View Full Version : Cherry Juice and phone apps!!

08-29-2012, 04:53 PM
Just thought I'd share this in the hope it may help some....

My anxiety causes me to have real trouble getting to sleep. I've tried prescribed meds (which worked but had horrible side-effects), over-the-counter meds (which didnt do a thing), long baths, meditation and warm milky drinks but none of these seemed to help

....Then a 'food expert' friend told me about a chemical found in food and drink that helps aid sleep, he said it was in Cherries and Cherry Juice (amongst other foods) and it was scientifically proven. So, I tried it, half hour before bed and accompanied with my 'Stop Panic and Anxiety' app it really has made a difference. 4 nights of 8 hour unbroken sleep have been the result. Its a great and long overdue feeling!!

I think it's important for us anxiety sufferers to share the things that help us with our daily battles. Thanks for listening!!


08-29-2012, 05:55 PM
Interesting! I'll try it.

I might just slip in some yeast / sugar and then let it ferment for a few weeks ;-)