View Full Version : ever make a big mistake? I did.

08-30-2012, 08:20 AM
Hello all, I'm sorry for posting this, but I need to vent and I love this place, so I will vent here.

So, as some of you may recall my anxiety was caused pretty much exclusively by my previous job, it was a high stress office job which I hated with an epic passion. I quit that job after 2 1/2 years, and have really felt good since. I have had some issues with my current job, but more of less just aggravation, nothing at all like what I went through with the previous one.
.. For some reason about 3 weeks ago I decided that I was tired of the aggravation and should change jobs again, I found another one that would be similar to what I was doing but different in a few key areas. I was convinced by my boss to stay where I was, and give them a chance to improve things, I did this and then quit again the following week, again I was convinced to stay and given a better work schedule.
Here is where I goofed, halfway through the first week if the new schedule, I quit and did not give them a chance to convince me to stay, it was like there was a force that would not let me stay, like I HAD to quit I really don't know why.

The new job is supposed to start tomorrow, but they have already done something to upset me throughly, and have made me not even want to work for them before I even started! I feel absolutely sick, this had driven my anxiety up and is making me physically sick, I really made a big mistake.

I am going to call my former boss shortly and beg if needed for my job back, I goofed big time I just hope it's not too late.

Thanks for reading.

08-30-2012, 10:27 AM
Perfect place to vent, and yes we're human so mistakes like that are often and forgiven..You just gotta find what suits you and fits your style.



08-30-2012, 08:17 PM
Thanks e man, I called them and got my job back! I start again Monday, I'm very relieved and believe me, that's a mistake I won't be making again.

08-30-2012, 08:43 PM
