View Full Version : pulse?

08-30-2012, 08:55 AM
Does anyone see there pulse in between there thumb and index finger...i never noticed till just a few months and been noticing thumb twitching..a little scared..

08-30-2012, 12:05 PM
I dont see s**t except a stupid tattoo that I did 30 years ago...looks so nice. LOL!


08-30-2012, 12:09 PM
Lol its crazy i see it pulsate right in the web area

08-30-2012, 12:16 PM
We're ALL crazy so you'll fit right in!!!

08-30-2012, 12:29 PM
Is it normal

08-30-2012, 01:24 PM
Describe normal.......is it normal to sit on a toilet backwards so you can eat some cereal while you do your thing...???? No... But it may happen if it pops in to someone's head if their really hungry but has to poo really bad. All in the thoughts man!!

08-30-2012, 01:35 PM

08-30-2012, 01:53 PM
I just get scared of this crap cause my stomach pulses really hard too and bothers me

08-30-2012, 02:12 PM
Mine does too

08-30-2012, 05:15 PM
I notice my pulse a lot too. I used to check my blood pressure 20+ times a day, cut back to 2-3. I'm overly sensitive to my body, where, to someone else, they wouldn't notice. This includes my pulse.

08-30-2012, 05:29 PM
Having had heart-attack anxiety for some 7 months, I would all-too-often focus on my heart beat / pulse and signs of heart-attack related symptoms.

Obviously this focus is causing you more problems, since every time you're checking yourself, you're reminding yourself that you "might" be ill.

This focus/checking is a major factor in the anxiety spiral and MUST be broken.

When you feel the urge to check yourself, make a conscious decision NOT to... and do something else, like ANYTHING... sing, tap dance, moon-walk, clean your kitchen cupboards, have a drink, whatever...
If you persist in this way, you may well be able to break the habit which would be a major step forward.

08-30-2012, 05:52 PM
Having had heart-attack anxiety for some 7 months, I would all-too-often focus on my heart beat / pulse and signs of heart-attack related symptoms.

Obviously this focus is causing you more problems, since every time you're checking yourself, you're reminding yourself that you "might" be ill.

This focus/checking is a major factor in the anxiety spiral and MUST be broken.

When you feel the urge to check yourself, make a conscious decision NOT to... and do something else, like ANYTHING... sing, tap dance, moon-walk, clean your kitchen cupboards, have a drink, whatever...
If you persist in this way, you may well be able to break the habit which would be a major step forward.

What first got you to experience heart attack anxiety? I have the same thing! I'm constantly checking my pulse, blood pressure, been to
Several cardiologists and er's at least 12 times and they can't find anything wrong with me.

I just feel like a general malaise feeling. I get dizzy / lightheaded all the time and then I start feeling funny, chest pains, flushing of the face, brain fog, these sensations are overwhelming that you think you truly are having a heart attack.

So I'm just curious to know, how this all started for you and what you feel

08-30-2012, 06:03 PM
The start of it all is a bit of a chicken and egg.
I'm not sure whether I had already developed anxiety disorder or whether the unusual pain I experienced caused it.

In a nutshell...
Last December, sitting at my laptop (as I am now) - I got a shooting, electric-shock type pain through my left arm. Quite intense.
My immediate thought was "Heart attack imminent"
I was scared shitless from that moment onward, literally thinking I'd die ANY MINUTE.

Over the following few months anxiety disorder and the symptoms thereof kicked in big time.

Symptoms ranged from frequent palpitations, chest pain, acid reflux, diahhorea, the strangest arm pains, the oddest chest sensations and so on. Pretty much the entire list of known, anxiety symptoms EXCEPT anything to do with head/vision. I never got any light-headed or vision issues, thankfully.