View Full Version : Blowing off steam.

08-25-2012, 03:09 AM
So apart from the fear we experience I assume you feel angry at times. I know I do. I'm just curious what makes you most angry about anxiety?
For me it's just the thought of "why me!!!" I feel that there are so many others who deserve this. I see others laughing and enjoying there live even going through there hard times. And I envy them. At least they are dealing with "normal" problems. Not the crap we go though on a daily basis. Ugh so aggravating. I can't say I haven't broken some things out of frustration.

08-25-2012, 03:42 AM
Everyone with any kind of illness thinks the same; "Why me?"

This is where the whole idea of GOD falls down in my opinion. Good people suffering... unfair... doesn't make sense.

The argument... "Well, GOD can't do everything"....

My argument... "Why the fuck not... he made the earth and everything on it... must be fucking clever so sort this shit out beardy!"

Anyway... I digress.

Anger is a perfectly natural response because anxiety is normally quite long lasting, like torture.. however, it isn't actually good for anxiety. Makes it worse if anything.

Gotta compose yourself. Stand tall and straight - stick ya finger up at anxiety (see attached pic) :-)

Probably the hardest battle you'll ever fight. Who do you want to win?


08-25-2012, 04:11 AM
I get it. I've felt the same way. In fact I still do. I came up with the thought that maybe its happening for a reason though. Maybe on my journey to getting better some life changing thing happens. Like I meet my soul mate or I in some weird way cause a life changing event for someone else. Like if I one day call my doc right before he leaves for home and keep him at the office just long enough so that he doesn't get in that car accident. Kinda like a right place right time thing. But then I think about the holocaust so who knows

08-25-2012, 04:25 AM
Dazza, your pic reminds me of a song. Haha