View Full Version : Heart palpitations

08-27-2012, 07:39 PM
So last night while I was on my computer I felt this 3sec palpitation or like a skip heartbeat.. it feels like your going to faint....got really scared felt cold sweat and light headed etc.. so I went to the ER and they did a EKG which came back normal... chest X-ray normal aswell.. But my blood test came came abnormal.. the cardiac enzymes were abnormal.. So my doctor retested the Cardiac enzymes.. now the second time came back normal and doctor told me very thing came back fine and he said that no signs of heart attack or heart deasese.. just wanted to share this with you guys that in fact stress/anxiety cause palpitations.... he told me that.. hope this helps some of you

08-28-2012, 01:03 AM
PLEASE read this...
