View Full Version : Triggers/heart attack/help

08-31-2012, 08:14 AM
I've posted on here a few times, but I'm still pretty new to the forum.

I have health related anxiety, specifically to do with the heart. It started about 3.5 years ago.

Every morning when I wake, I check my email, read Facebook, and CNN. This morning, while reading headline articles, the on about sage stallones death popped up. The headline read " sage Stallone dies of heart attack". I think you know where I'm going with this one.

Instantly my thoughts are:
he was so young (36), if it happened to him, it could happen to me...

Now I google atherosclerosis. Causes? Stress, hbp, diabetes, overweight, cholesterol....

So why do young people die of heart attacks? I done believe that my chances of living a long life are great just because my parents and grandparents all lived/are living long lives. How do I get tested? Should I see a cardiologist? I've been checked by my pcp who says I'm healthy. But certain things scare me. My heart rate rises (quite a bit) upon standing, it's always high when running (160-180) and I don't feel like these things are normal. My doctor says not to worry, but obviously I do.

08-31-2012, 08:30 AM
It's difficult to assess. Everyone's heart rate and blood pressure will rise when exercising. But if you do it more and more you'll become healthier and in turn so will your heart. I'm very anxious towards my health too. Cancers, heart and all other sorts of doomsday worries. Whilst stress and anxiety won't exactly help, if you can change your lifestyle, diet and exercise regimes that'll contribute a long way to a healthy heart too. In the mean time perhaps visit your doctor and voice your concerns and how bad your health anxiety is getting. It's difficult to do, but really do try and avoid googling symptoms. I'm guilty of it myself a lot too, but it's what the doctor's will tell you and also what a therapist will say too. CBT may be the way to go as it helps work out your thought patterns and try and prevent the unhelpful, illogical and down right paranoid one's from becoming a day to day thought process.

Hope that helps somewhat.


08-31-2012, 08:52 AM
Good Morning :)
I too suffer from severe health anxiety and am constantly worrying about what is wrong with me. It took me finally doing an overnight stay in the hospital for an echo and stress test to convince myself my heart isn't giving out. It's hard I know. Googling is the worst thing you can do. Our anxious minds over think and before you know it you are feeling symptoms because you think u are. I am trying to get into a Psychiatrist now for CBT.
I know its hard but try not to worry. Talk to your doc, tell them your feelings and worries.

08-31-2012, 09:40 AM

I do not have a faceboook, I do not watch CNN, I do not read the newspapers, local or world headlines, I do not watch reality TV, I do not any programs that are "theoretical".. Do you know why I do not watch or read or have any of these things listed above?


If you want it to stop, stop all that s**t too....= cya later anxiety!


08-31-2012, 09:46 AM
Thanks. I did talk to my dr, and she did a blood test that measures my risk of a heart attack, and checked my cholesterol. Both were impeccable. She said that she is amazed by my cholesterol numbers (135) and it's rare that someone at my age (29) has such a low level. I guess my concern is that I have a heart defect that I don't know about, and one day I'm just gonna fall
Over and die. I did go to a therapist 3 times, but it wasn't a good fit. She trash talked my dad who is also a therapist. My belief is that she felt threatened by me talking to my dad AND her about my anxiety and that it may counter what she was telling me. If she had taken the approach of "it would be great to have that kind of reinforcement" then improbably would have gone back. I have yet to find another one. Any ideas in how to find a good one? My dad is great, but he is in another state, and it would
Be good for me to talk with someone else. Someone who isn't so close to me.

08-31-2012, 09:50 AM
E-man, I had a dream this morning that I tried to find you on Facebook but you were under the name Morpheus or something with that name in. Lol!!

08-31-2012, 09:53 AM
I know what you mean!!! My father is a pastor and Christian counsellor. I have spent time talking with him, but because I haven't exactly followed the same path as he its hard for me to be open and honest with him. I think its harder for me to open up to my family because of differing opinions on well eveything.

I think finding a good person to work with will be great. If you find any helpful links to use, please let me know. Sending good thoughts your way!!!

08-31-2012, 10:23 AM
Not Morpheus..NEO!!!

E-Man. :)

08-31-2012, 10:28 AM
Bucktooth gurl, & member Defmule...

Stop talkin to yer family about any of this s**t. Go to an outside source, and there are many options that do not take 3 months to get into. If you're in the US, look for any local mental health provider.. AND, DELETE ALL THAT S**T YOU WATCH, READ, LOOK AT and amazingly enough, your anxiety will fade away too... LISTEN TO GEN. ENDURONMAN FOR A SEC!! I didnt make it to age 44 by being stupid..I made it here by being smart, witty, cunning, sly,..hehe....or I'd be dead. Period..


08-31-2012, 11:01 AM

1/ Sage Stallone was diagnosed with a heart murmur at the age of 10
2/ He led a very sedentary lifestyle (no or irregular physical activity)
3/ He smoked 40 a day!
4/ He drank a lot of fizzy drinks

The actual cause of death was hardened arteries which eventually restricted blood flow.

In near all cases of heart attacks in young people, it is because of some inherent heart or valscular disease or genetic flaw.
At 10, a heart murmur says to me that Sage had a problem from the outset.

08-31-2012, 11:27 AM
Dazza, you made my day. Getting the facts certainly does put things into perspective. I really appreciate the effort you put into that reply.

08-31-2012, 12:33 PM


08-31-2012, 12:35 PM
Are they melted marshmallows on a stick?

08-31-2012, 12:40 PM
And and what's a sloppy joe?

08-31-2012, 12:50 PM
I'm the sane way it freaking sucks !!! When Jack Osbourne got diagnosed with MS at 26 ( I'm 25) I
Was like omg I have it or when that girl got breast. Cancer at 23 I was freaking out I think googling is the worst thing you can do if you have health anxiety I
Try to to stay away from google

08-31-2012, 01:10 PM
I do not fully understand the health anxiety (hypochondria) but it is most definately a form of tormenting anxiety from what I've read about. I do not have it, but the reason I don't have it is because I believe that "whatever happens, happens anyway" and also "it is, what it is" if any of those make sense. It must be a fear of dying which I also know I'm going to do at some point too and accept it as well. As I always post up on these forums "Live for today, look forward to tomorrow, and have hope for the future"...AND detach, disconnect, delete, deactivate ALL external chronic stress inputs and you'll be WAY better off in a hurry...It is as easy to do that, as it is for me to type it too.
