View Full Version : Another casualty of a not so perfect healthcare system...grrr E-Man.

08-31-2012, 10:06 PM
Dear ALL,

I'm abit baffled yet again. I welcome all newcomers to the forums, and hope that we can actually provide you with some solid, real, useful advice or suggestions. Some of us here are literal Veterans of this Battle of Anxiety. I have over 40 years of proof, life, thoughts, memories, affects, and have had ALL of the pains and weird unexplained or misunderstood ailments, symptoms, pains, tremors, twitches..I will say, it doesnt get any easier or less painful. It amplifies, ramps up, builds, grows like a weed if you let it go on untreated, uncontrolled, uncontained, and not understood.

My title says another casualty. I read about one tonight here. It seems ALL too common that there's a pattern that I see here over and over again. A patient makes an appointment to see the Dr. to discuss, talk about, disclose,.. troubles, issues, concerns, conditions,..and the Dr. ASSUMES that just throwing some AD's at this person and MANY others is the answer. It is not in most of these post I read. Why would I even care? Because anxiety is hell on earth and I know how to beat it. I also do not want to see or hear about anyone here that eventually ended up with actual diseases like I did so if I can help to prevent that, then that is my reward..helping others that I dont even know. I found (1) particular post somewhat infuriating to be honest with you all. The fact that any so called professional Physician would abruptly STOP, HAULT, CEASE,..the medication that the Dr. did stop is very troubleing because this Dr. either has 0 idea what the effects of the stoppage are going to be? OR simply doesnt care? OR..this list could go on and on. Any person, on any type of SSRI or SSNRI, that has taken it for a long period of time is going to be in for some "unreal" detox like symptoms..and then the alternate med doesnt even approach the same chemical in the brain at all.. I feel disgusted again. With the system, the Dr's, the approach to those of us with mental disorder that just take the Dr's advice and move on into another world. (sigh)..

I know ALOT of stuff, info, facts, about what I call "The Anxiety Matrix" and how to help, suggest, offer, anything I can to get you all out to the best of my knowledge and ability. Over my 44 yrs on this planet I have personally dealt with, spoken too, visited, met with,..many, many people with degrees, certificates, plaques, awards, diplomas..and out of all of those people I saw that tried to figure me out, none of them succeeded..I figured THEM out..None of those accoutrements mean s**t to me, especially when it comes to helping a person that is struggleing within the "mind"...Way more complex then anyone will ever really know. Think about that for 1 sec?..Help me to figure out whats wrong with something that no one can see?..No X ray. No MRI. No psychological disorder censor probe...Just a "thought" that is troubleing us... Go figure?

Thanks for reading.


09-01-2012, 10:22 AM
LOL when I first came on this forum I would have had absolutely no idea what you were on a bout here.
But I know EXACTLY what you are on about.
And your f**king right.

09-01-2012, 11:40 AM
Thank You Camelot!...I'm here to fight battles with, besides, or for anyone else that is tryin to figure out WTF is this condition and how the f**k do I get it away from me!!!.. That is what I am about. I do not struggle with mental disorders anymore, although I have literally every single freakin one of them.. I'm here for all of YOU!..

Enjoy this day friends.
