View Full Version : Self-Discipline & Success

08-25-2012, 02:21 PM
What is Self-discipline?

Dictionary.com defines discipline as, “ Training to act in accordance with rules”. In short, you can learn to discipline yourself in accord to the rules you set up for your own life or succumb to the demands and ideas of others. As the saying goes:

“ If you do not discipline yourself, others will.”
If the concept of discipline sounds so simple, then why are so many people settling for mediocrity, failure, and quiet desperation?
Here’s the answer:
We’ve all been conditioned to think that self-discipline and courage is something reserved for soldiers, firefighters, and martial artists…to the “brave men and women” who NEED it in order to save the world.
Self-discipline and courage can be found in any and every human being, if you learn to exercise these mental skills. To abolish laziness and unproductivity, self-discipline has to come from within.
Yet, it can be fun!
With the proper mindset you can change how you view self-discipline.
Here are 4 clear-cut steps to boost self-discipline:
1.) Eliminate vagueness, and get specific about your goals. If you want to lose weight, do not focus on “losing weight” as a goal. Rather focus on losing 30 or 40 pounds by a specific date.
2.) Set a time frame for your goal. Cut the time limit down to something you know you can reach. For example, say you’ll lose 30 pounds in 40-60 days rather than in a few months. If you’re goal is bigger than increase the time frame.
3.) Set high standards, and don’t compare yourself with others. Comparing yourself to others will detract from your own goals and aspirations. Focus whole heartedly on what YOU want.
4.) Self-motivation and learning to say ‘No!’ are two important rules for self-discipline. If you’re wasting time doing something unproductive instead of running at the gym, then this counts as a moment where you lost your focus. Jot down your activities in a journal, and setup a way to manage your time productively.
Self-discipline and courage go hand-in-hand because it takes relentless determination and action to achieve your goals in spite of all the distractions and negativity in the modern world. However, when you commit yourself to your life goals self-discipline will become an enjoyable and worthwhile ally in reaching your full potential.