View Full Version : Another thread. Advice plz?

08-29-2012, 08:21 AM
I keep posting new threads cus i'll think of something im curious about!

But ok, so, my boyfriend gets SO frustrated w my anxiety! I've tried so hard to explain it to him & show him youtube videos on other ppl so he see's im not crazy & not alone but he still doesnt get it.
I had a really bad attack saturday night & he got mad at me for freaking out. & obviously it made it worse....he kept saying "stop shaking! " "dont cry please. " & things like "just ignore it & breath in a paper bag" :(
I felt like the attack got worse from there.
& i told him but he got mad at me for that.
Hes a great guy & would never do anything to hurt me but i felt really hurt by him during this attack....
I think that he just thinks im losing my mind .
& when my anxiety kicks in he says things like "ohhhh there u go w your issues again" jokingly which makes me feel better to make a joke but at the same time kinda makes me feel like a burden to him.
I just wanna know does anyone know a way i can go about making him understand better or anything like that?
Or any other advice?

08-29-2012, 09:21 AM
I wish there was a way for him to understand so he could be more supportive in helping you overcome your anxiety. Some people just don't get it. My closest brother just doesn't understand either, and probably never will. He's told me things like man up. :) Which sometimes makes me realize I'm getting anxious about silly things.

You're not crazy and you're not alone. I feel the same way at times. I sometimes feel like a burden on those around me, and to my gf. However, she does try to help make things better. I understand how his lack of understanding, could amplify things.

I would ask him to just be patient and as supportive as possible. Let him know what would help. Let him know just how much anxiety affects you and how scary it can be. Maybe use an analogy that'll help him understand better.

08-29-2012, 09:30 AM
Sounds like he needs a kick in the goolies...

08-29-2012, 10:59 AM
Until they feel it, most just don't understand. Kind of like most of us don't know how some bad chest pain feels. But when someone finally actually feel a given pain...all the sudden their understanding becomes very clear. Sad. He needs to take you're word for it. Alankay

08-29-2012, 12:00 PM
I wish i could switch bodies w him & let him walk in my shoes for a day

08-29-2012, 01:42 PM
I wish i could switch bodies w him & let him walk in my shoes for a day

Yeah, we've all thought the same - on many occasions no doubt.

Like with a presentation, you need to be a master at the subject yourself before you can effectively get the point across to others.

I suggest you either prepare your own speech on the subject and/or buy a book... and make the disbeliever listen/study.

09-01-2012, 06:29 AM
Well i tried but he didnt wanna listen.
I left his ass.

09-01-2012, 06:49 AM
Very hard for our partners , bf's , hubby 's to understand .
Hope you are ok ? X

09-01-2012, 08:17 AM
Well i tried but he didnt wanna listen.
I left his ass.


So many break-ups happening on this forum!!!!!

(Too much time on the internet?)

<logs off quickly>

09-01-2012, 08:53 PM
Lmao !!!! Ever since i have been away from him the past 2 days i feel perfectly fine. No shortness of breathe or attacks! Wth lol