View Full Version : med switching

08-31-2012, 05:06 PM
My pdoc abruptly stopped my zoloft/pristiq combo 3 days ago and started me on Wellbutrin. I am having these weird brain zaps, dizziness, feeling down, sweating etc.. im curious has this happened to anyone else? Is it normal withdrawal/side effects? I appreciate any advice

08-31-2012, 05:17 PM
1. What was the purpose is stopping the other (2)?
2. How long were you taking them?
3. Why the switch to wellbutrin? It is in a different class all its own I believe..


08-31-2012, 05:53 PM
Ok,..sounds great!

08-31-2012, 06:11 PM
Sorry I'm new to all this. But I was taking the pristiq for bout a year and the zoloft for bout four months, and they just weren't doing the trick anymore. I'm the type that has to switch after so long cause they stop working. That might be the reason for a different class I don't know for sure. Its just freaking me out. Again sorry it took me so long to reply. Thank you for responding to my question though.

08-31-2012, 06:49 PM
Sorry, I was on the phone with a client. Yes, wellbutrin is a different class although I havent cross referenced the thought but I believe it to be an SSNRI..whereas the other 2 are SSRI's.. Yes, I can understand the brain zap, dizzy, fog,..kinda surprised you didnt mention headache here too?.. I do not believe that switching classes of drugs would leave you with these other side effects this quickly though unless you were also feeling these same things with the other 2 meds together?.. The wellbutrin is going to work on another brain chemical and it in itself is kinda notorious for causing (headache, feeling like yer wearin a football helmet).. hmm.. What did the 3 days with 0 meds feel like?...Tryin to help but gotta have answers first..yay!

08-31-2012, 07:14 PM
Actually as soon as I stopped the other two I started the Wellbutrin. There was no without any med period. But yes I also have headache. And am clenching my jaw which I know don't help my headache any

08-31-2012, 07:22 PM
Here are my uncandid and uncensored thoughts at the moment.
1. Not in any sort of agreement with any Dr. that has any patient on (2) different medications of the same class. (anti-depressants)
2. Neither of the (2) meds that you were on have any solid or proven track record, history, research, data..supporting any sort of (anti-anxiety) effects or ability to my knowledge.
3. You're posting in a forum designed for people with high anxiety, adrenal overload, panic attacks. Are you depressed according to your moron Dr. or are you anxiety stricken with other symptoms of high anxiety, fear, panic, social phobias, disorders in the anxiety spectrum?...
4. In the past year or more as you type of, have you spoken to your Dr. about anxiety symptoms at any point? This is what your Dr. prescribed you for the anxiety?
5. I have a condition called (IED). This condition is sometimes provoked by reading post like this, but it is NOT your fault as I find this to be EXTREMELY DISTURBING and let me explain why?

If at any point, you discussed (high anxiety, tension, fears, panic, phobias, racing heart, feeling hot) and your Dr. prescribed any of these things you're on..Thats what triggers my (IED). If this be the case,..and I do not know yet and you haven't confirmed this as fact but if this is the facts?...Then yer Dr. is (not capable of writting the correct prescriptions of another class of medications but yet he or she won't tell you that unless you demand an answer to this question?)...Some Dr's can not write schedule 2,3,4...Nor will they openly tell you that either unless you ask and then they'll not always be open about it either.. That is what I'm wondering at this moment..but I may be off base.

Waiting on your clarification. Actually, alot of people do not realize this either and they believe if the sign on the door says Doctor then the ability to help is there..its not actually the case however..


08-31-2012, 07:46 PM
gggrrrrr//./......ruff ruff!! :/

08-31-2012, 07:59 PM
I'm not sure why that was SO hard to figure out but it isnt even in the SSRI or SSNRI class it is a unique (alone) substance of its own class NDRI... HELLO IN THERE!! LOL!!!

08-31-2012, 08:01 PM
Actually yes I have talked to her bout racing heart, sweaty palms, clammy dealing, clenching my jaw, fear of being around lots of people esp at Walmart and theatres. One of the reasons I posted in this forum is bc I was scared and anxious and didn't know if this was part of the normal reactions to this or not. I do have extreme anxiety, but I am also depressed. I truely and honestly didn't mean to aggravate ur or anyone's conditions by anything I said. I am sorry for that, but I greatly appreciate ur feedback also.

08-31-2012, 08:07 PM
Ndri? Wow. Different class altogether. So that could explain the withdrawal feelings then huh?

08-31-2012, 08:16 PM
Oh no,..YOU didnt aggravate my conditions,..it is YOUR DR that aggravates my conditions and disorders. My mind plays tricks on me too, thats why I am here. (1) half of my brain wants to hunt her down and question her prescribing protocol, proceedures, practice, and ask her if she is CAPABLE of writting a Schedule IV or NOT?..The other half is rational, logical, reasonable..THANK GOD!! I had to "teach" myself that though..

Ok, you HAVE clarified my biggest concern then. I have a few more questions, and then some suggestions but they depend upon your answers.
1. Do you have insurance?
2. If so, is this Dr. "in your network"?
3. How long have you seen her?
4. What country are you in?
5. How long have you had dep/anx symptoms and list ALL meds you've tried already?
6. Do you see a therapist, Psych, councelor?...

We're going to get to the bottom of this right now. Real fast...that's how I roll.


08-31-2012, 08:18 PM
Yeah...it doesn't even touch serotonin..hmmmm...

Answer the above ???'s please...


09-02-2012, 10:13 AM
DO you have ADD too!!! PLEASE answer the questions in THIS thread before you jump off into another one with the same post PLEASE!!!... Answer the above questions.

Mr. Endorphin

09-04-2012, 06:59 PM
Ok sorry I've been extremely busy and trying to sleep in between when I can. To answer ur? 'S yes she's covered in my ins. I've seen her for several years. I've had dep/anx as long as I can remember and yes I do see a psychologist every 2weeks. I've tried seroquel, remeron, effexor, and ik there's a few others but I can't remember. Currently Im taking Wellbutrin SR 100mg, Xanax 1mg 3 times daily, geodon and ambien at night. I went to see pdoc today about all my symptoms and she swore that she never told me to stop the other two cold Turkey in order to start the Wellbutrin but I think she's just trying to save her ass cuz she had students in there with her today. I've read that Wellbutrin is a stimulant. And I'm also experiancing weird racing feelings in my heart when I smoke. And I know I shouldn't smoke anyway. Its just a new symptom and am curious if this is related? Also she wants to switch me to klonopin tomorrow is that going to be an easy transfer from the Xanax? And one more thing she told me to go back on 50mg ofzoloft but every other day then stop after a week is that right? I'm sorry this is so long its just my pdoc is an idiot and I just felt like u all could help me. And I'm really sorry I don't get on here very often as I said my sleep work schedule is all outta whack. Also thank u eman for helping me so far. Its greatly appreciated. Please just bare with me on replying sometimes.

09-04-2012, 07:01 PM
Oh and the train I posted in the other forum is bc it was labled medication so I thought it might be a better fit. Didn't mean to jump forums like that without a good reason hope u understand

09-04-2012, 07:29 PM
My head is spinning now!! LOL! Uh, she has quite literally thrown everything at you. As I stated earlier (couple days ago I think) the sudden stoppage of (2) AD's after a year kinda freaked me out abit as I was teetering on the brink of a disaster in my own kitchen! The possible risk, severity, urgency, and the potential for a code red vital alert is very high when orders from any Dr are stipulated and worded like she did..Honestly, I thought you may have went into a freakin seizure, shock, emergency of some sort but glad you made it back and able! PHEW!! Yes, agreed that the (wellbutrin) can actually increase anxiety especially in people that have extremely high anxiety, along with pounding headaches too. Also, (wellbutrin is also called zyban and used for smoking sessation..tryin to quit smoking people). I'm not real sure HOW the (wellbutrin) is supposed to be a quit smoking aid or resource but it is also prescribed for that particular purpose. Going from (xanax to klonopin) is not going to be an easy anything. Even though they're both in the same class (benzo) the xanax is quick acting, short life..whereas the klonopin is slower acting, long life so it stays active and in your system way longer then the xanax does. The xanax is actually a dual duty benzo that has (anti-anxiety/anti-depressant) effectiveness whereas the klonopin is strictly (anti-anxiety) because what it more then likely will do is literally knock you out so in essence you don't have any anxiety, because yer layin on the floor slobbering out the side of yer mouth and when you do wake up..you won't even know how you got there, what happened, and will forget what you were supposed to be doing..Sounds interesting doesnt it!!..Add this into this puzzle too, klonopin is the ONLY benzo that can actuall cause a (paradoxical effect) in many patients which means you hope it helps with anxiety but then all the sudden yer cussin out the bank teller and slamming yer shopping cart into other peoples carts because yer pissed off but dont know why?...WTF!!! Then, she tells you to take an AD every other day to boot?.. Yer Dr., IMHO...Has earned her medical degree from Guatamala and from what I read here about your experiences and her prescriptions that she may be a a psychotic delusional schizophrenic with an M.D.....HOLY SHIT!!!....I think that maybe referring to her as an "idiot" is being quite kind.. Oh, and I forgot the (geodon and ambien) also...OMG!!! I'm trying to help but this is such a jumbled mess it may take me a few to figure out what direction shes even trying to go with you first...


09-04-2012, 07:42 PM
Yeah I'm just so ready to get back to normal. And I live in a small town so I really can't go to another pdoc at least in my state that's within a close enough driving distance.

09-04-2012, 10:26 PM
WOW just read all that, you need , NO you should REALLY get a new psych... That could have been dangerous!! Very very dangerous.. Just sayin.. WOW!! That's too many med changes all at once.. WAY to fast..