View Full Version : New school year, hard classes, possible anxiety.

08-24-2012, 09:16 PM
The new school years coming up quick. I have a busy schedule with hard classes. This is going to be a fun year full of anxiety. Only two classes out of 7 with my girlfriend which means I acctually am going tohave to talk to people. Which means more anxiety. Great, sounds like fun!

08-25-2012, 02:54 AM
And the worst that can happen isssss????

Chill for gawd sakes... I'm sure there'll be some great peeps in your class.

08-25-2012, 05:06 PM
Hello VampirePanic!

You never know, you could meet a new best friend and many other people with great qualities you can talk to!!
I do know what you mean though however, I'm starting a new college, on my own and i know no one in my classes! :O
Whats on your side though is that you will have stuff in common with people, you share the same class = you share the same interests!
Honestly, you will be fine!! :D


08-25-2012, 05:28 PM
the main problem here is that you are already expecting the worst. You're starting the year with a really negative attitude and expectations that it will be full of anxiety. Try and start the year being positive, it's a new start, who knows what will happen. If you truly feel so crappy about it then seek some professional help to build your confidence and learn some coping mechanisms so that you start with the tools necessary for a great year. Also it seems you are relying on your gf a lot, you need to learn to be yourself and cope on your own. Having support is brilliant but reliance on others is not. Also you don't have to talk to people if you don't want to- being pleasant is enough. But who knows, you may make some new friends or maybe since your classes are hard you'll be too busy studying to socialise anyway.