View Full Version : confused, need help please

09-01-2012, 03:47 AM
Hey all

im so confused at the moment

iv had anxiety for around a year and a half now, to begin with it was bad, i had all the worst symptoms
over the year and a half my anxiety has got a lot better to a point where i will have days, weeks with no anxiety

for the last 2-3 weeks iv had almost no anxiety, a few spells here and there but nothing that has stayed longer and a few minutes

however a couple of days ago i got home from my fiancée's at midnight and i just felt soo low and just wanted to cry so badly
the day after i felt like crap all day and again just wanted to cry, i woke up this morning and i still feel rubbish and have the same feeling of crying

im just so confused to why this is happening
iv been told the whole way through my anxiety, that it is triggered by stress
but to be honest im really strongly beginning to doubt that
to start of with i could see why stress would have caused my anxiety as i went through a rough patch in life
but about a year into my anxiety it came under control but this would always happen
i would do well for a couple of weeks and then be hit by anxiety again, but honestly stress would never be present

i just dont get why this happens, what is causing this, please i just need some answers

p.s i was also wondering if having lack of sleep and a cold could have brought this back on
over the last few days iv had a cold which has made it hard for me to breathe and made me feel run down
also i stared playing a new video game which i got addicted to and didnt go bed till 6am three night in a row meaning i only got 6 hours of sleep each of them nights as i got up at 12pm on each of them days

could that be the cause of why my anxiety has returned?


09-01-2012, 06:41 AM
Lack of sleep+video game addiction=trainwreck=yes..


09-01-2012, 07:52 AM

i was hoping that was the problem, atleast now i have an answer and can actually work on something

you wouldnt happen to have any advice on game addictions would you as yes im an addict
iv had a look on the web but cant find any information on self help


09-01-2012, 10:00 AM
I too was a "video game" addict but that was in 1991 and I was 23 yrs old...What I did?.. Sold it. It was the only way, remove the source then my problem was solved. I havent played any games since then either as I learned from that experience to never repeat it friend..


09-01-2012, 11:09 AM
Oo what did u play

09-01-2012, 05:22 PM
ahh okay so its best to quit cold turkey rather than cutting down on the hours?
just wondering what games were addictive back in 1991? because its online games that got me addicted

jhunter, it was minecraft that i recently got addicted to


09-01-2012, 05:39 PM
Lol I was talking to eman cos I was wondering what games were about in 1991 while I was still in nappies haha.

09-01-2012, 06:24 PM
Hey Richy!..Hate to type this, but if you really ever wish to grab anxiety by its neck..then you'll have to follow through in this manner. I call it "Blunt Force Trauma".. It is the only real way to begin the detachment process from anxiety friend. If you're not an aggressive and assertive assassin, then learn how to be one for a moment and get rid of that game.. 1st step friend..

Hey Hunter!..I have no idea what the game was but it involved military, tanks, soldiers, ammo, guns...It had to go!


09-01-2012, 06:43 PM

I struggle with anxiety myself and all I can tell you is that it will never fully go away. Everyone has certain anxieties in their lives that they can't get ride of.
You can though, help the situation. Getting a good amount of sleep and taking all natural remedies is always a good choice. If you haven't, try St. John's Wart.
Take it in the morning when you wake up, and it'll help calm your angst through out the day. It's good to take it three times a day if you want to be anxiety-free.

Also, turn off your video game. When people interact with their video games to much, they tend to get overwhelmed and forget about reality. Depending on what you're doing
in the video game, you could be triggering yourself to have bad dreams, which wake you up in a bad mood and completely stressed out.

If you have an iPhone, download the app "Transform". It'll give you tips and assignments that you can log through out your day.

Hope I helped!

09-01-2012, 07:04 PM
"Hey Hunter!..I have no idea what the game was but it involved military, tanks, soldiers, ammo, guns...It had to go!"

Haha. What console was this? Atari?

09-01-2012, 07:09 PM
I honestly do not know..All I did know is that, it was HIGHLY addictive and I rarely got up..One day, I said f**k this!! I am accomplishing 0...GONE!

09-01-2012, 07:19 PM
LOL. I used to have a commodore 64, anyone remember those? Used to love playing that!

09-01-2012, 07:46 PM
I HONESTLY can not play anything. I can not have a cell phone. I can not have a faceback. I can not read the news. I can not watch the news. I can not allow any sort of (negative stress inputs) into my last remaining brain cell...I still have close friends, good friends, great family, but they ALL know my limits and the allowable topics of discussion with me too. They ALL respect that with the exception of (1) that disregards my every request. She aint here no mo...:)


09-01-2012, 07:51 PM
What about cluedo? Love that game.

09-01-2012, 08:09 PM
Jhunter89 we call it CLUE in the US. I used to live in Scotland so it was cool to see you write that. Thanks for the flashback :) I was always Ms. Scarlet.

09-01-2012, 08:13 PM
Cool. Im Scottish technically.
I can't stand monopoly cos I always lose!!!

09-01-2012, 08:14 PM
Monopoly sucks. I have a hard enough time managing real money. Who wants to play at spending wisely. No thank you!!!!

09-01-2012, 08:17 PM
Lol. I'm a particularly sore loser too

09-02-2012, 03:16 AM
br0o0oklyn, thanks for your comment

i understand that my anxiety will never go away as everyone needs anxiety, but its just that part of controlling it and knowing what triggers it for me
and still to this day i dont know what triggers it

for example my anxiety very first started when i took my girlfriend home one night and i dunno why but i just had an anxiety attack
however this isnt what trigger my anxiety this time

but its seeming like im not taking care of myself which is the reason my anxiety comes back, right?

as for drugs and remedies, iv stayed away from these 100% this my anxiety started, as i dont want to get attached to something
but i will look into st. Johns

im gonna quit the video games, find my self a non addictive past time hobby, sort out my sleep and see where that gets me

p.s also my diet is poor, not as in what i eat but the amount, iv lost 2 stone since my anxiety started because of the lose of appetite
another reason for it is that i have a mental eating disorder aswel so i struggle to eat, could this be another problem?


09-02-2012, 03:24 AM
Enduronman, as for what games were out in 1991, i was just curious as i was born in that year

i still have my first console, sega mega drive, i guess that will be getting boxed up aswel

thanks for the help
