View Full Version : Need help with anxiety

08-30-2012, 05:22 AM
Hi everyone, I suffer from bad anxiety. A few months ago I was out with my friends at a nightclub and I had too much to drink, after going out for a cigarette the bouncers wouldn't let me back in so I was waiting for my friends, it was about 2am. Whilst outside a man came on to me and was being really creepy, he was staying at a hotel down the road from the hotel, I went to the toilet in the hotel at about 2.27 (at the reception, not his room cause I wouldn't do that) and left at half past. I then phoned my friends at 2.31 and met them within seconds. I can remember all this but I just have this awful fear that something may have happened that I can't remember, even though there was only a minute or less. I've saw the CCTV of me going into the hotel and leaving it and walking. This sounds crazy but I'm scared of having HIV. Can someone help me or give me some reassurance?

08-30-2012, 05:40 AM
Recognize that this is truly an unlikely scenario. It's anxiety talking not a real chance of getting AIDS. I doubt you forgot anything significant. Alankay

08-30-2012, 05:44 AM
Thank you. I do try to, I freaked out in February about having it and got tested and it was negative. I just fear what if. And when I think about it, it physically impossible for anything like that to happen within 1 minute and have walked in that minute as well. I have a boyfriend and would never cheat, I'm just terrified.

08-30-2012, 09:10 AM
Wow I thought I'd be the only person in the world who thought that.. Haha after I watched a movie about a girl getting aids because she was a heroin addict and she shared a needle with some random guy.. I started to think I had aids because I slept with my friend who use to do heroin and In the movie she fainted and I felt like I was going to faint everyday but this was from lack of food and having anxiety. And the best part was I was sitting in my room and my mom comes in and she's like well maybe you're feeling this way cause you have aids... I broke down into tears.. Got tested right away and I'm perfectly healthy and normal lol.. Honestly it took 2 times for me to get blood tests for it to actually click in due to my anxiety taking over my brain... Just get tested again and you'll be fine lol.

08-30-2012, 10:56 AM
When I go to the clinic they just tell me that I dont need it because nothing has happened to me and that I need some help with my anxiety. I am waiting to get help but it takes so long.