View Full Version : First Time Poster, Long Time Anxiety / Panic Sufferer :)

08-29-2012, 10:51 AM
Hello. My name is Matt. I'm 31 and have had anxiety / panic disorder since '08. I've always have had some sort of social anxiety since I was a child. I smoked pot regularly to mask those feelings. At 26, I stop smoking so I could live a long healthy life. I had my first panic attack at 27. I thought I was having a heart attack or a stroke because my heart was skipping beats and the muscles on top of my head and face got really tense. I've never had my body react in such a way and I never felt such fear.

My panic attack happened do to the stresses of my changing life and my body just didn't know how to process it. I still to this day have heart palpitations, which still scare me even, tension headaches and the muscles in my head tense up. I'm trying my best to over come it all and to live a worry free life again.

The stresses that affected me at the time were my boss of 62 passing away (whom was a part of my life 5 days a week for 8+ hours for the past 7 years), I was promoted to his position as Art Director, which meant more stress and responsibility, I moved in with my gf, and life was quickly changing with a new house coming along with marriage. I thought I couldn't have possibly been more stressed then when I was in college. These stresses seemed like less, but I guess mental they took a toll on me.

I would say sometimes I worry too much and fear the worst when it comes to my health because of those who've passed in my lifetime. I'm a little too in tune with my body (checking heartbeats, worrying about how I fell, etc), although, I've received a perfect bill of health from my doctor. Actually, I've always have had the fear of my health being bad in the back of my mind along with the fear of death. When I had my first attack, I went to the doctor every couple of weeks or every month. Had EKGs done, an echocardiogram, wore a heart monitor, taken anxiety meds, blood taken, etc. My doctor told me I need to relax. Gave me some healthy eating habits to follow, and basically said I'm healthy and to stop worrying. He even suggested going to another doctor if I felt he was wrong. He was confident it was stress and my own thought processes.

So I went to a psychiatrist, which really didn't help, and I got meds another try. I wanted to give kicking my anxiety a shot without meds, but I was feeling defeated and like there was nothing I could do to kick these feelings. I was suffering, and still do at times. Although, I'm very hopeful it's going to change. :) I took the meds, which never made me feel good, for a year and I just stopped taking them. At this point, I'm giving it another shot, med free, and I'm trying to adjust my thinking. I'm trying not to worry, or to do things I enjoy that keep me from worrying.

Life is stressful for many people and some handle the stress differently. I don't want to be an anxiety victim any more and I'm hopeful I'll live an anxiety free life.


08-30-2012, 12:44 PM
Welcome Matt!

Yup, you just answered the questions to your own troubleing and tormenting anxiety friend. Worry and his other brother fear are the feeders of this whole trainwreck. Until you learn to control the thoughts, delete the bad memories, you'll be in anxieties grasp...I wish I could show everyone where the "switch" is that you flip to dump all this garbage that eats everyone alive, but I can't. I know everyone has one, they just have to find it themselves.
