View Full Version : New here!!

08-31-2012, 09:14 PM
I everyone, this is my first time ever doing this sort of thing so hopefully someone will help me out!!! How am I supposed to start .

08-31-2012, 09:38 PM
type out whats wrong with you and we'll go from there

09-01-2012, 05:16 PM
Well apparently I have been diagnosed with anxiety... Wierd cuz it started in January, I was laying in bed and all of a sudden I got this flush of heat thru me and my heart started pounding... 1st time omg I thought I was dying... Prescribed Ativan to use when it comes on... If it came on again,,, yup it sure did. Then I sufferedvwithnitbfor awhile took the Ativan if I had too, I hate pills even advil and such... Anyway had a trip to Vegas planned in the next week of jan,
Vegas went great only had 1 attack and that was on the way, when I returned home it was like everything kinda just went back to normal, was thinking great was just over excited for this trip.... The rest of january passed, then feb, then march, in April I had a trip planned to take my kids to Mexico, and guess what... This time was worse started having them again, only I stopped eating stopped sleeping, stopped pretty much everything, was contstantly at the doctors.... He finally prescribed me cipralex... I started taking it 2 weeks exactly b4 I boarded the plane.... I became a little saner!! Once again returned no episodes in Mexico , thought for sure this was vacation anxiety!!! But unfortunately I am now hypochondriac. My body is so aware of what's going on I think everything is wrong.. My leg arm and leg are always tingling, like they are sleeping, I have backaches(stress I think) headache, and the hot flashes are almost unbearable,,, this has now been going on 2 months consistently, I am driving myself and everyone around me nuts!!!! Oh and btw...google is NOT a good place for people with anxiety to go.....anyone who would like to chat, about this or anything, please let me know I feel like I am all by myself

09-01-2012, 05:26 PM
You're not by yourself friend. After reading through that, I would like to assure you that these "symptoms" that you mention are all just a piece, part, component of anxiety and anxietal tension. Tingling yes, backaches yes, headaches yes, hot flashes yes, ..A few questions and also welcome.

1. What meds are you taking now?
2. What is your age?
3. Rate your overall physical health?
4. Tell us about who you are, family, profession, how long this been going on?..
5. BP readings??

We can get pretty far here, real fast..it just depends on the information that is offered. We don't ask for names, states, address, just about who YOU are?..


09-01-2012, 06:45 PM
Everything you are feeling is normal! Surprisingly a lot of people struggle with anxiety like you do. Some of us just don't know how to hide it.

09-01-2012, 09:25 PM
So I am actually looking forward to doing this chatting with others who are going through or have gone through this anxiety stuff, I am still pretty new to this, it all started in jan/12,
I am currently taking cipralex 20mg, I don't take the Ativan cuz I don't like the way it makes me feel after the episode, like I am not with it!
I am 38 years old female, I am fairly healthily and currently even more so, watching what I consume!,
I am a single mother of 2 boys 12, and 10...my pride and joy! My 10 year old has ADHD, so therefore he is trying and that really puts a strain on me!,,
I run a school cafeteria and have for the last 2 years.....in the summer I work for my dad in the oilfield...slightly stssful , getting up at 4am getting home at 2pm...napping during the day, so as for physical activity in the summer not much, so I guess it is stressful....my youngest son plays hockey so that is time consuming and hectic...so I am always on the go, must learn to slow down that I know!!!
My BP is normal .....
Today I am not too bad, except for sore back like omg.... And my chest feels bruised...is that normal? Can this really be stress related as well?
I guess I should say the my kids father is a real ass(excuse language) and he is a very very very BIG part of my stress and anxiety!,,,
Looking forward to hearing back from you

09-01-2012, 09:35 PM
I am a fan of Lexapro..Did you work in the fields this summer or today or this week?..To be honest with you, I'm seeing more signs of an actual "physical strain" of some sort. What activities have you done in the past 10 days?..The other thing I'm seeing here is the potential for "CFS".."AFS"...=HORMONES GONE WILD rather then anxiety itself. Your overall "picture" looks quite normal, but a tad bit HEAVY on the "GO, GO,GO" side of the spectrum. Just what I'm seeing, or at least whats left of my brain is seeing..LOL!!


09-01-2012, 09:56 PM
I been in the field since June, it's pretty much done, it is not physical really at all.... I sit in a truck pretty much all day lean out the window and spray weeds!!! Haven't been physical

09-01-2012, 10:17 PM
Hmm..Thank you for that info. Sittin in a truck would aggravate a potential for the backache to be explained. Also, twisting and leaning out the window of a truck door would also be a possible explanation for the chest pains believe it or not..(I was a HEAVY weightlifter, bodybuilder a lil over a year ago. It was a 5 year addiction, that really didnt turn out to be so intelligent in the end)..If you're wondering what "CFS" means it is chronic fatigue syndrome and "AFS" is adrenal fatigue syndrome although some so called medical professionals connect the two they are actually quite different. After reviewing your typed words again, something is tellin me that you're just "over-worked" and then the added stresses of your son with what I also have, and also the X dillweed stress ordeal (which I have a quick fix for) to alleviate most if not all of that particular part of this equation. I'm also taking into consideration the school job too as I'm guessing that this is all standing upright?. Adding in words like "strain, time consuming, hectic, ass, big, big, big...ALL these things combined, IMHO= CFS and or AFS. The (1) thing also that is somewhat common is patients taking Lexapro is..HIGH ENERGY AND ACTIVITY LEVELS...Are you starting to "see" an actual picture now?. I think I am. Do you have health ins so you could request a full hormone screen?..There are MANY places that you can just walk into without any sort of referral or recommendation if your insurance would pay for it? May be over a few hundred dollars but I'm more inclined to think it is your (hormonal balance, sleep schedule, work schedule, type of work from sitting and leaning to standing, and taking an amphetamine like substance "that doesnt do that to everyone" is ALL parts and pieces of this puzzle)...

I was born with a slew of mental disorder and conditions so basically I've spent my whole 44 yrs trying to figure them all out! LOL!!!...cuz I go them ALL!!


Enduronamo Man!..:)

09-02-2012, 10:24 AM
Thanks for feed back...I live in canada so health insurance isn't the biggest deal...I have had my bloodwork done to screen hormones and everything else.... It's all normal,,

09-02-2012, 10:40 AM
Do you recall having to be at the lab for a blood draw at 8 am sharp, without food???...Just curious, you'd remember this one if you did. Canada! COOL!

09-02-2012, 11:31 AM
No that has not happened ...my doctor just seems to think everything is anxiety related!! And I can't see another one cause he is my family doctor... Ticks me off I tell ya!! Lol

09-02-2012, 01:47 PM
Ok, thank you for that answer. It tells me that you may have been told that your hormone levels were checked, taken, tested, and are normal but you can only perform this specific lab test at a specific time while on a fast...You need a REAL full hormone screen friend. You must know the REAL results so you can actually have an understanding of whats going on and how to correct it.


09-02-2012, 03:56 PM
Well like I said my doctor doesn't want to test me...how can I get him to listen to me

09-02-2012, 07:25 PM
I'm not real familiar with healthcare in Canada but if you were in The States then you just go to a lab and say "I want a full hormone screen please".. fill out a piece of paper, sit down, squeeze a ball and make stupid small talk like "Now, you are an RN right?"...and then expect the tech to say in response "No, I used to work at The Home Depot down the street so I just fill in here sometimes when I'm not in the lumber yard counting boards"...LOL!..

I guess you would have to request it, and then listen to his reply of why or why not?..I'm fully convinced just from what I've read here that your hormones are on the fritz and in complete disarray..

I could get my armaments together and camoflauged Jeep with M-50 bolted onto it and head that way?..hehe


09-02-2012, 08:52 PM
Your hilarious...lol...I will see what I can do about it..lol...... What about yourself...how are you?

09-02-2012, 10:29 PM
Well, considering I have possibly a dozen mental disorders and 2 diseases..I'm doing great!! I am a happy man, I am kind man, and I can also be a destructive man..that is the man that I'm still working on!!..YAY!!!...


09-02-2012, 11:11 PM
Awesome, good for you!!! Maybe your attitude will wear on me!!

09-03-2012, 05:31 PM
Well going from yesterday which was a great day, to today wow did a 360 .... Got up this morning feeling good bummed around for bait then all of a sudden it felt like my breastbone or sternum was collapsing... It hurt along with the stabbing pain in the middle to upper part of my back!! Anyone know what's going on by chance or have the same thing... Didnt last long, had me almost panicking ... Now I am stuck with a really sore back and muscle under my sternum feel bruised

09-03-2012, 05:32 PM
First sentence is bummed around for a bit---- not bait