View Full Version : Had an Attack this Am!!!

08-29-2012, 10:49 AM
This morning I had an attack I felt nauseas, like I was about to pass out and my heart was beating fast. Thought I was going to die. It all started, well This week my new illness I think I have (hypochondriac) is a brain tumor. Because one of my eyes is really sensitive and I always see my eyelashes thought that eye, I think it's because of my tmj because on that side (right) my cheek always feel tense and tight. Need Help!!!! It's driving me nuts!!!

08-29-2012, 01:02 PM
Doctor, doctor!

I have a steering wheel in my pants! It's driving me nuts...

<drum roll, cymbol crash>

Have you seen a medical doctor about this? (your sensitive eye, I mean)

It's plainly obvious you have health-anxiety disorder and panic attacks.

Most likely that your temporomandibular disorder is causing the eye thing.

I've just sat here pulling away at the skin around the eye. Stretching it in various directions.

If I pull the skin directly around the perimeter of the eye, the eye is a little squashed and pulled backward.
This gives me blurred vision and I also notice that I "think" I see my lashes.

Maybe I am, but more likely it's just a refraction of light/shadows that appear to be lashes.

As for a brain tumour... VERY HIGHLY UNLIKELY.

08-29-2012, 03:05 PM
Thanks for the advice, it really drives me nuts. And with me being a hypochondriac I always think I have a undetected terminal illness, like this week it's a brain tumor, last week it was ALS, and the week before It was Parkinsons disease and some other type of cancer. It really drives me crazy!!

08-29-2012, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the advice, it really drives me nuts. And with me being a hypochondriac I always think I have a undetected terminal illness, like this week it's a brain tumor, last week it was ALS, and the week before It was Parkinsons disease and some other type of cancer. It really drives me crazy!!

So you're WELL aware of your condition. That's a start.

I'm not overly clued on severe hypochondria, although I can relate to it somewhat having had heart-attack anxiety for some 7 months.

The most effective help for me was cognetive therapy.
This allows you to offload the perpetual tumbling of fears you have stuck in your head and helps regain rationality. I can't recommend it highly enough.

08-29-2012, 07:10 PM
Omg! I know how you feel I myself have health anxiety it sucks . Makes me mad

08-29-2012, 07:26 PM
Dazza im going to have to try that out.
Maybe it makes me soo mad also, like I be mad at myself cause I think I have all this crazy stuff, but my mind won't allow me to stop thinking about it.

08-29-2012, 07:34 PM
Dazza im going to have to try that out.
Maybe it makes me soo mad also, like I be mad at myself cause I think I have all this crazy stuff, but my mind won't allow me to stop thinking about it.

Ugh! Me too my mind is on overdrive... >_<

08-29-2012, 08:04 PM
Ugh! Me too my mind is on overdrive... >_<

Mine is too, how long have you been suffering from anxiety?

08-29-2012, 08:44 PM
Not long (feels like forever tho) I wanna say July of this year... I was watching a lot of health shows and boom around the 4th my brain felt foggy/cloudy I just didn't feel like myself and and I kept saying to myself " what's wrong with me" every little thing hat my body does I'm like omg I have this, or that I would google ( worst thing you. Could do if you have health anxiety) my symptoms And boom! I would have every symptom from what I googled...

08-29-2012, 09:49 PM
Not long (feels like forever tho) I wanna say July of this year... I was watching a lot of health shows and boom around the 4th my brain felt foggy/cloudy I just didn't feel like myself and and I kept saying to myself " what's wrong with me" every little thing hat my body does I'm like omg I have this, or that I would google ( worst thing you. Could do if you have health anxiety) my symptoms And boom! I would have every symptom from what I googled...

I'm the same. My anxiety started recently, May of this year. I think I was due to lack of sleep and stress at 1st, but every week its a new symptom, and when it happens, I google it find the worst possible illness and I'm like "I have this, I have all these symptoms" (not really, but I make myself believe it), but each week or few days it's a new symptom.

08-29-2012, 10:12 PM
I'm the same way new symptom every week... I stopped googling that would just make feel worse ( it's hard not 2 ) but I'm hoping and praying all this will go away

08-30-2012, 06:01 AM
That's what I need to start doing, googling. But I'm hoping and praying that it gets better also