View Full Version : New member

08-26-2012, 03:00 PM
Hello I've just joined with the hope I can meet people who I can share with. I have an anxiety disorder and I have family and I'm happily married however I feel sometimes I put to much on them . I struggle to leave my house I have been prescribed meds and I'm awaiting CBT therapy so I though I would try this in the mean time

ok sooner girl
08-26-2012, 07:57 PM
Welcome. I'm new also. This board had really helped me to realize I'm not alone

08-26-2012, 08:00 PM
Thank you for replying. I just find everything is such a challenge. It's nice to know your not the only one out there and that the symptoms I feel are normal

08-27-2012, 02:14 AM
Welcome. i am new to here too.

I have been unable to enjoy any social life, even a walk to my local shops causes palpitations, dizziness, fear and makes me really ill. This at just turned 26 is so hard.

I get really upset, as my poor partner has to make do with all activities at home as I cant face trips out. i worry he would meet someone else who he an enjoy himself with. But its not the case, he knows this is temporary and that after realising my problem is anxiety I can actually start to deal with it.

I have already had lots of great advice on here and I am going to see a CBT specialist on wednesday to see if they can help me.

I think you are best sharing your story- when fid you first experience anxiety, what do you think triggered it if anything? You will find people who have similar stories, at different stages and they will be happy to provide you with some support

Wishing you well :)

08-27-2012, 07:37 AM
Hi Cal21
Welcome , I to have a family & a husband & can relate to how you are feeling totally .
I'm having a particularly bad patch right now , this site is good to find help & talk to others experiencing the same difficulties , jessy x

08-27-2012, 06:01 PM
I would like to know how your CBT goes. Thank you for the warm welcome everyone :)

08-28-2012, 11:09 AM
Hello everyone. My name is Heather. I just joined today (8/28/2012) and wanted to share a little bit about me. I'm so glad I joined this site because as much as I would not wish my anxiety and fear of traveling and being far away from home on anybody, its comforting to know that I'm not alone.

I just started developing this fear about 10 years ago. My dad suddenly died and I was extremely attached and over protected most of my life. Now I'm 38 and wish I could travel and go places but am plagued with fear of being far away from home and having relentless panic attacks...fear of totally losing control and losing my mind.

I hate living like this and want my life back.

08-28-2012, 11:13 AM
Welcome Heather! :)