View Full Version : Asking for meds?

08-24-2012, 02:37 PM
Have you ever done this? I'm not talking about things like Benzos or narcotics. I was recently officially diagnosised with a migarine disorder (it has been suspected for years, but now it's official)
I tried taking lamectil, but it made me drowzy and nauseiated the day after taking it, so I've stopped.
I read about a drug called Gabapentin that is perscribed for seizures, but has an off lable use as migraine prophylaxis with almost no side effects. I have a friend who takes it who says he feels great all the time (he used to be shy and anxious, but he's out going now, he takes it for seizures) and another family friend has reported the same results.
I want to at least try this drug, as it seems like it could help both of my conditions and cut down on the number of perscriptions I have to fill monthly (seriously, if I could get off SSRIs with this I would be so thankful)
How do I ask my neuro if I can try this? I'm worried that I'll sound like I'm a drug seeker. I don't want to go in or call her and be like "so yeah, I'd like to try this drug Gabapentin" I'd rather her suggest it, but should I just man up and ask?

I've been reading that Pfizer was sued for cherry picking results in the migraine treatment study, but the princible is the same, how do I ask for specific migraine meds?

08-24-2012, 02:56 PM
You could just ask for these specific drugs without having any fears of being "labeled, stereotyped or flagged" as a pillhead...Hopefully you'll tolerate the (gabapentin or carbamazepine) better then I did. I had (trigeminal neuralgia) which is much like migraines but only on (1) side of the head. The meds that I listed here made me forget where I even was, with an excrutiatingly painful headache that never went away. The only thing that worked as a painkiller were (benzos) so I can only hope your results are better then mine. IMHO its probably the (AD) that's giving you the fulltime headaches to begin with but thats just an opinion as thats about all they ever did for me anyway. Also, (norco, hydro, oxy) GIVES me headaches too so I'm ALL screwed up to begin with! They give me (ritalin) to take a nap...zzzzzzzzzz Go figure?

Enduronman. :)

08-24-2012, 03:05 PM
PS: Ginger, feverfew, and turmeric are a few naturals you could try before the others if you wanted an herbal alternative. Also, don't know if I should mention this or not...but I will, Cholcolate also has been found to lessen migraine pain too.. Not the "good tasting" chocolate, the dark nastyness kind...Yeah, there's a tradeoff...:/


08-24-2012, 03:09 PM
I've been using a combination of Caffine (in the form of coffee) an Imitrex to put down migraines when they pop up. If that doesn't work, I switch to Tylenol with Codeine.
I'm not looking for something as a PNR, but as prophylatic, which I've heard Gabapentin is.

08-24-2012, 03:26 PM
Yeah, I got Tyl3's also..none of these painkillers worked for me. I got enough here to start my own pharmacy. I just did a quick search on the (gabapentin) and pulled up the Wiki report. I hope you're ready for this "gabapentin does not appear superior to carbamazepine when used for neuropathic pain"...Man I hope you do better on this crap then I did..I think there's a couple bottles of that around here too as I only took (5) total carbamazepines and was lookin around my house for the kids in the photo on the fridge..My OWN kids from 10 years ago!! It was "weird" to say the least. THEN the Dr. told me "OH, YEAH..uhh they also use this in psych ward patients too"...WHAT?!! I'm prayin that they help you!!!


08-25-2012, 01:47 AM
never go for unprescribed med. ...discuss with doctor he will suggest the correct medicine ....dont ask him to prescribe ....he is a professional and he knows the addiction level ...otherwise from migraine disorder you will end up in drug addiction ,......

08-25-2012, 07:09 AM
that really isn't true. The only drugs that have been proven to work on migraines are Triptapans which are not addictive in the slightest.
drugs like gabapentin aren't really addictive either. they're addictive in the sense that SSRIs are addictive, but not recreational drugs.

but yeah I have an appointment in the next couple days. I have to do anti seizure meds because of some abnormality on an EEG, so it's a no go on the other stuff.

08-25-2012, 08:42 AM
Yanni, come right out and ask him for his thoughts and a trial of the med. Also ask about Pregabalin(Lyrica). It's used for GAD officially in Europe but no need to fear asking about meds. You are the patient and can advocate for yourself. He will explain why he won't rx it if that's the case. If he has no good reason, find another doc. You have every right to ask about other meds. People respond differently to them and if you're not doing well on what your taking, a trial of something else might be in order. Alankay

08-25-2012, 08:51 AM
while I might not have a problem asking for a drug like Imitrex, asking for something that's S5 in the US seems even more sketchy, even though it has a low potential for abuse.
however, something that could help the migraines and treat my anxiety would be great.

08-26-2012, 01:23 PM
So we ran into a bit of a problem.
I called up my school nurse and she said that they won't hold Schedueled drugs on school premesis. I asked her about Adderal. She said that they would hold that for an ADHD child. Adderal is SII. I'm pissed that I can't have Lyrica (S5) to control my MIGRAINES so I can be without PAIN and concrentrate but kids with ADHD can take amphetamines which are FAR more dangerous.
my neuro is perscribed Lyrica 3 times day, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and my school won't let me take it during my lunch.
what do I Do