View Full Version : low white blood count. freaking out.

08-24-2012, 11:59 PM
I am 20 years old. I am a hypochondriac. I am also afraid of doctors. I finally saw one for the first time in years. This was my first "adult" doctor visit. The reason I went was because one of my lymph nodes in my neck is swollen and I have kind of felt like I have a virus or something.

I had a 99 fever. She also noticed my tonsils were swollen (and I noticed there is a weird pink ball on one.) so we did a strep test and mono. Negative on both. She says she doesn't think it's anything serious, but offers me a blood test. I had never done one before, so I figured it would give me a little peace of mind or just tell me what was up.

Two days later, I get my results. My white blood count is 2800, which is a "little low." Ensue panic.

I talk to her today on the phone and she said she thinks it's because I have a virus. She told me to re-test in two LONG SCARY weeks. Of course I flip out. "Cancer?!" "It doesn't appear to be, but let's do a re-test."

I'm freaking out. I already think every day I have a new symptom to worry about, but with a doctor's confirmation that something is wrong/could be wrong/THE UNKNOWN I'm freaking out. I've been in tears for a solid two days, which is really inconvenient as it's my first week back for college + I'm working a new job. People are telling me I am overreacting, but the rational part of me is so drowned out by my hypochondria right now.

If the my WBC is still low next time, I have to go to a blood specialist.

I just want to go back to my normal, unwarranted worries/fears at this point.

Anyone else relate?

08-25-2012, 12:31 AM

I dont need to relate. But a count a little low when you have been sick is normal .

Read your other post also . Go buy borrow or steal . Dr Weekes book Hope and help for your nerves . It will help you start a recovery

cheers kev

08-25-2012, 04:52 AM
I experienced this at the start of the year but my WBC was elevated. I was beyond freaked out! I went back for another test a month later (longest month ever) and all was back to normal. Lower than normal or higher is a sign that your body is fighting something and more often than not it is nothing serious, just a small virus or infection which we all get and which affects our WBC. Even stress can affect it. Throughout our lives our WBC will go up and down and generally we don't even know about it because we don't get blood tests all the time. Try to rest up, chill out (try your best but I know it's hard) and don't start googling your results!

08-25-2012, 08:45 AM
These counts vary a great deal as your system fights off things. Your body is very dynamic and don't get worked up over these things. It's normal after all. Alankay.

08-25-2012, 07:02 PM
I really do believe the WBC was a little low due to the virus you are fighting......try to hang in there, keep yourself super busy until it is time for the re check. I'm sure things will be fine.