View Full Version : Any good pills for mental stress & anxiety?

03-08-2007, 05:43 AM
I saw a new commercial about a couple of months ago regarding stress and anxiety. I did not write down the name of the pill. If anyone could help with the name I would greatly appreciate it. I have lot of problems like I can’t sleep properly, have frequent mood swings some time I am happy and some times I feel so low that I could harm my self. I don’t know what can I do

03-08-2007, 01:29 PM
Have you been to a doctor and/or therapist? You need a diagnosis before medication or appropriate therapy can be suggested.

You should get some insight from a professional about your mood swings. If it turns out that you're exhibiting symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, standard antidepressants wouldn't be a good idea for you. There are other treatments that could be helpful, though.

03-09-2007, 12:34 AM
Do you have any more memory of the commercial? There are so many anti-anxiety medications out there. Don’t go for drugs. Try using Theramood. You even don’t have to take the prescription from any doctor. But if you are already consulting any doctor then ask him. I am sure he will also approve. I am taking it. Things are getting normal now.
Get well soon.

06-29-2007, 10:17 AM
Hi Damien77,

Do you remember anything about the commercial, because there are so many stress and anxiety meds in the market or pharmacies right now...Do you also consider taking Natural Remedies for that?

If you have some other questions about Stress and Anxiety, why not visit you family doctor...Just ask anything about your problem, I know he/she will help you.

07-10-2007, 08:56 AM
Cipralex, it's an SSRI, new clean drug, I've been on it for a little over a month, and I feel so much better. I've suffered for a long time with anxiety, and this is the first thing that's really really helped me. It's hard to get used to for at least a couple of weeks, I felt nauseous - but it doesn't alter your state of mind, or you don't become zombie-like or anything like that. It just helps your mind to focus on better things, and deal with anxiety instead of constantly worrying about it. Ask your doctor. Talk therapy is great too (you can get it covered by OHIP).

Let me know if this helps.

07-25-2007, 01:36 PM
If you can't get anything prescribed, something I've discovered are Kalms - it's a natural herbal remedy that's meant to help with times of worry and stress. You take two three times a day, and while the results aren't really that noticeable, I was able to spot a slight difference as far as mood swings were concerned. It could be a possibility for the run-up to seeing a doctor or being put on prescribed medication.

08-02-2007, 01:20 AM
You should first consult your doctor and ask how 5 htp helps in depression? He will satisfy you than you can purchase it from the site in my signature.

08-22-2007, 10:26 PM
Cipralex, it's an SSRI, new clean drug, I've been on it for a little over a month, and I feel so much better. I've suffered for a long time with anxiety, and this is the first thing that's really really helped me. It's hard to get used to for at least a couple of weeks, I felt nauseous - but it doesn't alter your state of mind, or you don't become zombie-like or anything like that. It just helps your mind to focus on better things, and deal with anxiety instead of constantly worrying about it. Ask your doctor. Talk therapy is great too (you can get it covered by OHIP).

Let me know if this helps.

I'd also recommend these as a short term help, have just come off them after 1 1/2 years (cold turkey, don't do it guys, first 10 days were hellish)... They really helped me to get some control over my life again.

I agree Kayla, that they don't make you zombie like (unlike what Prozac did for me a number of years ago) and they don't noticeably alter your state of mind, but it's not until now that I'm off them that I've realised that they actually did control my emotions quite a lot.

Just over 2 weeks off them now, and I feel very different already, kind of like I have a clarity that I previously had 'blocked' by these tablets... Although for the last 8 months I have been seeing a psychotherapist, so know I'm in a better place now than previous to starting the tablets... But like I started off this post with I'd still say that the tablets were a great 'crutch', but therapy is the thing ( I believe) that has really been the thing to change my life.

08-30-2007, 08:33 PM
Does that really work? I hope so, maybe i´m going to get a better life now.. :)

07-29-2009, 12:30 AM
I don't think that you should be taking anything on your own. You better addressed a doctor to try to figure out the causes of your mood swings and stress and anxiety. Maybe there are underlying medical causes.
Pills doesn't make you coping of stress and anxiety..I just make you having new problem.I have recommend to you.do relaxation and meditation.I guarantee that the most popular to reducing stress is relaxation

08-06-2009, 05:54 PM
Cipralex, it's an SSRI, new clean drug, I've been on it for a little over a month, and I feel so much better. I've suffered for a long time with anxiety, and this is the first thing that's really really helped me. It's hard to get used to for at least a couple of weeks, I felt nauseous - but it doesn't alter your state of mind, or you don't become zombie-like or anything like that. It just helps your mind to focus on better things, and deal with anxiety instead of constantly worrying about it. Ask your doctor. Talk therapy is great too (you can get it covered by OHIP).

Let me know if this helps.

Cipralex is not a 'new clean drug'. In fact, it's not even new (it was approved back in 2002). It's just another one of many 'me too' SSRIs on the market (like Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, Cymbalta, etc). And, while it can help some people without making them a 'zombie', it is not this way for everybody. Indeed, it can cause these kinds of side effects and generally do more harm than good for many. My advice is to beware of medications. Although there are plenty of pills out there for depression/anxiety, there really aren't any standouts. NO pill can cure you of your problems. And it is highly unlikely that any pill will even make you feel completely yourself again. The truth is that all depression/anxiety medications suck. The best you can REALLY do with meds is try to find the one that sucks least. This is why I think that nonpharmaceutical approaches like CBT are MUCH better, especially in the long run.

08-06-2009, 08:33 PM
There is no magic pill out there, or magic vitamin supplement for that matter, that can obliterate anxiety disorder. It is true that for some individuals, pharmaceuticals can mask or dull some anxiety symptoms, but they do not teach a sufferer how to cope or manage their symptoms when stressors do arise. A similar drawback is with supplementation. Unless a person is deficient in certain areas, such as B vitamins (which is not all that uncommon with todays diets), taking a vitamin pill will not eradicate an anxiety disorder. Being deficient in some vitamins and minerals can create anxious symptoms, however deficiency in those vitamins and minerals does not not create a disorder.

The best way to overcome the disorder is through CBT. If this approach is practiced willfully and consistently, a person will become more resiliant, enabling them to handle stress better.

11-08-2010, 06:16 AM
I use to manage the stress with the help of Hypnotherapy. I am very motivated with the help of that therapy. marianmassie. com

01-28-2011, 10:58 PM
well Tranquil Tablets from emedoutlet is very much effective for anxiety