View Full Version : Worse anxiety when starting ad?

08-27-2012, 10:06 PM
I'd anyone have worse anxiety when starting their ad? I took a 20 mg celexa bout an hour ago and it's as if I was thrown into an immediate attack! Had a tingle on roof off my mouth it went away, a horrible pain in my head and now I feel like I'm on fire n my arms r feeling like I have to move them. Freaking out a bit!!!!

08-27-2012, 11:04 PM
Remember, it will go away! It's just the beginning start up that sucks but it will get better. Hang in there! It will be worth it!

08-28-2012, 01:47 PM
So true!!!

08-28-2012, 03:25 PM
I'd anyone have worse anxiety when starting their ad? I took a 20 mg celexa bout an hour ago and it's as if I was thrown into an immediate attack! Had a tingle on roof off my mouth it went away, a horrible pain in my head and now I feel like I'm on fire n my arms r feeling like I have to move them. Freaking out a bit!!!!

I'm feeling the same way at the moment I switched from Paxil to Prozac and I'm starting to zone out a little and feel tingly and numbness on my arms....anxiety is a little higher then usual...just remember its rough the first couple weeks cause your body is adjusting to the change just ride out the symptoms they will go away...

08-28-2012, 04:27 PM
Listen... you need to understand how anxiety works.

Through some kinda trauma or constant worry, your brain has been re-wired such that otherwise normal symptoms, sensations and senses are innapropriately mistaken for high-level danger, which triggers a somewhat overwhelming, primitive reaction called fight or flight

ANYTHING can trigger this reaction, including a twinge, an everyday pain, a twitch, being drunk, headache, tooth ache, tummy ache and even an itch!... ANYTHING.

With this hyper sensitivity in mind, realize that anxiety is now reacting to the effects of the drugs.

I used to get the same after a few beers... I'd get the normal drunk feeling but anxiety would mistake this for danger and trigger fight/flight... crazy but true.

You'll eventually get used to the effects and anxiety will move onto something else, so just ride it out for the time being.