View Full Version : CBT Feedback needed

08-31-2012, 07:43 AM
Morning all!
I am kinda at my wits end trying to get in to see a psychiatrist. My primary doc is adamant that I start but every person she refers me too can't see me until end of October. My health anxiety is what is really plaguing me.

I was really looking for some feedback as to how well therapy has worked for others. Also what should I be looking for in a good psychiatrist
Thanks all!!!

08-31-2012, 08:36 AM
I'm starting CBT within the next 2 weeks hopefully. I've also found it an absolute mission to get the right referrals from doctors and my healthcare provider before I can even start my CBT. First step is a GP referral to a psychologist for me. He'll then decide whether CBT is suitable (i'm positive it is) then I can get a letter for CBT etc etc. I get very bad health anxiety too and I have heard nothing but good things about CBT in combating negative and paranoid though processes and making people realize that these thoughts can in turn cause no end of symptoms. I think deep down I know my body is fine and it is all just anxiety. But truly admitting that to myself on days when i'm wracked with pain is very hard to do.

I hope you get to start CBT soon, in the mean time try and keep as busy and pre-ocuppied as possible. It certianly helps fend off worry and symptoms at times =)


08-31-2012, 09:01 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it!!! I am finally beginning to get a hold on some of my anxiety issues. Unfortunatly it took an overnight stay in hospital and a echo ultrasound and stress test (passed with flying colors) to get my head turned in the right direction. I just want to talk with someone to try and get passed this. I also just quit smoking after 15 years (my favorite thing) and its not helping my anxiety. One day at a time though right.

I hope I can get in to see someone within the next few weeks. HMO's are great!!!! :(

I'll be sending you lots of good thoughts and wishes on your CBT journey. Keep us posted on what you think.

08-31-2012, 10:17 AM
Yeah, I quit smoking 2 months ago. ALthough it was mainly weed, but a joint rolled with tobacco too. It's certianly tough as smoking easily slips into a daily routine. I've had many heart fears too but had 2 ECG's and blood pressue checks virtually everytime I've been to the doctors. I've also got into the routine of regular exercise, all of which are positives. I see that one therapist didn't seem to gel well with you. But i'm sure there's many more in your area, hopefully some which will provide a more fruitful conclusion. I live in the same area as Dazza, another member on here and I think i'll take his advice on a therapist he visited and hopefully i'll have the same good results too. Only time will tell. But it's certianly a struggle keeping level headed when every ache and pain seems to be a sign of impending doom in our minds :P

Good luck to you too, I hope everything gets sorted and you get to see someone soon. Perhaps ask for a recommendation of therapists from the psychiatrist as i'm sure they'll only advise who they deem to be successful therapists.
