View Full Version : anxiety over body hair

08-31-2012, 08:33 AM
Ever since I was a little girl I have been afraid/disgusted by body hair. I have to shave almost everything on my body and if I don't, I feel "gross" and not pretty. my anxiety and phobia is really bad when it comes to the opposite sex, however. I am absolutely terrified if I see a guy with a lot of body hair...especially if it is dark. when I am "hooking up", I feel turned off after seeing the bottom part of the guy (if the legs are hairy or private parts). I also CAN'T STAND feeling hair up against me if we are cuddling. I have avoided dating altogether and have been single all my life. This is a huge problem because I do want to fall in love and get married someday...it's just when I see an excess of hair, it ruins my relationship. therefore, I tend to "fall for" guys with lighter features--never dark Italians, Greeks, etc they actually gross me out. Sorry to offend anyone. I am Italian myself.

The thing is, I know what this stems from. as a child, 2 of my uncles would always grab me, tickle me, and not let me go. I would be terrified Everytime they would do this. I absolutely hated it. And I grew to be afraid of them. they are probably the hairiest guys I have ever seen. hair covering their entire body including their back. also, I went to Italy when I was 3 to visit family. It's ridiculous how much a 3 year old can remember.... But my uncle whom I just met at the time would always be around me....holding my hand, kissing me (like italians do), taking walks with me at the beach etc. (he wore a speedo). And I just remember feeling absolutely terrible at the time. I felt so uncomfortable and scared.

I'm assuming that my phobia/disgust of hair is because of my past experiences. I just wish I did not have this anxiety. I want to get over it but I don't know what to do. :( can anyone help?

08-31-2012, 09:31 AM
Yup,..get over it cuz dudes got hairy bodys and also watch this stupid yet funny video, then you'll be cured!.. (I too am creeped out by anyone who wears speedo and I would usually throw the football or anything else I could find at them too)..

OR,..Have a bathroom cabinet filled with Nair hair remover and tell whoever stops in to visit, to take a bath in it..LOL!

