View Full Version : What is the best way?

08-31-2012, 01:56 PM
Anyone had any success in curing their SAD? I've not been diagnosed by a professional but I have all the symptoms. I'm always having to interact with people but it's never got any easier over the years so... Is meds or cbt the best way to go? It doesn't affect my life MASSIVELY, but feel I could achieve so much more and have a more happy and fulfilling life if I did not feel this way.

08-31-2012, 06:05 PM
Man, I put an "Instruction Manual" in this section.. Yes, it is cured! Find the thread..or I will..

09-01-2012, 12:22 AM
I can't find.

09-01-2012, 07:09 AM
J, like most anxiety you should pursue treatments/remedies by what the symptoms are. Are they physical or psychological or both? There is no "one way" for everyone. For example a beta blocker like propranolol helps with tremor/racing heart and when added to using Toastmasters to help desensitize you to public speaking and then using less and less of the med. CBT helps many but you may have to try many things. Some can handle exposure therapy, others cannot, etc. I found no "cure" but I've found fluoxetine makes me less self conscious and anxious and when needed I use propranolol and over the years I've become desensitized to situations that were very hard or impossible before. PM me any time. Alankay

09-01-2012, 08:38 AM
Thanks Alan :) have both physical and psych symptoms. I've been on fluoxetine and propranolol in the past although not for social anxiety. I don't think propranolol did anything for me (perhaps I was on too low a dose) but I don't remember either drug helping me in social situations but this was a few years ago lol. Ps what's a toastmaster? Lol

09-01-2012, 01:55 PM
J, this dose needs to be between 20mg and 40mg. Sometimes abit higher(60mg). If the main physical issue is a racing heart, atenolol(tenormin) might be a better beta blocker at 50mg. Propranolol will help that abit plus tremor.
Toastmasters(http://www.toastmasters.org/) is a place to practice public speaking with others that find it hard or want more practice at it(they have chapters in the UK as well).
For anxiety I've found benzos help for really bad situations but I do prefer the intermediate(ativan) or longer acting(klonopin/clorazepate/prazepam/valium) ones for that. I find that fluoxetine makes me less self conscious but it takes a couple months to full effect.
The idea with the fast acters(beta blockers and benzos) is to use them at first to get used to these situations and use less over time. Alankay

09-01-2012, 02:12 PM
You live in Florida, cool! I might be going there next year. I was on 30mg max (propranolol) but I would still panic mentally don't recall if my heart beat was raised but I assume it did. My main problem is feeling embarrassed all the time and I blush a lot which makes it worse. I don't think my anxiety is severe enough to warrant benzos, I don't think they like to prescribe them to many people here in the uk lol.

09-01-2012, 03:58 PM
Yeah I know. Thank Dr. Heather Ashton over there for that but benzos used to be too liberally rx'ed but not anymore..... even here. But if needed most docs will OK cautious use of them.
Propranolol won't help the psychological fear, just the adrenaline related tremor and increased heart beat and sweating. The ssri just helps me not think too much about how people view or judge me and that helps. Plus I'm older and that helps you become aware you/we are indeed our own worst critic.
I'm an Illiniois native and the heat is nasty here so come ready for that.....somehow:) PM me any time, Alankay

09-01-2012, 04:31 PM
Mine is definitely psychological. Yeah I've heard the heat is immense and it rains at some point everyday. Thank god for air con eh. I love warm sunny weather, I find anything below 20C cold! Will have some factor 50 at the ready 8)

09-04-2012, 12:11 AM
Mr roboto!

09-12-2012, 02:39 PM
Light therapy can be useful with those with SAD. My doctor told me to start it in September of every year. He said light therapy usually doesn't reverse depression during the winter months. Instead, he said that light therapy works better as something that prevents SAD.

I have had issues with depression during the winter as well. However, last year we had a relatively mild winter here in southern Maine. Not so coincidently, I had no issues with depression last year.

09-12-2012, 02:52 PM
I was referring to "social anxiety disorder" but I guess I have a bit of the other too. I'm miserable all year round but particularly when it's grey, rainy and cold. I live in the UK and we have like 9 months of winter here. LOL

09-12-2012, 03:10 PM

As for social anxiety disorder, I don't know that their is a cure. But I think socializing with people you may feel comfortable around is a good start. You can learn how to control your anxieties by doing so. Then, you can take the next step by talking to people you may feel somewhat anxious about. It's about taking steps, I think.

09-21-2012, 04:00 AM
I do meditation. It helps to ease the symptoms.