View Full Version : Cant catch my breathe

08-28-2012, 11:40 AM
Hi im 21 yr old female.
Im at work right now & cannot catch my breathe.
I have shortness of breathe due to my anxiety obviously.
But its interfering w everything i do.
I feel like im dying.
I have tried numerous breathing exercises & it doesnt help me.
Im not on any meds.
Can someone give me some advice on how to get rid of this unsatisfying air im breathing?!

08-28-2012, 02:46 PM
Since it's breathing that's bugging you, I've heard friends use something like Vick's VapoRub or something with menthol in it. That opens up your airways and will give you a nice cooling sensation that might help break the cycle of panic. Worth a try!

08-28-2012, 02:57 PM
Good advice above and definitely worth a try!

However, understand that a sensation of breathing difficulties is one of the most common symptomatic responses to high anxiety and panic attacks.

The great news is that:

a/ You're not dying (no, REALLY... you're not) - in a few months time post something on here to say you didn't die, deal?


b/ Once you're able to control your anxiety (such that fight or flight is never triggered), this symptom (and most if not all others) will completely dissappear

The sensation may last for anything between 15 mins and a few hours, but rest assured that by the time fight or flight has passed, so will this.

08-28-2012, 04:00 PM
Thanks you guys!
I have vicks at home so i will def try it tonight & update if it worked for me or not!
I know im not dying lol thats just how i feel .
It really annoying.
If i call someone & they dont pick up, like my grandma for instance 5 min ago...it made it worse.
I just start freaking out & cant breathe.
& as soon as she called back it was such relief.
Im hoping to fight this on my on since i cant afford therapy & meds.
Youtube & this app is my best friend right now.
I dont wont anxiety & its crazy attacks to ruin my entire life!
So i appreciate any advice i get!

08-28-2012, 04:55 PM
Sad to say the vicks vapor rub isnt working for me

08-28-2012, 05:24 PM
Sad to say the vicks vapor rub isnt working for me

You're not supposed to eat it! :-D

Didn't think it would, however, sometimes these things can act as placebos - therefore they're always worth a shot.

I have to say that at my worst, I couldn't do anything to alleviate the effects of a panic attack, including shortness of breath.
It was a question of sitting down, TRYING to calm and just wait... wait... wait.

Some of the more severe attacks would leave me feeling like I'd just done 10 rounds with King Kong, where it would take a good 12 hours to resume some kind of normality.

08-28-2012, 05:37 PM
I didnt eat it!
Just rubbed some on my chest!
I've tried all these breathing exercises & i just finished doing one ....with 20 inhale/exhales & its still not working!
It has been non stop since yesterday!
I'm trying to relax , i just got out a long bath now im in bed watching a movie & i still feel crazy & cant breath right.
Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!! 😠

08-28-2012, 05:44 PM
I didnt eat it!
Just rubbed some on my chest!
I've tried all these breathing exercises & i just finished doing one ....with 20 inhale/exhales & its still not working!
It has been non stop since yesterday!
I'm trying to relax , i just got out a long bath now im in bed watching a movie & i still feel crazy & cant breath right.
Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!! ��

Anxiety symptoms often include a tightness / tension of chest and neck muscles (+ globas) - this gives rise to the "sensation" of breathlessness.
However, it is just a sensation.

If you WERE actually hyperventilating then you'd be woozy / giddy by now, but you're not, are you?

I know how it feels me old love... it sucks bigger than a giant sucky thing on turbo suck.

MAYBE you have asthma? or an allergy to something?

08-28-2012, 05:56 PM
I dont have any allergies & this happens to me alot but i've been to doctors ever since i was younger & they tell me nothing is wrong so it couldnt be asthma right? Cus they wouldve detected it maybe?

08-28-2012, 06:17 PM
If you've been diagnosed with anxiety disorder then these symptoms are most likely because of that.

Just looking at other options just in case.

Jeez, it's 1.16am!!!! time for beddy byes!

Have a good sleep and post how you feel first thing in the morning, yes?


08-28-2012, 06:55 PM
Its only 9pm here!
But i will post how i feel tomorrow !
Hopefully better!

08-28-2012, 07:40 PM
Sorry to hear that the Vicks didn't help anything. Just knew of a friend who said it did for him. If talking to someone else seems to help, on the phone or online, stay on here! There's always someone around. You're close to my time zone- if you want to chat, you just let me know.

08-28-2012, 07:58 PM
Well i cant say i didnt try & i appreciate any advice i can get!
& i'd love to chat

08-28-2012, 10:11 PM
Ok, I'm curious. I can only find responses to a thread if I go back to my profile and see what I've responded to, click the link and then scroll down. Is there a better way to know if someone has replied? Otherwise I would have gotten back to ya earlier! Anyone?

08-29-2012, 08:05 AM
I click the 'current' tab & then the 'participated' tab & everything u have replied to pops up there.
Thats what i do, i assume thats the right way, since im nee here im still a bit clueless