Jaeger bombs??? Jaegermeister + redbull!


09-02-2012, 06:22 AM
YES!! Those f**king things+Enduronman=rippin gates off and staggering around in a daze!...0 again!

09-02-2012, 06:53 AM
I recommend that only when you have your anxiety / panic attacks under reasonable control that you partake in getting legless, or even a wee bit tipsy.

My experience with alcohol has evolved over the past 8 months (period of anx. disorder from start to present today).
In the early days of anxiety / panic peak, the act of getting drunk could go either way... things would either turn out OK or HELLISH.
Most often the latter, unfortunately.
The next day hangovers would ALWAYS trigger panic attacks. My worst ever panic attack was thanks to a hangover.

As I got better, the act of getting drunk still, often starts as anxious (the first few drinks), after which I completely mellow and anxiety is completely passified.
Now, hangovers are OK, but the tiredness the next evening often catches me out.

Best off avoiding for the time being, but worry not... you'll be back on it in no time.

FYI: I got in at 3.30am last night after dancing all night in a few Essex clubs. Got shit faced... have a hangover but am completely at ease (for the time being).

09-02-2012, 07:29 AM
Dazza you partay animal.

09-02-2012, 07:51 AM

COZ I GOTTA... lol

09-02-2012, 08:11 AM
Haha. SMOKIN'!

09-02-2012, 08:51 AM
My dad goes out every friday and gets legless on them! He is 65 a diabetic and has prostate cancer :-/ me im 28 and tea total something wrong there isnt there!


09-02-2012, 09:03 AM
Dazzleburg is a break dancer?...WTF?. :/

09-02-2012, 09:07 AM
Haha think he prefers the "moon walk" though I'm having fun picturing him in the night club with some loud bassy dance music "dad dancing" Hahahaha lol sorry D :P

09-02-2012, 09:08 AM
My dad goes out every friday and gets legless on them! He is 65 a diabetic and has prostate cancer :-/ me im 28 and tea total something wrong there isnt there!


You have a mental illness not a physical one!

This sentence holds a key difference between people who develop anxiety disorder and those who don't.
Those who don't tend to have a "don't give a shit about anything" attitude, those who do tend to worry about everything.

Ignorance is bliss < true

09-02-2012, 09:13 AM
Bussa move bruh!!.. :)

09-02-2012, 09:15 AM
LOL... leave my moonwalk out of this!

God, I made this hideous dancing vid last year:


The above link take you to about 10 seconds before I do a moonwalk pmsl

09-02-2012, 09:20 AM
dood..uh, dood

09-02-2012, 09:22 AM
I am f**kin impressed man! That is some skill and agility fa sho! You must not be in yer 40's?...and if you are I got alot of work to do!

09-02-2012, 09:32 AM
Do you dance like that in the club?
I would have to be completely and utterly off my tits on drugs and alcohol to get me anywhere near a nightclub let alone fuckin dance in one!

09-02-2012, 09:37 AM
Dude from jolly Ole England knows how to move.. Only thing I ever did at night clubs was break stools and pool sticks on dudes backs and heads. I never stayed long..weird.

09-02-2012, 09:47 AM
Do you dance like that in the club?
I would have to be completely and utterly off my tits on drugs and alcohol to get me anywhere near a nightclub let one fuckin dance in one!

Before I met my current g/f I was (voluntarily) single for a good 4 years. All my old mates of my age (40's) had long since got married / had kids etc. so I would hang about with my bro. (10 years my junior) and his mates.
Because most of them were a lot younger I had to find ways of keeping myself young to keep up... dancing like a knob was one of them! (plus I used to be into breakdancing/robotics big time in my teens)

Clubbing was a regular weekend activity - we had some great times ;-)

So, yep... I'd dance like this (but only when suitably pissed), although more in the background rather than try & steal the show. I DO realise it looks silly at my age but it attracted quite a bit of attention.

I "gave it some" last night, actually... lol. Keeps you fit(ish)!

09-02-2012, 09:52 AM
Dude..That is truly admirable. A real skill, art, athletic, and probably does ALOT to alleviate your anxiety too.. You def dont have SAD!

09-02-2012, 10:04 AM
only thing i ever did at night clubs was break stools and pool sticks on dudes backs and heads. I never stayed long..weird.


09-02-2012, 02:12 PM
You have a mental illness not a physical one!

This sentence holds a key difference between people who develop anxiety disorder and those who don't.
Those who don't tend to have a "don't give a shit about anything" attitude, those who do tend to worry about everything.

Ignorance is bliss < true

Yes ignorance is certainly bliss! My life is so limited i try not to let my anxiety get in the way of life but without realising it u do! Im sat here with a dye on my hair expecting a reaction waiting for my throat to start closing when ive been dyeing my hair for 12 years and never had a reaction! But now i have anxiety i suddenly will!!! Its ridiculous :-/


09-07-2012, 03:27 AM
Awesome, Dazza! Lol.

And yeah, you're right - Imma lay off the booze until I feel good for awhile. This week I've been minimally partaking, but not letting myself get drunk.