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08-26-2012, 11:07 PM
M on Zoloft 100 mg and Xanax as needed. I had about 8 to 9 beers at a fantasy draft during the day today and now I can't calm down. My whole body is all tingly, I'm freaking out, I'm noticing my heartbeat every second and my whole chest area. Does this happen to anyone else, and what do you do to cope? I'm taking my .50 mg Xanax before I go to sleep but I'm way too awake right now. Please answer ASAP and help me!

08-27-2012, 01:38 AM
Beer is the answer (and not in a good way)! Booze and anxiety along with meds is never a good combo. For some folk alcohol relaxes them but for others it can increase anxiety (especially the day after). This feeling will go away- don't take anymore meds tonight as mixing them with alcohol isn't a good plan. Lie back, close your eyes and focus on taking long slow steady breaths. If that doesn't work do something to distract yourself like watching tv, gaming etc. And from now on don't drink too much as it clearly affects you in a negative way.

08-27-2012, 11:57 AM
Thank you! I hit the gym hard last night and I'm feelin much better because I'm level headed again :)

08-27-2012, 12:32 PM
M on Zoloft 100 mg and Xanax as needed. I had about 8 to 9 beers at a fantasy draft during the day today and now I can't calm down. My whole body is all tingly, I'm freaking out, I'm noticing my heartbeat every second and my whole chest area. Does this happen to anyone else, and what do you do to cope? I'm taking my .50 mg Xanax before I go to sleep but I'm way too awake right now. Please answer ASAP and help me!

Glad to hear you're taking meds "AS NEEDED" - very good.

8 or 9 beers... shitttt, that'd have me on the floor these days! WELL DONE MY SON!

During my early stages of anxiety disorder & panic attacks, my heart would race and beat HARD in many situations.

o Cinema was one (attributes of dark room, lots of people, loud noise were a sure bet I'd be freaking at some point into the film)
o Being alone (too much time to think bad thoughts... UT OH... bad idea)
o Some social gatherings
o Hangovers (worst panic attack was attributed to a hangover)
o Drinking (sometimes drinking would be OK, others it was hell)

Recommend giving up alcohol until such times when anxiety / panic attacks is/are under control otherwise you're taking a huge gamble.

Anxiety feeds off fear and physical symptoms. Drinking, or the drunken feeling is sometimes read by anxiety as "Oh, I'm ill... i'm feeling giddy" and will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

Take it easy or better; cut it out for now.

08-27-2012, 12:47 PM
I had my first Panic attack induced by hangover early hours Sunday morning. I felt nauseous and my head was spinning and I knew why but I still panicked!! Think i was maybe thinking about being sick in my sleep and choking to death. shit I never used to worry about crap like that!

08-27-2012, 10:51 PM
Thanks for the help guys. Last night was rough but I'm feeling way better. I partied really hard throughout college but limited it (MAYBE once a month) since my anxiety started almost two years ago. It's tough sometimes because I wanna re live the glory days with my friends. I guess that's life right?

08-28-2012, 02:35 PM
Thanks for the help guys. Last night was rough but I'm feeling way better. I partied really hard throughout college but limited it (MAYBE once a month) since my anxiety started almost two years ago. It's tough sometimes because I wanna re live the glory days with my friends. I guess that's life right?


Some people never stop partying, my (Geordie) mother included!

She's 65 and gets completely hammered most Fridays. She loves it and so do her friends!
Dad (now 70) can't handle the hangovers these days so tends to keep it tame but MUM... boy she knows how to have fun.

I envy her really. She's always loved life and never had a trace of anxiety. She's at peace with herself, which is more than can be said for us much younger, anxious folk.

The secret to a happy, fulfiling life is to NOT worry. Full stop.

08-28-2012, 05:00 PM
hi Dazza im siobhan i just read ur post from yesterday. about ur trigger situations and about alcohol and u like me are so similar i had to mail u! if u dont Mind mite pick ur brains a little. the cinema the hangovers being alone all the same! my.question is did u quit drinking and did it make any improvement if u did? Im seriously thinking of quiting as the anxiety and eventual panic attack after is awfull. i don't take medication Im really trying not too. had hypnosis seemed to help and i do have long periods with no attacks. having a bad week this week though. sorry for posting here i need 10 posts to be able send private message

08-28-2012, 05:37 PM
Siobhan - cool name! where are you from?

Of course you can pick my brains... you're more than welcome to take the anxious bits! :-D

I quit drinking altogether for around 3 months - at the start of my anxiety/panic attack journey.
(The hangovers were sure to trigger a panic the following day)

However, I was pretty darn determined to get back on it as soon as I could... and by the 4th month I started testing the water again.

I SLOWLY got back into it.
8 months on and I'm now cured of hangover-triggered panick attacks.
However, I STILL feel anxious the following night... when the hangover has gone and I'm left lethargic / sleepy.

08-28-2012, 11:12 PM
I hope I don't get a panic attack everytime I get drunk for fecks sake

08-28-2012, 11:24 PM
Haha dude I had to quit drinking due to always getting panic attacks from it.. I'm a 19 yr old female.... Just turned the legal drinking age and I had to quit.. Fuck me lol life sucks

08-28-2012, 11:38 PM
Im hoping it was just a one off for me. You're not going to ruin my good time anxiety you shit! lol!

08-29-2012, 12:35 AM
It almost always happens to me! Usually I drink later at night and pass out then next day about 11 pm it really kicks in

08-29-2012, 12:56 AM
I notice the following (what I think is interesting) when drinking:

With the first few drinks, anxiety TRIES to attack since I'm still fully coherent (anxiety still active) yet my body/head is starting to feel the effects of alcohol.

Anxiety notices these early effects and kicks up a bit of a fuss!
(This is SO typical of anxiety, since it reacts to nearly all sensations, emotions, pains, etc., right?)

Only after 4 or 5 drinks, when alcohol really starts taking over (including out-doing anxiety), that I notice anxiety dissappearing.

This happens almost everytime to various degrees and is SO interesting in that it clearly shows off the workings of anxiety.

The same thing can happen with anti-anxiety drugs. Anxiety can react to the initial effects but once the tablet has fully established, anxiety is crushed.

Amazing! lol

08-29-2012, 02:16 AM
I may have to conduct an experiment soon ;)

08-29-2012, 05:22 PM
i find that too first few drinks can be rough and after that fell great love drinking lol not in an alco way but ya know what i mean! its the next nite its torture all alone in my room trying ta sleep really freaks me out maybe ill have ta get married or something be calmer if someone in the room :-) not the cure i want siobhan is a lovely Irish name thank u

08-29-2012, 05:32 PM
Living with someone, beit a partner or just friend helps anxiety no end.

I could NOT be alone during my worst episodes of anxiety/panic... I found myself fleeing to my partners or parents for comfort on many occasions.

When living alone we tend to think too much I reckon. Having someone around to distract you from all that solitary thinking is a great help.

But I don't recommend getting someone in JUST to help your anxiety, lol... not really fair on them.

08-29-2012, 10:11 PM
Living with someone, beit a partner or just friend helps anxiety no end.

I could NOT be alone during my worst episodes of anxiety/panic... I found myself fleeing to my partners or parents for comfort on many occasions.

When living alone we tend to think too much I reckon. Having someone around to distract you from all that solitary thinking is a great help.

But I don't recommend getting someone in JUST to help your anxiety, lol... not really fair on them.

I agree! I like alone in Texas and its hardest for me at night when I worry too much. I have a friend I stay with in a nearby state usually weekends and this does help. She is critical of me. Not supportive. Even though she is not critical of her son who has problems. My worries are over my body that is my stomach and how to manage stress. I wish I had someone here because it does distract and help. Not sure what to do but I understand this. So a real relationship can decrease fears and worry because you are not alone.