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08-28-2012, 05:32 AM
Hi! I am new here. I see a lot of folks who have had anxiety for a lifetime. You are heros in my view. Amazing people to live with anxiety this long. I developed anxiety about 11 months ago. I had a small stroke at 37 and then found a large hole in my heart. I had the hole fixed. So I am physically fine. Basically a miracle I didn't die in childbirth twice. I have worked through the chest aches. I have worked through the heart palps, which where very challenging given I had a heart problem fixed. Now I have anxiety that I just can't get rid of. I wake up between 2-5 am just nervous. If I go ahead and get up it goes away. But I'm so tired. My main two triggers are my kids whining and worrying about life after death. I'm getting better with the kids. But the religious stuff is hurting me. I was just living life happily when that stroke hit me and it basically threw me into over drive thinking about God, death, what is there really after death. I worry about my parents dying now i didnt before Any suggestions on readings or things I could do? I will try anything.

08-28-2012, 05:41 AM
I suffer from a lot of early morning anxiety as well. I think it probably triggers during that time because its quiet, and our minds start racing, thinking and worrying about everything under the sun. Most times, I will start deep breathing.....I will listen to my husband's breathing and try to mimic it. I usually fall asleep not too long after. However, on days like today, when that didn't work, I had to take 1/2 a xanax, and that put me out until my alarm clock went off..... I really dislike morning anxiety!!!!

08-28-2012, 05:47 AM
If I could get to of the morning time anxiety I would be doing well. My acupuncturist believes we have morning anxiety because of our liver. He says that anxiety cause the liver to work overtime because it is trying to get rid of all the excess adrenaline. The liver does most it's heavy work between 2-4 am. So when it can't detox all the adrenaline it dumps the excess back into your system. Which in turn wakes you up. Makes sense to me or at least helps me rationalize why this is happening to me. I started thinking a gallon of water per day and my morning anxiety has decreased. The theory is that it helps move out the excess adrenaline my body has produced. I'm a person who needs biological reasoning to this anxiety mess. It helps me I guess!