View Full Version : An example on an E-Man IED episode, hope you're ready for this.

08-29-2012, 07:46 PM
Female person arrived home from work. She has been able to work for the past 3 months whereas I have not. She says her day was pretty good and uneventful. She said she finalized an agreement for some clients she was meditating for. I said, "Did you get paid"? She says "Yes, but I have to run it through the law firm and they take 4%". I said "How much did you get paid"? She said, "I don't remember". I say, "Bullshit you know how much you got paid today". She says, "Well, if I told you then you'd just say to give you some money"...UHH, motherf**ker I've been disabled for 3 F**king months and you wanna lie and act like you don't know how much you got paid?..Then you wanna add in that as soon as you tell me how much it is then I'm going to say to give me some money then?...When I gave that b**ch money when she WAS working with no questions asked, and then I tell her to GTFO..or I'M GOING TO THROW YOU THE F**K OUT YOU LYING SELFISH PIECE OF SHIT!... I threw her stupid Iphone out, her keys out, and a bottle out too..not sure about the bottle but that is one selfish f**kin individual right there. Yeah, I may need some $$ cuz you saw me floppin around on the floor like a seizure and couldnt feed myself and was in excrutiating pain for 3 months you miserable f**k!

Thank God that woman is outta my house, space, life.. She is the most intelligent, semi-retarded, stupid person that you'll ever know of. With ALL KINDS OF DEGREES, AND PLAQUES, AND AWARDS, AND CERTIFICATES...

That is an E-Man (IED) moment..It is instantanious recording of words said, processed in order, and then re-action. Somebody going the f**k out my door on their own (2) feet or I will set you out of my house if you're unwilling or unable to produce upright forward motion on your own..Thats what my anxiety is..She was the key.

Thanks for reading my rant, and it is in the correct order.

Welcome to my world.


08-29-2012, 08:14 PM
Wow that's pretty messed up. Hope things get better!

08-29-2012, 09:04 PM
They are already better TWB!! She's GONE!!! YAY!!!! The final piece of "The Anxiety Matrix" has been removed, and I feel liberated like a Middle Eastern citizen...I'm on the right path now. It is moments like these that we must process very quickly, record every word, in correct order, and then play-back..to formulate the new plan. I expected this, I'm actually quite happy that it happened as I have now confirmed what I had always thought but could not pin-point. It is now point blank friend....Thank GOD!!.. A happy Endorphinman!

Mr.E. :)

08-30-2012, 12:43 AM
Holy shit I got scared just reading that.

08-30-2012, 01:27 AM
Erm.. Don't know how to say this.. I think you may have just took some of the tension in your life that has been building up.. On the wrong person.. Your doing what I'm doing my strange friend! Your pushing everyone away! My ex (of 3 days LOL) told me yesterday that the reason I'm on my own every night with only my dads phonecalls for company is because I'm not letting anyone help me, I have inadvertely pushed them all away so I can fix my problems alone..
Why have I just babbled about myself again?! Gotta stop doing that!
Anyway.. I agree, she shouldn't have said that! At all! What a way to put somebody down eh? Made you sound like you take all her money and give nothing back, but I don't actually think she meant it like that..
Erm.. You over reacted (don't shout at me please! I have 2 feet I can walk by myself lol)
I think you reacted on an impulse and only feel better because you've took some stress out on somebody..
Probably the wrong person..
Don't get mad!!
(I'm going to whisper this.. I think she may need to apologise for the comment but I also think you need to apologise for your reaction that was slightly over the top...)
I'm going to hide now LOL

08-30-2012, 02:12 AM
Ohhh camilla you better run. Lol!!

08-30-2012, 02:34 AM
I know!! LOL I'm going hide myself in another forum somewhere lol

08-30-2012, 05:27 AM
I do over-react to all situations like this, but it is bring driven by anger, resentment, and disregard. All of that was created instantly by 1, The "IDK how much they paid" which was a complete lie, you don't forget something like that" 2. "If I did tell you then you'd just say that you needed some money anyway'..

Both of those were complete s**t and had no regard for me whatsoever, so I return the no regard for free.

She can shove that f**kin Iphone and her money into wherever she can fit them.

My daughter clarified what she heard the other woman say as she clearly heard the questions, and then also the answers I was given too. She also said in her own words (shes 16) that it was a lie at first then that was followed by selfishness too. She hit it right on the nose, even at her age.

To be quite honest with you, it was in that exact order and also told me how the female person thinks and also I really like the fact that I won't be hearing from her either. You don't have to run and hide anywhere as that was just a true showing of how that female person thinks and it verified my thoughts in this regard. It's going to be a great day and a spectacular week as well and into the future. All (chronic stress inputs) must be removed and that one told me how she really felt about me lastnight. I feel enlightened and greatly relieved knowing that I will not be subjected to any further run-around, skirtin the true answers, or made up bulls**t either..I've heard it for WAY too long...

I think congratulations are in order here!! YAY!!!


08-30-2012, 05:40 AM
Okay.. But only because you did it for me and its made me feel better! Lol
CONGRATULATIONS my strange friend!!!! Well done!! (Also well done for not shouting at me LOL)

08-30-2012, 05:41 AM
Congrats :)

08-30-2012, 08:28 AM
Thank you both much! I feel SO much better today and am gettin a bunch of s**t done too. Got paint colors picked out for another exterior paint project, and going to quote another paint project now. It is a great day, relief, a weight lifted off my back, and the other person can do whatever the hell she wishes to do because I honestly do not give a flying flip! Enjoy the day, I gotta nuther job to write up so this will be 15 to do so I will be busy until next August!!...Cya!


08-30-2012, 09:03 AM
Are you a QS?

Matt C
08-30-2012, 09:16 AM
Sounds like you were waiting for this for a while? i.e looking for evidence that she lies?

Anyway buddy, wish you the best for the future.

Enjoy your painting. :)

08-30-2012, 10:22 AM
That's not really the case, but when you ask an individual that balances her checkbook every single day, saves every receipt to record in a registry, has a monthly budget drawn up.."How much did your clients pay you today"? and you get an "IDK"? in return...and you also get an "if I told you then you'd want me to give you some money then".... you kinda know that the answer to the simple question was altered, avoided, evaded, eluded, and ignored for her own agenda. It's called "selfishness". She lives up to the label that her Mother gave her and that IS for sure bruh!!

Not sure what a QS is, but I am a General Contractor for near 30 years if that helps..

So much for the better though friend!! I know where I stand, and so does she...YAY!!!!

Mr. HappyEnduringMan.. :)

08-30-2012, 11:07 AM
Quantity surveyor. Don't think they're the same thing. Glad you doin good buuuuddy.

08-30-2012, 11:27 AM
I am doing spectacular today and got another job proposal ready to drop off too..Its ALL good so far! and quiet too...YIPPEE!!


08-30-2012, 11:29 AM
Awesome :D