View Full Version : Diagnosed with Lyme and scared..

08-25-2012, 11:48 AM
Hi everyone, So I have posted a bunch of times on the board but I just got some lab results back and found out I have Lyme disease. I had actually half jokingly posted that I thought I had it due to hypochondria but I'm very panicky and scared now that it's true. I got bit over a year ago and was told by an er doc that it was a spider bite and I shouldn't worry. I'm in law school and have 2 jobs so I assumed lots of my anxiety and exhaustion was because of my schedule but I have gotten physically and mentally worse in so many ways in the past year. My anxiety is awful right now it's almost unbearable. Has anyone else had Lyme or known someone with it who had gone untreated for so long ?? I'm so upset right now and on top of my previously diagnosed panic disorder and add this is becoming hard to bear anymore. I'm also furious this doctor didn't just test me or Lyme when I got bit... Not only have I had all this pain and anxiety but I'm not pretty sure I know why I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks in October. I need some advice or at least some positive input please :( I finally have an answer for why I have been so sick and progressively more anxious and depressed but now I just feel helpless, especially if I now have lyme forever . Why does life seem so unfair, I'm a good person, really hardworking and caring about everyone I know and I just am beginning to want to give up after all this. -Laura

Ps . please don't tell me 'it could be worse' or to 'appreciate what is good in my life.' Believe me I tell myself this constantly and it's not helping :(

08-25-2012, 11:54 AM
Excuse my ignorance, but what is "lyme disease"?

08-25-2012, 12:06 PM
It's a bacterial borne infection from ticks. I live in new England, people occasionally get it around here.. I know some places in the world aren't affected and I forgot people from all over read this. Basically if you are bit by an infected tick it leaves a strange bully's eye rash and then if you aren't treated immediately the bacteria can spread to your organs and systems causing lupus like symptoms , nerve damage, arthritis, and mental disorders like confusion, anxiety, disorientation etc. It varies for everyone and depends what stage they catch it at but as of now I'm a 24 yr old woman who now has arthritis, constAnt pain and a tremor so bad I had to just stop waitressing because I cant carry trays or glasses to tables, weight loss, increased anxiety and confusion and I'm weak and tired . They are supposed to treat Lyme right away with antibiotics and sometimes that stops the infection but my doctor said at this stage antibiotics may help but probably wont completely get rid of it. I'm afraid :(

08-25-2012, 12:13 PM
And I meant bulls eye rash. I'm not sure what a bully's eye rash would look like lol.

08-25-2012, 12:27 PM
my brother got lyme due to spider bite ..that two on lips 1st time ...2nd time on thigh and he is alright ......its common ailment ....miscarriage is an accident and you should not feel responsible for this neigther GAD ...if you have anxiety and depression ...then consult doctor devote 100% ...start with medicine ....then progress will low dose mdicine + CBT ....then with CBT ......you will be fine .....but during this journey your graph should be positve .....if negative tell your doctor and move on .....you are carring thats why you are anxious .....those who dont care never feel anxious ....CARING ~ ANXIOUS ...HARDWORKING ~ DEPRESSED .....SMART WORKING ARE HAPPIER ....some way we all have this disease due our smooth attitude ........