View Full Version : sick & tired of this crap

08-28-2012, 10:25 AM
So I have Gad and its been horrible lately. Why can't I just stop thinking about it!!! Every little sensation I feel freaks me out. So annoying. And I know it's irrational thinking. Annoyed

08-28-2012, 02:15 PM
Tell ya what really ANNOYS me...

Drivers who stop at roundabouts when there's clearly nothing coming for feckin' miles... but they STILL STOP.

ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH *&*(^£^EFF£^"%!)_!"&shit*(^!")_)()"&*!$£$)BALLS____)(*£W===

I actually feel like shunting their ass!

Rant over... as you were.


08-28-2012, 02:16 PM
I know how you feel I have GAD aswell and I worry about everything it does my brain in and sick of thinking about every little thing I do just to worry about it .

08-28-2012, 02:28 PM
Every little sensation you feel will continue to freak you out while your grey matter is wired to do so.

Take a seat and a nice, warm glass of milk...


Ok then...

Once upon a time there was a whole load of worries.
There was MONEY worry, RELATIONSHIP worry, JOB worry, SOCIAL worry, SELF-PERCEPTION worry and DOES MY ARSE LOOK BIG IN THIS worry.

All these naughty worries clubbed together to form one GIGANTIC, FEARSOME worry called:


MONEYRELATIONSHIPJOBSOCIALSELF-PERCEPTIONDOESMYARSELOOKBIGINTHIS was SOOO big and strong that Mr BRAIN could no longer control it, so it did what it thought was necessary and triggered FIGHT OR FLIGHT mode.

In turn, fight or flight mode released a whole bag of chemicals and transmissions throughout the land... which wreaked havoc and chaos in it's wake.

The End